# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe Slack::RealTime::Client do let(:ws) { double(Slack::RealTime::Concurrency::Mock::WebSocket, on: true) } before do # supports passing tests in CI even with an actual SLACK_API_TOKEN set @token = ENV.delete('SLACK_API_TOKEN') Slack::Config.reset Slack::RealTime::Config.reset Slack::RealTime.configure do |config| config.token = '' config.concurrency = Slack::RealTime::Concurrency::Mock end end after do ENV['SLACK_API_TOKEN'] = @token if @token end context 'token' do it 'defaults token to global default' do client = described_class.new expect(client.token).to eq '' expect(client.web_client.token).to eq '' end context 'with real time config' do before do described_class.configure do |config| config.token = 'custom real time token' end end it 'overrides token to real time config' do client = described_class.new expect(client.token).to eq 'custom real time token' expect(client.web_client.token).to eq 'custom real time token' end it 'overrides token to specific token' do client = described_class.new(token: 'local token') expect(client.token).to eq 'local token' expect(client.web_client.token).to eq 'local token' end end end context 'websocket_ping_timer' do context 'with defaults' do let(:client) { described_class.new } it 'defaults to websocket_ping / 2' do expect(client.websocket_ping_timer).to eq 15 end end context 'with websocket_ping value changed' do let(:client) { described_class.new(websocket_ping: 22) } it 'defaults to websocket_ping / 2' do expect(client.websocket_ping_timer).to eq 11 end end end context 'client with a full store', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect', allow_playback_repeats: true } do let(:client) { described_class.new(store_class: Slack::RealTime::Stores::Store) } let(:url) { 'wss://cerberus-xxxx.lb.slack-msgs.com/websocket/uid' } describe '#start!' do let(:socket) { double(Slack::RealTime::Socket, connected?: true) } before do allow(Slack::RealTime::Socket).to( receive(:new).with(url, { ping: 30, logger: Slack::Logger.default }).and_return(socket) ) allow(socket).to receive(:connect!) allow(socket).to receive(:start_sync) client.start! end describe 'properties provided upon connection' do it 'sets url' do expect(client.url).to eq url end it 'sets team' do expect(client.team.domain).to eq 'dblockdotorg' end it 'sets teams' do expect(client.teams.count).to eq 1 expect(client.teams.values.first).to eq client.team end it 'sets self' do expect(client.self.id).to eq 'U0J1GAHN1' end it 'sets user' do expect(client.users.count).to eq 1 expect(client.users.values.first['id']).to eq 'U0J1GAHN1' end it 'includes team name in to_s' do expect(client.to_s).to eq( "id=#{client.team.id}, name=#{client.team.name}, domain=#{client.team.domain}" ) end end it 'uses web client to fetch url' do expect(client.web_client).to be_a Slack::Web::Client end it 'remembers socket' do expect(client.instance_variable_get(:@socket)).to eq socket end it 'cannot be invoked twice' do expect do client.start! end.to raise_error Slack::RealTime::Client::ClientAlreadyStartedError end describe '#stop!' do before do allow(socket).to receive(:disconnect!) client.stop! end it 'cannot be invoked twice' do client.instance_variable_set(:@socket, nil) # caused by a :close callback expect do client.stop! end.to raise_error Slack::RealTime::Client::ClientNotStartedError end end describe '#next_id' do it 'increments' do previous_id = client.send(:next_id) expect(client.send(:next_id)).to eq previous_id + 1 end end context 'subclassed' do it 'runs event handlers' do event = Slack::RealTime::Event.new( 'type' => 'team_rename', 'name' => 'New Team Name Inc.' ) client.send(:dispatch, event) expect(client.store.team.name).to eq 'New Team Name Inc.' end end describe '#run_handlers' do context 'when store has no event hooks' do before do @events = client.store.class.events.dup client.store.class.events.clear end after do client.store.class.events.merge!(@events) end it 'returns empty array of handlers' do expect(client.send(:run_handlers, 'example', {})).to be_empty end end end end describe '#start_async' do let(:socket) { double(Slack::RealTime::Socket, connected?: true) } before do allow(Slack::RealTime::Socket).to( receive(:new).with(url, { ping: 30, logger: Slack::Logger.default }).and_return(socket) ) allow(socket).to receive(:connect!) allow(socket).to receive(:start_async) client.start_async end describe '#run_ping!' do it 'sends ping messages when the websocket connection is idle' do allow(socket).to receive(:time_since_last_message).and_return(30) expect(socket).to receive(:send_data).with('{"type":"ping","id":1}') client.run_ping! end it 'reconnects the websocket if it has been idle for too long' do allow(socket).to receive(:time_since_last_message).and_return(75) allow(socket).to receive(:connected?).and_return(true) expect(socket).to receive(:close) expect(socket).to receive(:restart_async) client.run_ping! end [ EOFError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::EPIPE, Faraday::ClientError, Slack::Web::Api::Errors::SlackError ].each do |err| context "raising #{err}" do it 'does not terminate the ping worker' do allow(socket).to receive(:time_since_last_message) { raise err } expect(socket).not_to receive(:send_data) client.run_ping! end end end context 'raising Slack::Web::Api::Errors::SlackError' do %w[invalid_auth account_inactive].each do |code| context code do it 'does not terminate the ping worker' do allow(socket).to receive(:time_since_last_message) { raise Slack::Web::Api::Errors::SlackError, code } expect(socket).not_to receive(:send_data) expect do client.run_ping! end.to raise_error Slack::Web::Api::Errors::SlackError, code end end end end end end describe 'to_s' do it 'defaults to class instance' do expect(client.to_s).to match(/^#$/) end end end context 'client with starter store', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect' } do let(:client) { described_class.new(store_class: Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter) } let(:url) { 'wss://cerberus-xxxx.lb.slack-msgs.com/websocket/uid' } describe '#start!' do let(:socket) { double(Slack::RealTime::Socket, connected?: true) } before do allow(Slack::RealTime::Socket).to( receive(:new).with(url, { ping: 30, logger: Slack::Logger.default }).and_return(socket) ) allow(socket).to receive(:connect!) allow(socket).to receive(:start_sync) client.start! end describe 'properties provided upon connection' do it 'sets url' do expect(client.url).to eq url end it 'sets team' do expect(client.team.domain).to eq 'dblockdotorg' end it 'sets self' do expect(client.self.id).to eq 'U0J1GAHN1' end it 'no teams' do expect(client.teams).to be_nil end it 'no users' do expect(client.users).to be_nil end it 'no bots' do expect(client.bots).to be_nil end it 'no public channels' do expect(client.public_channels).to be_nil end it 'no private channels' do expect(client.private_channels).to be_nil end it 'no ims' do expect(client.ims).to be_nil end it 'no mpims' do expect(client.mpims).to be_nil end it 'includes team name in to_s' do expect(client.to_s).to eq( "id=#{client.team.id}, name=#{client.team.name}, domain=#{client.team.domain}" ) end end it 'uses web client to fetch url' do expect(client.web_client).to be_a Slack::Web::Client end it 'remembers socket' do expect(client.instance_variable_get(:@socket)).to eq socket end it 'cannot be invoked twice' do expect do client.start! end.to raise_error Slack::RealTime::Client::ClientAlreadyStartedError end describe '#stop!' do before do allow(socket).to receive(:disconnect!) client.stop! end it 'cannot be invoked twice' do client.instance_variable_set(:@socket, nil) # caused by a :close callback expect do client.stop! end.to raise_error Slack::RealTime::Client::ClientNotStartedError end end describe '#next_id' do it 'increments' do previous_id = client.send(:next_id) expect(client.send(:next_id)).to eq previous_id + 1 end end end end context 'client with nil store', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect' } do let(:client) { described_class.new(store_class: nil) } let(:url) { 'wss://mpmulti-w5tz.slack-msgs.com/websocket/uid' } it 'sets store to nil' do expect(client.store).to be_nil end it "doesn't handle events" do event = Slack::RealTime::Event.new( 'type' => 'team_rename', 'name' => 'New Team Name Inc.' ) expect(client).not_to receive(:run_handlers) client.send(:dispatch, event) end it 'self' do expect(client.self).to be_nil end it 'team' do expect(client.team).to be_nil end describe 'to_s' do it 'defaults to class instance' do expect(client.to_s).to match(/^#$/) end end end context 'client with defaults' do let(:client) { described_class.new } describe '#initialize' do it 'sets ping' do expect(client.websocket_ping).to eq 30 end it "doesn't set proxy" do expect(client.websocket_proxy).to be_nil end it 'defaults logger' do expect(client.send(:logger)).to be_a ::Logger end it 'sets default store_class' do expect(client.send(:store_class)).to eq Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter end (Slack::RealTime::Config::ATTRIBUTES - %i[logger store_class token]).each do |key| it "sets #{key}" do expect(client.send(key)).to eq Slack::RealTime::Config.send(key) end end end describe '#run_ping?' do it 'returns true when websocket_ping is greater than 0' do client.websocket_ping = 30 expect(client.run_ping?).to be true end it 'returns false when websocket_ping is less than 1' do client.websocket_ping = 0 expect(client.run_ping?).to be false client.websocket_ping = nil expect(client.run_ping?).to be false end end end context 'with custom settings' do describe '#initialize' do Slack::RealTime::Config::ATTRIBUTES.each do |key| context key.to_s do let(:client) { described_class.new(key => 'custom') } it "sets #{key}" do expect(client.send(key)).not_to eq Slack::RealTime::Config.send(key) expect(client.send(key)).to eq 'custom' end end end end describe 'logger accessor' do let(:client) { described_class.new } it 'exposes public logger' do expect(client.logger).to be_a(::Logger) end it 'exposes public logger=' do expect { client.logger = nil }.not_to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end end context 'global config' do after do described_class.config.reset end let(:url) { 'wss://cerberus-xxxx.lb.slack-msgs.com/websocket/uid' } let(:client) { described_class.new } context 'ping' do before do described_class.configure do |config| config.websocket_ping = 15 end end describe '#initialize' do it 'sets ping' do expect(client.websocket_ping).to eq 15 end it 'creates a connection with custom ping', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect' } do expect(Slack::RealTime::Concurrency::Mock::WebSocket).to( receive(:new).with(url, nil, { ping: 15 }).and_return(ws) ) client.start! end it 'sets start_options' do expect(client.start_options).to eq(request: { timeout: 180 }) end end end context 'proxy' do before do described_class.configure do |config| config.websocket_proxy = { origin: 'http://username:password@proxy.example.com', headers: { 'User-Agent' => 'ruby' } } end end describe '#initialize' do it 'sets proxy' do expect(client.websocket_proxy).to eq( origin: 'http://username:password@proxy.example.com', headers: { 'User-Agent' => 'ruby' } ) end it 'creates a connection with custom proxy', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect' } do expect(Slack::RealTime::Concurrency::Mock::WebSocket).to receive(:new).with( url, nil, { ping: 30, proxy: { origin: 'http://username:password@proxy.example.com', headers: { 'User-Agent' => 'ruby' } } } ).and_return(ws) client.start! end end end context 'start_options' do before do described_class.configure do |config| config.start_options = { presence_sub: true } end end describe '#initialize' do it 'sets start_options' do expect(client.start_options).to eq(presence_sub: true) end context 'start!' do let(:socket) { double(Slack::RealTime::Socket, connected?: true) } before do allow(Slack::RealTime::Socket).to receive(:new).and_return(socket) allow(socket).to receive(:connect!) allow(socket).to receive(:start_sync) end it 'calls rtm.connect with start options', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect' } do expect(client.web_client).to( receive(:rtm_connect).with({ presence_sub: true }).and_call_original ) client.start! end end end end context 'store_class' do context 'when configured with Starter class' do before do described_class.configure do |config| config.store_class = Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter end end describe '#initialize' do it 'can override the configured store class' do client = described_class.new(store_class: Slack::RealTime::Stores::Store) expect(client.send(:store_class)).to eq Slack::RealTime::Stores::Store end it 'sets store_class' do expect(client.send(:store_class)).to eq(Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter) end context 'start!' do let(:socket) { double(Slack::RealTime::Socket, connected?: true) } before do allow(Slack::RealTime::Socket).to receive(:new).and_return(socket) allow(socket).to receive(:connect!) allow(socket).to receive(:start_sync) end it 'instantiates the correct store class', vcr: { cassette_name: 'web/rtm_connect' } do client.start! expect(client.store).to be_a Slack::RealTime::Stores::Starter end end end end end end end