module Lookbook # Helpers for rendering UI elements. # # These are available for use in documentation page templates # and custom preview inspector panel templates. # # @api public module UiElementsHelper # Render an icon. # # Lookbook uses icons from the [Lucide Icons]( set and # a full list of available icon names can be found on that site. # # @example # <%= icon :trash %> # <%= icon :camera, size: 6, style: "color: red;" %> # # @param name [Symbol, String] Name of the icon # @param opts [Hash] Options hash def icon(name, **opts) lookbook_render(:icon, name: name, **opts) end # Display a syntax-highlighted block of code. # # An alternative to using markdown code blocks for templates that have # markdown parsing disabled, or for when more control is required. # # @param language [Symbol] Which language the code is written in # @param opts [Hash] Options hash # @param block [Proc] Code block def code(language = :html, **opts, &block) opts[:language] ||= language lookbook_render :code, **opts, &block end # @api private def prose(**opts, &block) lookbook_render(:prose, **opts, &block) end # @api private def lookbook_tag(tag = :div, **attrs, &block) lookbook_render(:tag, tag: tag, **attrs, &block) end # @api private def lookbook_render(ref, **attrs, &block) comp = if ref.is_a? ViewComponent::Base ref else klass = component_class(ref) attrs.key?(:content) ?**attrs.except(:content)).with_content(attrs[:content]) :**attrs) end if block && !attrs.key?(:content) public_send render_method_name, comp, &block else public_send render_method_name, comp end end private COMPONENT_CLASSES = {} # cache for constantized references # @api private def render_method_name if Rails.application.config.view_component.render_monkey_patch_enabled || Rails.version.to_f >= 6.1 :render else :render_component end end # @api private def component_class(ref) klass = COMPONENT_CLASSES[ref] if klass.nil? ref ="-", "_") class_namespace = ref.camelize begin klass = "Lookbook::#{class_namespace}::Component".constantize rescue klass = "Lookbook::#{class_namespace}Component".constantize end COMPONENT_CLASSES[ref] = klass end klass end end end