require 'spec_helper' require 'howitzer/web_page' require 'howitzer/capybara/settings' describe "WebPage" do describe ".open" do let(:url_value) { "" } let(:retryable) { double } let(:check_correct_page_loaded) { double } let(:other_instance) { WebPage.instance } subject { } it do expect(log).to receive(:info).with("Open WebPage page by '' url").once.ordered expect(WebPage).to receive(:retryable).ordered.once.and_call_original expect(WebPage).to receive(:visit).with(url_value).once.ordered expect(WebPage).to receive(:given).once.ordered subject end end describe ".given" do subject { WebPage.given } before do expect(WebPage).to receive(:wait_for_opened).with(no_args).once allow_any_instance_of(WebPage).to receive(:check_validations_are_defined!){ true } end it { expect(subject.class).to eql(WebPage) } end describe ".title" do let(:page) { double } subject { WebPage.instance.title } before do allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:current_url) { "" } end it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:title) subject end end describe ".url" do let(:page) { double } subject { WebPage.url } it do expect(WebPage).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:current_url) { "" } expect(subject).to eq("") end end describe ".current_url" do let(:page) { double } subject { WebPage.current_url } it do expect(WebPage).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:current_url) { "" } expect(subject).to eq("") end end describe ".text" do let(:page) { double } let(:find) { double } subject { WebPage.text } it do expect(WebPage).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:find).with('body') { find } expect(find).to receive(:text) { "some body text" } expect(subject).to eq("some body text") end end describe ".current_page" do subject { WebPage.current_page } context "when matched_pages has no pages" do before { allow(WebPage).to receive(:matched_pages){ [] } } it { expect(subject).to eq(WebPage::UnknownPage) } end context "when matched_pages has more than 1 page" do let(:foo_page) { double(inspect: "FooPage") } let(:bar_page) { double(inspect: "BarPage") } before do allow(WebPage).to receive(:current_url) { '' } allow(WebPage).to receive(:title) { 'Test site' } allow(WebPage).to receive(:matched_pages){ [foo_page, bar_page] } end it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with( Howitzer::AmbiguousPageMatchingError, "Current page matches more that one page class (FooPage, BarPage).\n\tCurrent url:\n\tCurrent title: Test site" ).once subject end end context "when matched_pages has only 1 page" do let(:foo_page) { double(to_s: "FooPage") } before { allow(WebPage).to receive(:matched_pages){ [foo_page] } } it { expect(subject).to eq(foo_page) } end end describe ".wait_for_opened" do subject { WebPage.wait_for_opened } context "when page is opened" do before { allow(WebPage).to receive(:opened?) { true } } it { expect(subject).to be_nil } end context "when page is not opened" do before do allow(WebPage).to receive(:current_page) { 'FooPage' } allow(WebPage).to receive(:current_url) { '' } allow(WebPage).to receive(:title) { 'Test site' } allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_small) { 0.1 } allow(WebPage).to receive(:opened?) { false } end it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with( Howitzer::IncorrectPageError, "Current page: FooPage, expected: WebPage.\n\tCurrent url:\n\tCurrent title: Test site" ) subject end end end describe "inherited callback" do let!(:page_class) do Howitzer::Utils::PageValidator.instance_variable_set(:@pages, []) end it { expect(Howitzer::Utils::PageValidator.pages).to eq([page_class]) } it "can not be instantiated with new" do expect { }.to raise_error(NoMethodError, "private method `new' called for #{page_class}") end end describe "#tinymce_fill_in" do subject { WebPage.instance.tinymce_fill_in(name,options) } let(:name) { 'name' } let(:options) { {with: "some content"} } before do allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:current_url) { "" } allow(settings).to receive(:driver) { driver_name } end context "when correct driver specified" do let(:driver_name) { 'selenium' } let(:page) { double } let(:driver) { double } let(:browser) { double } let(:switch_to) { double } let(:find) { double } let(:native) { double } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page).exactly(3).times { page } expect(page).to receive(:driver).ordered { driver } expect(driver).to receive(:browser).ordered { browser } expect(browser).to receive(:switch_to).ordered { switch_to } expect(switch_to).to receive(:frame).with("name_ifr").once expect(page).to receive(:find).with(:css, '#tinymce').ordered { find } expect(find).to receive(:native).ordered { native } expect(native).to receive(:send_keys).with("some content").once expect(page).to receive(:driver) { driver } expect(driver).to receive(:browser) { browser } expect(browser).to receive(:switch_to) { switch_to } expect(switch_to).to receive(:default_content) subject end end context "when incorrect driver specified" do let(:driver_name) { 'ff' } let(:page) { double } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:execute_script).with("tinyMCE.get('name').setContent('some content')") subject end end end describe "#click_alert_box" do subject { WebPage.instance.click_alert_box(flag_value) } before do allow(settings).to receive(:driver) { driver_name } allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_tiny) { 0 } allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:current_url) { "" } end context "when flag true and correct driver specified" do let(:flag_value) { true } let(:page) { double } let(:alert) { double } let(:driver) { double } let(:browser) { double } let(:switch_to) { double } let(:driver_name) { 'selenium' } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:driver).ordered { driver } expect(driver).to receive(:browser).ordered { browser } expect(browser).to receive(:switch_to).ordered { switch_to } expect(switch_to).to receive(:alert).ordered { alert } expect(alert).to receive(:accept).once subject end end context "when flag false and correct driver specified" do let(:flag_value) { false } let(:page) { double } let(:alert) { double } let(:driver) { double } let(:browser) { double } let(:switch_to) { double } let(:driver_name) { 'selenium' } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:driver).ordered { driver } expect(driver).to receive(:browser).ordered { browser } expect(browser).to receive(:switch_to).ordered { switch_to } expect(switch_to).to receive(:alert).ordered { alert } expect(alert).to receive(:dismiss).once subject end end context "when flag true and wrong driver specified" do let(:flag_value) { true } let(:page) { double } let(:driver_name) { 'ff' } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:evaluate_script).with('window.confirm = function() { return true; }') subject end end context "when flag false and wrong driver specified" do let(:driver_name) { 'ff' } let(:flag_value) { false } let(:page) { double } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:evaluate_script).with('window.confirm = function() { return false; }') subject end end end describe "#js_click" do subject { WebPage.instance.js_click(".some_class") } before do allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_tiny) { 0.1 } allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:current_url) { "" } end let(:page) { double } it do expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:page) { page } expect(page).to receive(:execute_script).with("$('.some_class').trigger('click')") subject end end describe "#wait_for_title" do subject { WebPage.instance.wait_for_title(expected_title) } before do allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_small) { 0.1 } allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:title) { "title" } end context "when title equals expected title" do let(:expected_title) { "title" } it do expect(subject).to be_true end end context "when title not equals expected title" do let(:expected_title) { "bad title" } let(:error) { Howitzer::IncorrectPageError } let(:error_message) { "Current title: title, expected: bad title" } it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with(error,error_message).once.and_call_original expect { subject }.to raise_error(error) end end end describe "#wait_for_url" do subject { WebPage.instance.wait_for_url(expected_url) } before do allow(settings).to receive(:timeout_small) { 0.1 } allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:current_url) { "" } end context "when current_url equals expected_url" do let(:expected_url) { "" } it { expect(subject).to be_true } end context "when current_url not equals expected_url" do let(:expected_url) { "bad_url" } let(:error) { Howitzer::IncorrectPageError } let(:error_message) { "Current url:, expected: #{expected_url}" } it do expect(log).to receive(:error).with(error, error_message).once.and_call_original expect { subject }.to raise_error(error) end end end describe "#reload" do let(:wait_for_url) { double } subject { WebPage.instance.reload } let(:visit) { double } let(:webpage) { double } before do allow(WebPage.instance).to receive(:current_url) { "" } stub_const("WebPage::URL_PATTERN",'pattern') allow(wait_for_url).to receive('pattern').and_return { true } end it do expect(log).to receive(:info) { "Reload '' " } expect(WebPage.instance).to receive(:visit).with("") subject end end end