require 'billme' Billme.bill do number "2016-1-1" filename "Bill printout" company do logo "logo.png" company_name "Enterprise LLC" company_address "The Neutral Zone 123" company_city "Beta Quadrant" company_country "Universe" company_phone "+ 123 123 123 1" company_email "" end client do project_name "Battle engagement" name "Federation" date "2015-05-05" due_date "2015-06-05" bill_date "2015-06-01" address "Earth" email "" vat "1234567891011" end services do tax "0.25" currency "$" service do name "Engage Romulans" description "Warmup for battle" unit "1000" quantity "1" end service do name "Rescue mission" description "Rescue captive away teams" unit "2000" quantity "2" end end other do notice "A finance charge of 1.5% will be made on unpaid balances after 30 days." footer "Invoice was created on a computer and is valid without the signature and seal." end end