// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // portions copyright @2009 Apple Inc. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== /*global module test htmlbody ok equals same */ htmlbody(''); (function() { var appleURL='http://photos4.meetupstatic.com/photos/event/4/6/9/9/600_4518073.jpeg'; var pane = SC.ControlTestPane.design() .add("image_not_loaded", SC.ImageView, { value: appleURL, layout : {width: 200, height: 300} }) .add("image_loaded", SC.ImageView, { value: appleURL, status:'loaded', layout : {width: 200, height: 300} }); pane.show(); module('SC.ImageView ui', pane.standardSetup()); test("Verify that all the rendering properties of an image that is being loaded are correct", function() { ok(pane.view('image_not_loaded').get('isVisibleInWindow'), 'image_not_loaded is visible in window'); ok((pane.view('image_not_loaded').$().attr('src').indexOf('blank.gif')!=-1), "The src should be set to the blank URL."); }); test("Verify that all the rendering properties of an image that is loaded are correct", function() { ok(pane.view('image_loaded').get('isVisibleInWindow'), 'image_loaded is visible in window'); equals(pane.view('image_loaded').$().attr('src'), appleURL, "should be the same url"); }); test("Verify that the tooltip is correctly being set as both the title and attribute (disabling localization for this test)", function() { var imageView = pane.view('image_loaded'); var testToolTip = 'This is a test tooltip'; SC.RunLoop.begin(); imageView.set('localization', NO); imageView.set('toolTip', testToolTip); SC.RunLoop.end(); ok((imageView.$().attr('title') === testToolTip), "The title attribute should be set to \"" + testToolTip + "\""); ok((imageView.$().attr('alt') === testToolTip), "The alt attribute should be set to \"" + testToolTip + "\""); }); })();