## v0.4.1 2015-04-04 ### Added * Database error handling for update and delete commands (kwando + solnic) * Migration interface as a repository plugin (gotar + solnic) [Compare v0.4.0...v0.4.1](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.4.0...v0.4.1) ## v0.4.0 2015-03-22 ### Added * `ROM::SQL::Relation` which explictly defines an interface on top of Sequel (solnic + mcls) * Postgres-specific Create and Update commands that support RETURNING (gotar + solnic) * `Update#change` interface for skipping execution when there's no diff (solnic) * Experimental migration API using sequel/migrations (gotar) * Pagination plugin (solnic) * Allow reuse of established Sequel connections (splattael) ### Changed * Use ROM's own inflector which uses either ActiveSupport or Inflecto backends (mjtko) ### Fixed * Indentation in Rails logger (morgoth) [Compare v0.3.2...v0.4.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.3.2...v0.4.0) ## v0.3.2 2015-01-01 ### Fixed * Checking tuple count in commands (solnic) [Compare v0.3.1...v0.3.2](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.3.1...v0.3.2) ## v0.3.1 2014-12-31 ### Added * `Adapter#disconnect` (solnic) * Support for extra connection options (solnic) [Compare v0.3.0...v0.3.1](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1) ## v0.3.0 2014-12-19 ### Changed * `association_join` now uses Sequel's `graph` interface which qualifies columns automatically (solnic) * Delete command returns deleted tuples (solnic) [Compare v0.2.0...v0.3.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.2.0...v0.3.0) ## v0.2.0 2014-12-06 ### Added * Command API (solnic) * Support for ActiveSupport::Notifications with a log subscriber (solnic) * New `ROM::SQL::Adapter#dataset?(name)` checking if a given table exists (solnic) [Compare v0.1.1...v0.2.0](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.1.1...v0.2.0) ## v0.1.1 2014-11-24 ### Fixed * Equalizer in header (solnic) ### Changed * minor refactor in adapter (solnic) [Compare v0.1.0...v0.1.1](https://github.com/rom-rb/rom-sql/compare/v0.1.0...v0.1.1) ## v0.1.0 2014-11-24 First release powered by Sequel