FROM ruby:2.6.4-alpine3.10 MAINTAINER Timeboard # We need the following: # - fcgiwrap, because that is how nginx does CGI # ----- IMPORTANT NOTE: This is custom build fcgiwrap package to account for NO_BUFFERING option. # ----- Original fcgiwrap: # ----- Custom fcgiwrap: # - git and git-daemon, because that gets us the git-http-backend CGI script # - ruby, to run smartcloud gem # - spawn-fcgi, to launch fcgiwrap and to create the unix socket COPY fcgiwrap /root/apk-packages/fcgiwrap RUN apk add fcgiwrap --repository /root/apk-packages/fcgiwrap/packages/main --allow-untrusted && \ rm -rf /root/apk-packages RUN apk add --update coreutils && \ apk add --update util-linux && \ apk add --update docker && \ apk add --update git && \ apk add --update git-daemon && \ apk add --update spawn-fcgi && \ rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* # Setting up group and user # - envs ARG USER_NAME ARG USER_UID ARG DOCKER_GID # - fix to change gid of 999 to 99 so that addgroup is free to create a group with 999 as gid # - Create group & user. Then add user to group RUN sed -i "s/999/99/" /etc/group && \ adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" --uid $USER_UID $USER_NAME && \ adduser $USER_NAME docker USER "$USER_NAME" WORKDIR "/home/$USER_NAME/.smartcloud/grids/grid-runner/apps" # Generating entrypoint file RUN echo -e '#!/bin/sh\n\ gem install --no-document smartcloud\n\ exec "$@"' >> "/home/$(whoami)/entrypoint"; chmod +x "/home/$(whoami)/entrypoint" # Set entrypoint ENTRYPOINT "/home/$(whoami)/entrypoint" CMD ["spawn-fcgi", "-n", "-p", "9000", "/usr/bin/fcgiwrap", "-f"]