# # There should be one communicator per system that handles the interface interfaces # This will pass on registered status requirements and call functions as requested # # Interfaces will have to have a base class that abstracts the event machine code so that # nothing runs on the reactor thread. # module AutomateEm class Communicator def initialize(system) @system = system @command_lock = Mutex.new @status_lock = Mutex.new @status_register = {} @connected_interfaces = {} @shutdown = true end def logger @system.logger end def shutdown @status_lock.synchronize { @shutdown = true @system.modules.each_value do |mod| mod.instance.delete_observer(self) end @status_register = {} @connected_interfaces.each_key do |soc| soc.shutdown end } logger.debug "-- Communicator shutdown" end def start(nolog = false) # Logging isn't active for the very first of these @status_lock.synchronize { @shutdown = false } logger.debug "-- Communicator started" unless nolog end # # Systems avaliable to this user # def self.system_list(user) response = {:ids => [], :names => []} if user.class == User user.control_systems.select('control_systems.id, control_systems.name').each do |controller| if !!System[controller.name.to_sym] response[:ids] << controller.id response[:names] << controller.name end end # We ignore token requests here as they should know the system they can connect to end return response end # # Set the system to communicate with # Up to interfaces to maintain stability here (They should deal with errors) # def self.select(user, interface, system) System.logger.debug "-- Interface #{interface.class} attempting to select system #{system}" if system == 0 return nil unless user[:system_admin] System.communicator.attach(interface) else sys = nil if user.class == User sys = user.control_systems.select('control_systems.name').where('control_systems.id = ? AND control_systems.active = ?', system.to_i, true).first elsif user.class == TrustedDevice && user.control_system_id == system.to_i sys = User.find(user.user_id).control_systems.select('control_systems.name, control_systems.active').where('control_systems.id = ?', system.to_i).first if sys.nil? # # Kill comms, this key is not valid # Invalidate key # user.expires = Time.now user.save interface.shutdown return nil elsif sys.active == false # # System offline... Disconnect # return false end end system = sys.nil? ? nil : sys.name.to_sym if System[system].nil? interface.shutdown #kill comms return nil end System.logger.debug "-- Interface #{interface.class} selected system #{system}" return System[system].communicator.attach(interface) end end # # Keep track of connected systems # def disconnected(interface) @status_lock.synchronize { status_array = @connected_interfaces.delete(interface) status_array.each do |status_hash| status_hash.delete(interface) end # # TODO::Refactor required # This still isn't perfect as we could be observing modules we are not using... # } logger.debug "-- Interface #{interface.class} disconnected" unless logger.nil? end # # Keep track of status events # def register(interface, mod, status, &block) mod_sym = mod.class == String ? mod.to_sym : mod # remember the symbol used by the interface to reference this module status = status.to_sym if status.class == String if @system.modules[mod_sym].present? mod = @system.modules[mod_sym].instance # most efficient theVal = nil @status_lock.synchronize { @status_register[mod] ||= {} @status_register[mod][status] ||= {} @status_register[mod][status][interface] = mod_sym @connected_interfaces[interface] << @status_register[mod][status] unless @connected_interfaces[interface].nil? theVal = mod[status] } mod.add_observer(self) logger.debug "-- Interface #{interface.class} registered #{mod_sym}:#{status}" # # Send the status to this requestor! # This is the same as in update # if !theVal.nil? begin function = "#{mod_sym.to_s.downcase}_#{status}_changed".to_sym if interface.respond_to?(function) interface.__send__(function, theVal) else interface.notify(mod_sym, status, theVal) end rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(logger, e, { :message => "in communicator.rb, register : bad interface or user module code", :level => Logger::ERROR }) end end else logger.warn "in communicator.rb, register : #{interface.class} called register on a bad module name" block.call() unless block.nil? # Block will inform of any errors end rescue => e begin AutomateEm.print_error(logger, e, { :message => "in communicator.rb, register : #{interface.class} failed to register #{mod.inspect}.#{status.inspect}", :level => Logger::ERROR }) block.call() unless block.nil? # Block will inform of any errors rescue => x AutomateEm.print_error(logger, x, { :message => "in communicator.rb, register : #{interface.class} provided a bad block", :level => Logger::WARN }) end ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end def unregister(interface, mod, status, &block) mod_sym = mod.to_sym if mod.class == String status = status.to_sym if status.class == String mod = @system.modules[mod_sym].instance logger.debug "Interface #{interface.class} unregistered #{mod_sym}:#{status}" @status_lock.synchronize { @status_register[mod] ||= {} @status_register[mod][status] ||= {} @status_register[mod][status].delete(interface) @connected_interfaces[interface].delete(@status_register[mod][status]) unless @connected_interfaces[interface].nil? # # TODO:: deleteing the observer will delete all status updates # This needs to be more selective. # We only delete the observer if all the mod[status]'s are empty # #if @status_register[mod][status].empty? # mod.delete_observer(self) #end } rescue => e logger.warn "in communicator.rb, unregister : #{interface.class} called unregister when it was not needed" #logger.warn e.message #logger.warn e.backtrace begin block.call() if !block.nil? # Block will inform of any errors rescue => x AutomateEm.print_error(logger, x, { :message => "in communicator.rb, unregister : #{interface.class} provided a bad block", :level => Logger::WARN }) end end def update(mod, status, data) @status_lock.synchronize { return if @status_register[mod].nil? || @status_register[mod][status].nil? # # Interfaces should implement the notify function # Or a function for that particular event # @status_register[mod][status].each_pair do |interface, mod| EM.defer do # to avoid deadlock begin function = "#{mod.to_s.downcase}_#{status}_changed".to_sym if interface.respond_to?(function) # Can provide a function to deal with status updates interface.__send__(function, data) else interface.notify(mod, status, data) end rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(logger, e, { :message => "in communicator.rb, update : bad interface or user module code", :level => Logger::ERROR }) ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end end end } rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(logger, e, { :message => "in communicator.rb, update : This should never happen", :level => Logger::ERROR }) end # # Pass commands to the selected system # def send_command(mod, command, *args, &block) # # Accept String, argument array # String # mod = mod.to_sym if mod.class == String logger.debug "-- Command requested #{mod}.#{command}(#{args})" begin @command_lock.synchronize { @system.modules[mod].instance.public_send(command, *args) # Not send string however call function command } rescue => e AutomateEm.print_error(logger, e, { :message => "module #{mod} in communicator.rb, send_command : command unavaliable or bad module code", :level => Logger::WARN }) begin block.call() unless block.nil? # Block will inform of any errors rescue => x AutomateEm.print_error(logger, x, { :message => "in communicator.rb, send_command : interface provided bad block", :level => Logger::ERROR }) end ensure ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! end end def attach(interface) @status_lock.synchronize { return nil if @shutdown || interface.nil? @connected_interfaces[interface] = [] unless @connected_interfaces.include?(interface) } return self end protected def unregister_all(interface) # TODO:: Important to stop memory leaks end end end