// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('Core') ; require('foundation/responder'); require('panes/pane'); // The window global object is automatically setup for each window that you // load. Window listens for mouse and keyboard events and routes them to the // first responder. Using the firstResponder method you can control who gets // to respond to keyboard events. SC.window = SC.PaneView.extend({ // This finds the first view responding to the event. firstViewForEvent: function(evt) { var el = Event.element(evt) ; while(el && (el != document) && (!el._configured)) el = el.parentNode ; if (el) el = SC.View.findViewForElement(el) ; if (el == this) el = null ; return el ; }, // ........................................................................ // Window Size/Resizing // innerFrame: function() { return this.frame(); }.property('frame'), clippingFrame: function() { return this.frame(); }.property('frame'), scrollFrame: function() { return this.frame(); }.property('frame'), frame: function() { var size = this.get('size') ; return { x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height } ; }.property('size'), // this returns the size of the window, possibly reading it from the browser // if needed. size: function() { if (!this._size) { if (window.innerHeight) { this._size = { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight }; } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { this._size = { width: document.documentElement.clientWidth, height: document.documentElement.clientHeight }; } else if (document.body) { this._size = { width: document.body.clientWidth, height: document.body.clientHeight }; } } return this._size ; }.property(), autoresizesChildViews: true, _onresize: function(evt) { var oldSize = Object.clone(this.get('size')) ; this._size = null ; var newSize = this.get('size') ; if ((newSize.width != oldSize.width) || (newSize.height != oldSize.height)) { this.resizeChildrenWithOldSize(oldSize) ; } }, // ........................................................................ // Keyboard Handling // _lastModifiers: null, _handleModifierChanges: function(evt) { //console.debug('_lastModifiers: %o', this._lastModifiers); // if the modifier keys have changed, then notify the first responder. var m = this._lastModifiers = this._lastModifiers || { alt: false, ctrl: false, shift: false }; var changed = false; if (evt.altKey != m.alt) { m.alt = evt.altKey; changed=true; } if (evt.ctrlKey != m.ctrl) { m.ctrl = evt.ctrlKey; changed=true; } if (evt.shiftKey != m.shift) { m.shift = evt.shiftKey; changed=true;} if (changed) { evt._type = 'flagsChanged'; evt._modifiers = m; SC.app.sendEvent( evt ); } }, // this one gets called once when the key is down. We use this to handle // function and non-printable keys. (i.e. if a modifier key is pressed or // we can map to some non-printable set of keycodes.) _onkeydown: function(evt) { // modifier keys are handled separately by the 'flagsChanged' event this._handleModifierChanges(evt); if (this._isModifierKey(evt)) return; if (!this._isFunctionOrNonPrintableKey(evt)) return true; // let normal browser processing do its thing. return this._sendEvent('keyDown', evt); }, // this one gets used for all the other keys not handled by key down. _onkeypress: function(evt) { if (this._isFunctionOrNonPrintableKey(evt)) return; // handled in _onkeydown if (evt.charCode != undefined && evt.charCode == 0) return; return this._sendEvent('keyDown', evt); }, _onkeyup: function(evt) { // modifier keys are handled separately by the 'flagsChanged' event this._handleModifierChanges(evt); if (this._isModifierKey(evt)) return; return this._sendEvent('keyUp', evt); }, _sendEvent: function( sctype, evt ) { evt._type = sctype; evt._stopWhenHandled = (evt._stopWhenHandled !== undefined) ? evt._stopWhenHandled : true; var handler = SC.app.sendEvent( evt ); if (handler && evt._stopWhenHandled) { Event.stop(evt); return false; } else { return true; } }, // util code factored out of keypress and keydown handlers _isFunctionOrNonPrintableKey: function( evt ) { return !!(evt.altKey || evt.ctrlKey || SC.FUNCTION_KEYS[evt.keyCode]); }, _isModifierKey: function( evt ) { return !!SC.MODIFIER_KEYS[evt.keyCode]; }, // ........................................................................ // Mouse Handling // // Mouse clicks are routed to the target view. // _mouseDownView: null, _clickCount: 0, _lastMouseUpAt: null, dragDidStart: function(drag) { this._mouseDownView = drag ; }, _onmousedown: function(evt) { // make sure the view gets focus no matter what. FF is inconsistant // about this. this._onfocus(); // first, save the click count. Click count resets if your down is // more than 125msec after you last click up. this._clickCount = this._clickCount + 1 ; if (!this._lastMouseUpAt || ((Date.now() - this._lastMouseUpAt) > 200)) { this._clickCount = 1 ; } evt.clickCount = this._clickCount ; evt._type = 'mouseDown'; evt._stopWhenHandled = (evt._stopWhenHandled !== undefined) ? evt._stopWhenHandled : true; this._mouseDownView = SC.app.sendEvent( evt ); if (this._mouseDownView && evt._stopWhenHandled) { Event.stop(evt); } // find the view to handle the mouseDown. go up the chain till you find // one that implements didMouseDown or mouseDown && returns true. /* var view = this.firstViewForEvent(evt) ; var handled = false ; while(view && (view != this) && !handled) { var func = view.mouseDown || view.didMouseDown; if (func) handled = func.call(view, evt) ; if (!handled) view = view.get('nextResponder'); } if (view == this) view = null; this._mouseDownView = view ; if (handled) Event.stop(evt) ; */ }, // mouseUp only gets delivered to the view that handled the mouseDown evt. // we also handle click and double click notifications through here to // ensure consistant delivery. Note that if mouseDownView is not // implemented, then no mouseUp event will be sent, but a click will be // send. _onmouseup: function(evt) { var handler = null; this._lastMouseUpAt = Date.now(); // record click count. evt.clickCount = this._clickCount ; // attempt the mouseup call only if there's a target. // don't want a mouseup going to anyone unless they handled the mousedown... if (this._mouseDownView) { evt._type = 'mouseUp'; handler = SC.app.sendEvent(evt, this._mouseDownView); } // no one handled the mouseup... try doubleclick... if (!handler && (this._clickCount == 2)) { evt._type = 'doubleClick'; handler = SC.app.sendEvent(evt, this._mouseDownView); } // no one handled the doubleclick... try click... if (!handler) { evt._type = 'click'; handler = SC.app.sendEvent(evt, this._mouseDownView); } this._mouseDownView = null; }, _lastHovered: null, // this will sent mouseOver, mouseOut, and mouseMoved to the views you // hover over. To receive these events, you must implement the method. // If any subviews implement them and return true, then you won't receive // any notices. // // if there is a target mouseDown view, then mouse moved events will also // trigger calls to mouseDragged. // _onmousemove: function(evt) { // make sure the view gets focus no matter what. FF is inconsistant // about this. this._onfocus(); var lh = this._lastHovered || [] ; var nh = [] ; var view = this.firstViewForEvent(evt) ; // work up the view chain. Notify of mouse entered and // mouseMoved if implemented. while(view && (view != this)) { var entered = view.mouseOver || view.didMouseOver || view.mouseEntered; var moved = view.mouseMoved || view.mouseDidMove ; if (lh.include(view)) { if (moved) moved.call(view,evt) ; nh.push(view) ; } else { if (entered) entered.call(view,evt) ; nh.push(view) ; } view = view.get('nextResponder'); } // now find those views last hovered over that were no longer found // in this chain and notify of mouseExited. for(var loc=0; loc < lh.length; loc++) { view = lh[loc] ; var exited = view.mouseOut || view.didMouseOut || view.mouseExited ; if (exited && !nh.include(view)) exited.call(view, evt) ; } this._lastHovered = nh; // also, if a mouseDownView exists, call the mouseDragged action, if it // exists. if (this._mouseDownView && this._mouseDownView.mouseDragged) { this._mouseDownView.mouseDragged(evt) ; } }, // remove event observers. _onunload: function() { this._listenerCache.each(function(e){ Event.stopObserving.apply(Event, e) ; }); }, _onfocus: function() { if (!this._hasFocus) { this._hasFocus = YES ; this.addClassName('focus') ; this.removeClassName('blur') ; } }, _onblur: function() { if (this._hasFocus) { this._hasFocus = NO ; this.removeClassName('focus') ; this.addClassName('blur'); } }, _hasFocus: NO, _EVTS: ['mousedown', 'mouseup', 'click', 'dblclick', 'keydown', 'keyup', 'keypress', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'resize', 'unload', 'focus', 'blur'], _listenerCache: [], setup: function() { // setup event listeners for window. var win = this ; win._EVTS.each(function(e) { var func = win['_on' + e] ; var target = (SC.isIE() && (e != 'resize')) ? document : window ; if (func) { var f = func.bindAsEventListener(win) ; Event.observe(target, e, f) ; win._listenerCache.push([target, e, f]) ; } }); this.get('size') ; // fetch the size from the window and save it. this.set('isVisibleInWindow', true) ; this._onfocus() ; } }).viewFor($tag('body')) ; // events: // window.onfocus -- // notify all views that they now have window focus. // window.onblur -- // notify all views that they no longer have window focus. // element.onfocus/element.onblur -- // when a field gains focus, it should become first responder. Other // elements should become first responder when you click on them. // window.onresize -- // call the resize code on the views to tell them their parent views resized. // -- we should have a root view that is the window. // window.onscroll -- // call the scroll code on the root view. // element.onscroll -- // call the scroll code on the element. // window.onunload -- // call this on all views? to let them unload.... // document.onclick -- // document.ondblclick -- // these events are ignored (actually, they are eaten) by the window object. // click and double click events are handled by the mouseUp handler so that // we can avoid calling click if mouseUp is handled by someone. // document.onmousedown -- // document.onmouseup -- // find the target element and work your way up the DOM hierarchy until you // find Views to handle the click. // document.onmousemove -- // document.onmouseover -- // document.onmouseout -- // use these events to simulate mouseover and mouseout on views. Find the // target element and work you way up the hierarchy until you find a view // that responds to these events. // // also we should have some generic handlers in the window object that you // can use to be notified when the mouse enters and leaves the window in // general. // formelement.onchange // use to trigger a value change on the form field element. // form.onreset // um, do nothing? button will handle action directly. // form.onsubmit // disable so that AJAX code can takeover. // document.onkeydown -- // document.onkeypress -- // document.onkeyup -- // notify the firstResponder and work up the chain until someone handles the // keypress. You can have a defaultResponder, which gets the keypress if // no one else does. First normalize key info. // img.onerror -- // this should call some handler function in the ImageView.