// SASSY MODULAR-SCALE // https://github.com/scottkellum/modular-scale // Ratios $golden: 1.618 $gold: $golden $octave: (2 / 1) $major-seventh: (15 / 8) $minor-seventh: (16 / 9) $major-sixth: (5 / 3) $minor-sixth: (8 / 5) $fifth: (3 / 2) $fourth: (4 / 3) $major-third: (5 / 4) $minor-third: (6 / 5) $major-second: (9 / 8) $minor-second: (16 / 15) // Defaults $ratio: $golden !default $base-size: 12px !default $property: font-size !default $class-slug: ms !default // Modular Scale function @function modular-scale($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // return the $base-size if $multiple is zero @if $multiple == 0 @if type-of($base-size) == 'list' $base-size: sort-list($base-size) @return nth($base-size, 1) // return just the simple $base-size value if it's not a list @return $base-size // if multiple base-sizes are passed in as a list // and multiple ratios are passed in as a list // calculate values in using each base-size / ratio combination @if type-of($base-size) == 'list' and type-of($ratio) == 'list' @if unit(ms-multibase-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio)) == 'px' @return round(ms-multibase-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio)) @return ms-multibase-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // if multiple base-sizes are passed in as a list // calculate values in using each base-size @if type-of($base-size) == 'list' and type-of($ratio) == 'number' @if unit(ms-multibase($multiple, $base-size, $ratio)) == 'px' @return round(ms-multibase($multiple, $base-size, $ratio)) @return ms-multibase($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // if multiple ratios are passed in as a list // calculate values in using each ratio @if type-of($base-size) == 'number' and type-of($ratio) == 'list' @if unit(ms-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio)) == 'px' @return round(ms-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio)) @return ms-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // If there are no lists just run the simple function @if unit(exponent($ratio, $multiple) * $base-size) == 'px' @return round(exponent($ratio, $multiple) * $base-size) @return exponent($ratio, $multiple) * $base-size // calculate values in using each base-size / ratio combination @function ms-multibase-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // start with an empty list to place all values in $scale-values: () // make sure base sizes are in ascending order $base-size: sort-list($base-size) // take each base-size in turn $k: 1 @while $k <= length($base-size) // add each $base-size to the list except the first @if $k > 1 $scale-values: append($scale-values, nth($base-size, $k)) // take each ratio in turn $j: 1 @while $j <= length($ratio) // reset $modular-scale for each set $modular-scale: nth($base-size, $k) // do the scale for each base-size using this ratio @if $multiple > 0 // up $multiple times // and add the result to $scale-values @for $i from 1 through $multiple $modular-scale: exponent(nth($ratio, $j), $i) * nth($base-size, $k) $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) // and down until the value is lower than the lowest $base-size // and add the result to $scale-values $i: -1 $modular-scale: nth($base-size, $k) @while $modular-scale >= nth($base-size, 1) $modular-scale: exponent(nth($ratio, $j), $i) * nth($base-size, $k) $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) $i: $i - 1 @if $multiple < 0 // do the scale down for each set to below 1px $i: -1 $modular-scale: nth($base-size, $k) @while $modular-scale > 1 $modular-scale: exponent(nth($ratio, $j), $i) * nth($base-size, $k) $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) $i: $i - 1 $j: $j + 1 $k: $k + 1 // return trimmed and sorted final list @return trim-sort($multiple, $scale-values, $base-size) // calculate values in using each base-size @function ms-multibase($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // start with an empty list to place all values in $scale-values: () // make sure base sizes are in ascending order $base-size: sort-list($base-size) // take each base-size in turn $k: 1 @while $k <= length($base-size) // add each $base-size to the list except the first @if $k > 1 $scale-values: append($scale-values, nth($base-size, $k)) // reset $modular-scale for each set $modular-scale: nth($base-size, $k) // do the scale for each base-size using this ratio @if $multiple > 0 // up $multiple times // and add the result to $scale-values @for $i from 1 through $multiple $modular-scale: exponent($ratio, $i) * nth($base-size, $k) $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) // and down until the value is lower than the lowest $base-size // and add the result to $scale-values $i: -1 $modular-scale: nth($base-size, $k) @while $modular-scale >= nth($base-size, 1) $modular-scale: exponent($ratio, $i) * nth($base-size, $k) $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) $i: $i - 1 @if $multiple < 0 // do the scale down for each set to below 1px $i: -1 $modular-scale: nth($base-size, $k) @while $modular-scale > 1 $modular-scale: exponent($ratio, $i) * nth($base-size, $k) $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) $i: $i - 1 $k: $k + 1 // return trimmed and sorted final list @return trim-sort($multiple, $scale-values, $base-size) // calculate values in using each ratio @function ms-multiratio($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // start with an empty list to place all values in $scale-values: () // If $multiple is a positive integer (up the scale) @if $multiple > 0 // take each ratio in turn $j: 1 @while $j <= length($ratio) // reset $modular-scale for each set $modular-scale: $base-size // do the scale using this ratio thru the multiple, and add the result to $scale-values @for $i from 1 through $multiple $modular-scale: exponent(nth($ratio, $j), $i) * $base-size $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) $j: $j + 1 // sort acsending $scale-values: sort-list($scale-values) // return the final value using the laced list @return nth($scale-values, $multiple) // If $multiple is a negative integer (down the scale) @if $multiple < 0 // take each ratio in turn $j: 1 @while $j <= length($ratio) // reset $modular-scale for each set $modular-scale: $base-size // do the scale using this ratio thru the multiple, and add the result to $scale-values @for $i from 1 through ($multiple * -1) $modular-scale: exponent(nth($ratio, $j), -$i) * $base-size $scale-values: append($scale-values, $modular-scale) $j: $j + 1 // sort decending $scale-values: sort-list($scale-values, 'dec') // return the final value using the laced list @return nth($scale-values, $multiple * -1) // trim and sort the final list @function trim-sort($multiple, $scale-values, $base-size) @if $multiple > 0 // trim list so we can count from the lowest $base-size $scale-values: trim-list($scale-values, nth($base-size, 1)) // sort acsending $scale-values: sort-list($scale-values) // return the final value using the laced list @return nth($scale-values, $multiple) @else // trim list so we can count from the lowest $base-size $scale-values: trim-list($scale-values, nth($base-size, 1), 'dec') // sort acsending $scale-values: sort-list($scale-values, 'dec') // return the final value using the laced list @return nth($scale-values, -$multiple) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shortcut @function ms($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // Return the value from the Modular Scale function @return modular-scale($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // Mixin // Deprecated. Use the modular-scale() function instead =modular-scale($property, $multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // Print the $property and return the value from the Modular Scale function @warn "The modular-scale mixin is deprecated. Instead use the function: width: modular-scale(3)" #{$property}: modular-scale($multiple, $base-size, $ratio) // Classes Mixin =modular-scale-classes($multiple, $property, $class-slug, $base-size, $ratio) // Loop from 0 through the value of $multiple and generate a range of classes @for $i from 0 through $multiple .#{$class-slug}-#{$i} // Print the $property and return the value from the Modular Scale function #{$property}: modular-scale($i, $base-size, $ratio) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sass exponent support @function exponent($base, $exponent) // reset value $value: $base // positive intergers get multiplied @if $exponent > 1 @for $i from 2 through $exponent $value: $value * $base // negitive intergers get divided. A number divided by itself is 1 @if $exponent < 1 @for $i from 0 through -$exponent $value: $value / $base // return the last value written @return $value // Sass list sorting support @function sort-list($list, $dir: 'asc') // built-in list sorting in Sass would make this go away. // declare some empty lists to put our new order and temporary values $new-order: () $temp: () // fill $temp with the contents of $list $temp: join($temp, $list) // if sorting ascending @if $dir == 'asc' // loop through all values in $list @for $i from 1 through length($list) // impossibly high starter value to compare $low: 1000000 // check for lowest value in $temp @for $j from 1 through length($temp) @if nth($temp, $j) < $low $low: nth($temp, $j) // add lowest value to $new-order $new-order: append($new-order, $low) // empty $temp for the next comparison $temp: () // re-populate $temp with remaining values to sort @for $k from 1 through length($list) @if nth($list, $k) > $low $temp: append($temp, nth($list, $k)) @if $dir == 'dec' // loop through all values in $list @for $i from 1 through length($list) // 0 starter value $high: 0 // check for highest value in $temp @for $j from 1 through length($temp) @if nth($temp, $j) > $high $high: nth($temp, $j) $new-order: append($new-order, $high) // empty $temp for the next comparison $temp: () // re-populate $temp with remaining values to sort @for $k from 1 through length($list) @if nth($list, $k) < $high $temp: append($temp, nth($list, $k)) @return $new-order // Sass list trimming support @function trim-list($list, $start, $dir: 'asc') // built-in list trimming in Sass would make this go away. // declare some empty lists to put our trimmed values $trimmed: () // if sorting ascending @if $dir == 'asc' // loop through all values in $list @for $i from 1 through length($list) @if nth($list, $i) >= $start $trimmed: append($trimmed, nth($list, $i)) @if $dir == 'dec' // loop through all values in $list @for $i from 1 through length($list) @if nth($list, $i) <= $start $trimmed: append($trimmed, nth($list, $i)) @return $trimmed // Other libraries can easily query if this function is avalible $modular-scale-loaded: true