require 'spiderfw/model/model_hash' module Spider; module Model # The Condition behaves like a ModelHash, and as such contains key-value pairs: # a simple equality condition can be set with # condition[:element_name] = value # The Condition object also holds comparisons: a comparison different from equality can be set with # condition.set(:element_name, '>', value) # Finally, it contains subconditions, which can be added with # conditions << subcondition # Subconditions will be created automatically when using #set twice on the same element. # If you want to change the condition, use #delete and set it again. # # The Condition object, like the Request, doesn't hold a reference to a model; so no check will be made # that the conditions elements are meaningful. class Condition < Hash # The top level conjunction for the Condition (:or or :and; new Conditions are initialized with :or) attr_accessor :conjunction # Polymorph model: used to tell the mapper the condition is on a subclass of the queried model. attr_accessor :polymorph # An hash of comparisons for each element name attr_reader :comparisons # An Array of subconditions attr_reader :subconditions attr_accessor :conjunct # :nodoc: a hack to keep track of which is the last condition in blocks alias :hash_set :[]= # :nodoc: # See #ModelHash.get_deep_obj def get_deep_obj # :nodoc: c = c.conjunction = @conjunction return c end @comparison_operators = %w{= > < >= <= <> like} @comparison_operators_regexp = @comparison_operators.inject('') do |str, op| str += '|' unless str.empty? str += Regexp.quote(op) end # Regexp to parse comparison operators def self.comparison_operators_regexp # :nodoc: @comparison_operators_regexp end # Used by and and or methods def self.conj(conjunction, a, b) # :nodoc: c = c.conjunction = conjunction c << a c << b end # Instantiates a Condition with :and conjunction. # See #new for arguments. def self.and(*params, &proc) c =*params, &proc) c.conjunction = :and return c end # Instantiates a Condition with :or conjunction. # See #new for arguments. def self.or(*params, &proc) c =*params, &proc) c.conjunction = :or return c end # Instantiates a Condition with no conjunction. def self.no_conjunction(*params, &proc) # :nodoc: c =*params, &proc) c.conjunction = nil return c end # Instantiates a new Condition, with :and conjunction. # If given a Hash, will set all keys = values. # If given multiple params, will convert each to a Condition if needed, and append them # to the returned instance. # If a block is given, it will be processed by #parse_block def initialize(*params, &proc) @conjunction = :and @comparisons = {} @subconditions = [] params.reject!{ |p| p.nil? } if (params.length == 1 && params[0].is_a?(Hash) && !params[0].is_a?(Condition)) params[0].each do |k, v| set(k, '=', v) end else # FIXME: must have an instantiate method params.each{ |item| self << (item.is_a?(self.class) ? item : } end parse_block(&proc) if (block_given?) end # Parses a condition block. Inside the block, an SQL-like language can be used. # # Example: # condition.parse_block{ (element1 == val1) & ( (element2 > 'some string') | (element3 .not nil) ) } # All comparisons must be parenthesized; and/or conjunctions are expressed with a single &/|. # # Available comparisions are: ==, >, <, >=, <=, .not, .like, .ilike (case insensitive like). # # _Note:_ for .like and .ilike comparisons, the SQL '%' syntax must be used. # def parse_block(&proc) res = nil if proc.arity == 1 res = else context = eval "self", proc.binding res = context.dup.extend(ConditionMixin).instance_eval(&proc) end self.replace(res) @conjunction = res.conjunction @comparisons = res.comparisons @subconditions = res.subconditions @polymorph = res.polymorph end def conditions_array do |k, v| k = k.to_sym if k.respond_to?(:to_sym) [k, v, (@comparisons[k] || '==')] end end # Yields each key, value and comparison. def each_with_comparison self.each do |k, v| k = k.to_sym if k.respond_to?(:to_sym) yield k, v, @comparisons[k] || '=' end end # Yields each key, value and comparison, for this condition and its subconditions def all_each_with_comparison self.each_with_comparison{ |k, v, c| yield k, v, c } @subconditions.each do |sub| sub.all_each_with_comparison{ |k, v, c| yield k, v, c } end end # Returns the result of merging the condition with another one (does not modify the original condition). def +(condition) res = self.clone @subconditions += condition.subconditions condition.each_with_comparison do |k, v, c| res.set(k, v, c) end return res end # Adds a subcondtion. def <<(condition) if (condition.class == self.class) @subconditions << condition elsif (condition.is_a?(Hash)) @subconditions << elsif (condition.class == String) key, val, comparison = parse_comparison(condition) set(key, val, comparison) end end # Sets a comparison. def set(field, comparison, value) if value.is_a?(QuerySet) value = value.to_a end if value.is_a?(Array) && comparison != 'between' multi_cond = comparison == '<>' ? self.class.and : self.class.or value.uniq.each do |v| multi_cond.set(field, comparison, v) end @subconditions << multi_cond return self end parts = [] unless field.is_a?(Spider::QueryFuncs::Function) field = field.to_s parts = field.split('.', 2) parts[0] = parts[0].to_sym field = field.to_sym unless parts[1] end if (parts[1]) hash_set(parts[0], get_deep_obj()) unless self[parts[0]] self[parts[0]].set(parts[1], comparison, value) elsif (self[field]) c = c.set(field, comparison, value) @subconditions << c else hash_set(field, value) @comparisons[field] = comparison end return self end # Sets an equality comparison. def []=(key, value) set(key, '=', value) end def [](key) # TODO: deep key = if key.is_a?(Element) key = key.to_sym if key.respond_to?(:to_sym) # might be a QueryFunc super(key) end # Adds a range condition. This creates a subcondition with >= and <= conditions. def range(field, lower, upper) c = self.class.and c.set(field, '>=', lower) c.set(field, '<=', upper) self << c end # Deletes a field from the Condition. def delete(field) field = field.to_sym return nil unless self[field] || @comparisons[field] cur = [self[field], @comparisons[field]] super @comparisons.delete(field) cur end # Parses a string comparison. # TODO: remove? def parse_comparison(comparison) # :nodoc: if (comparison =~"(.+)(#{self.class.comparison_operators_regexp})(.+)")) val = $3.strip # strip single and double quotes val = val[1..-2] if ((val[0] == ?' && val[-1] == ?') || (val[0] == ?" && val[-1] == ?") ) return [$1.strip, $2.strip, val] end end def inspect str = "" cnt = 0 each do |key, value| str += " #{@conjunction} " if cnt > 0 cnt += 1 comparison = @comparisons[key] || '=' cond = "#{comparison} #{value.inspect}" str += "#{key.inspect} #{cond}" end #str += ' [raw:'+raw.inspect+']' unless raw.empty? first = true if @subconditions.length > 0 str += ' '+@conjunction.to_s+' ' if str.length > 0 str +={ |sub| sub.inspect }.reject{ |sub| sub.empty? }.join(' '+@conjunction.to_s+' ') end str = "(#{str})" if cnt + @subconditions.length > 1 return str end # Returns the conjunction with another condition. # If this condition already has the required conjunction, the other will be added as a subcondition; # otherwise, a new condition will be created and both will be added to it. def conj(conjunction, other=nil, &proc) self.conjunction = conjunction if (!self.conjunction) if (self.conjunction == conjunction) c = self else c = c.conjunction = conjunction c << self end if (!other && proc) other = end c << other other.conjunct = true return c end # Joins the condition to another with an "or" conjunction. See #conj. def or(other=nil, &proc) return conj(:or, other, &proc) end alias :| :or alias :OR :or # Joins the condition to another with an "and" conjunction. See #conj. def and(other=nil, &proc) return conj(:and, other, &proc) end alias :& :and alias :AND :and alias :hash_empty? :empty? # :nodoc: # True if there are no comparisons and no subconditions. def empty? return false unless super @subconditions.each do |sub| return false unless sub.empty? end return true end alias :hash_replace :replace # :nodoc: # Replace the content of this Condition with another one. def replace(other) hash_replace(other) @subconditions = other.subconditions @conjunction = other.conjunction @polymorph = other.polymorph @comparisons = other.comparisons end def ==(other) return false unless other.class == self.class return false unless super return false unless @subconditions == other.subconditions return false unless @comparisons == other.comparisons return false unless @polymorph == other.polymorph return false unless @conjunction == other.conjunction return true end def eql?(other) self == other end def hash ([self.keys, self.values, @comparisons.values, @polymorph] +{ |s| s.hash}).hash end # Removes duplicate subcondtions. def uniq! @subconditions.uniq! end alias :hash_clone :clone # Returns a deep copy. def clone c = c.conjunction = @conjunction c.polymorph = @polymorph self.each_with_comparison do |key, val, comparison| c.set(key, comparison, val) end @subconditions.each do |sub| c << sub.clone end return c end # Traverses the tree removing useless conditions. def simplify @subconditions.each{ |sub| sub.simplify } if (hash_empty? && @subconditions.length == 1) self.replace(@subconditions[0]) end @subconditions.uniq! return self end def polymorphs pol = [] pol << @polymorph if @polymorph return pol + @subconditions.inject([]){ |arr, s| arr += s.polymorphs } end # Returns, from self and subconditions, all those who define a condition for one of the given element names. def conditions_for(*element_names) conds = [] element_names.each do |el| if self.key?(el) conds << self break end end{ |s| s.conditions_for(*element_names) }.each{ |c| conds += c } conds end end module ConditionMixin # :nodoc: def __el(meth) __create_condition_element(meth) end def method_missing(meth, *arguments) __create_condition_element(meth) end def __create_condition_element(meth) if (meth == :q) return end if (meth.to_s =~ /element_(.+)/) # alternative syntax to avoid clashes meth = $1.to_sym end name = @condition_element_name ? "#{@condition_element_name}.#{meth}" : meth.to_s return, @condition_context) end def id return, @condition_context) end def AND(&proc) @condition_context = [] instance_eval(&proc) c = Condition.and @condition_context.each do |cond| c << cond unless (cond.conjunct) end @condition_context = nil return c end def OR(&proc) @condition_context = [] instance_eval(&proc) c = Condition.and @condition_context.each do |cond| c << cond unless (cond.conjunct) end @condition_context = nil return c end class ConditionElementCreator #:nodoc: include ConditionMixin end class ConditionElement #:nodoc: include ConditionMixin def initialize(name, condition_context) @condition_element_name = name @condition_context = condition_context end [:==, :<, :>, :<=, :>=, :like, :ilike, :not].each do |op| define_method(op) do |val| replace = { :== => '=', :not => '<>' } if replace[op] op = replace[op] end op = op.to_s c = Condition.and.set(@condition_element_name, op, val) if (@condition_context) @condition_context << c end return c end end end end class ConditionContext include ConditionMixin end end; end