module Fog module AWS class ELB class Real require 'rackspace-fog/aws/parsers/elb/describe_load_balancer_policy_types' # Describe all or specified load balancer policy types # # ==== Parameters # * type_name<~Array> - Specifies the name of the policy types. If no names are specified, returns the description of all the policy types defined by Elastic Load Balancing service. # # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # * body<~Hash>: # * 'ResponseMetadata'<~Hash>: # * 'RequestId'<~String> - Id of request # * 'DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypesResult'<~Hash>: # * 'PolicyTypeDescriptions'<~Array> # * 'Description'<~String> - A human-readable description of the policy type. # * 'PolicyAttributeTypeDescriptions'<~Array> # * 'AttributeName'<~String> - The name of the attribute associated with the policy type. # * 'AttributeValue'<~String> - The type of attribute. For example, Boolean, Integer, etc. # * 'Cardinality'<~String> - The cardinality of the attribute. # * 'DefaultValue'<~String> - The default value of the attribute, if applicable. # * 'Description'<~String> - A human-readable description of the attribute. # * 'PolicyTypeName'<~String> - The name of the policy type. def describe_load_balancer_policy_types(type_names = []) params = Fog::AWS.indexed_param('PolicyTypeNames.member', [*type_names]) request({ 'Action' => 'DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypes', :parser => }.merge!(params)) end end class Mock def describe_load_balancer_policy_types(type_names = []) type_names = [*type_names] policy_types = if type_names.any? do |type_name| policy_type =[:policy_types].find { |pt| pt['PolicyTypeName'] == type_name } raise Fog::AWS::ELB::PolicyTypeNotFound unless policy_type policy_type[1].dup end.compact else[:policy_types].map { |policy_type| policy_type.dup } end response = response.status = 200 response.body = { 'ResponseMetadata' => { 'RequestId' => Fog::AWS::Mock.request_id }, 'DescribeLoadBalancerPolicyTypesResult' => { 'PolicyTypeDescriptions' => policy_types } } response end end end end end