Feature: Create custom audit events Background: Given I login as new user "joe@$ns" Scenario: Simplest audit event When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported login/ Scenario: Expose facility When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "facility":"ssh"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported ssh:login/ Scenario: Link to role When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "role":"user:bob"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported login by .*:user:bob/ Scenario: Link to resource When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "resource_id":"host:server"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported login on .*:host:server/ Scenario: 'Allowed' flag When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "allowed": false}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported login \(allowed: false\)/ Scenario: Custom message When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "audit_message": "Client IP is"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported login; message: Client IP is Scenario: Error details When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "error": "password mismatch"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported login \(failed with password mismatch\)/ Scenario: Fully described audit event (sent from file) When a file named "audit_event.json" with: """ { "action": "login", "facility": "ssh", "role": "user:bob", "resource_id": "host:server", "allowed": false, "audit_message": "Client IP is", "error": "password mismatch" } """ And I run `conjur audit send` interactively And I pipe in the file "audit_event.json" And the exit status should be 0 And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /user:joe@.* reported ssh:login by .*:user:bob on .*:host:server \(allowed: false\); message: Client IP is \(failed with password mismatch\)/ Scenario: Specify timestamp as IS08601 with timezone When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "timestamp": "2014-07-01T01:02:03Z"}'` And I run `conjur audit all -s` Then the output should match /\[2014-07-01 01:02:03 UTC\] .*:user:joe@.* reported login/ Scenario: Arbitrary field (exposed in full audit output) When I successfully run `conjur audit send '{"action":"login", "syslog": { "message" : "Accepted publickey for alice from port 38977 ssh2" }}'` And I run `conjur audit all -o 3` Then the JSON response at "syslog/message" should be "Accepted publickey for alice from port 38977 ssh2"