# Slackdo ![example](img/task-example.png) A lot of people use the slack conversation with themselves as a todo list. SlackDO is a simple CLI tool that allows you to send TODO items and Reminders to yourself on Slack through an incoming webhook. It simplifies the process of maintaining your TODO list from the CLI without having to leave the CLI while working. ## Prerequisites - Ruby - [Slack Incoming Webhook](https://my.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook) - Configure the webhook to your liking and either point the webhook to yourself or a separate todo channel ## Installation ``` gem install slackdo ``` In order to use slackdo you still have to add the rubygem's bin location to your $PATH. eg. for OSX: ```bash export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems//gems/slackdo-/bin ``` To get to know your general gem installation path use the following for your general rubygems information and look for the GEM PATHS variable: ```bash $ gem env ``` Or just check the specific gem information to see the location where it's installed: ```bash $ gem which slackdo /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems//gems/slackdo-/lib/slackdo.rb ``` This indicates that your gem binary is located at `/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems//gems/slackdo-/bin`. ## Usage ### Slack First thing you should do is configure your incoming webhook by doing the following: ``` slackdo configure slack ``` After that you're all set to go. Add a new TODO item by using ```ruby slackdo task ``` or add a reminder with ```ruby slackdo reminder ``` ### Trello To start using the Trello integration of SlackDO, which enables you to push your TODO items to a list on Trello use: ``` slackdo configure trello ``` Now that this has been configured SlackDO will send your items to Trello as well using the same command. ``` slackdo task ``` ![example](img/cli-example.png) ![example](img/slack-task.png) ![example](img/trello-card.png) ## Development Slackdo is still under development and might still be buggy. Feel free to contribute to the project. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/segersniels/slackdo. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).