lib = File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'neo4j-core/version' do |s| = "neo4j-core" s.version = Neo4j::Core::VERSION s.platform = 'java' s.required_ruby_version = ">= 1.8.7" s.authors = "Andreas Ronge" = '' s.homepage = "" s.rubyforge_project = 'neo4j-core' s.summary = "A graph database for JRuby" s.description = <<-EOF You can think of Neo4j as a high-performance graph engine with all the features of a mature and robust database. The programmer works with an object-oriented, flexible network structure rather than with strict and static tables yet enjoys all the benefits of a fully transactional, enterprise-strength database. It comes included with the Apache Lucene document database. EOF s.require_path = 'lib' s.files = Dir.glob("{bin,lib,config}/**/*") + %w(README.rdoc Gemfile neo4j-core.gemspec) s.has_rdoc = true s.extra_rdoc_files = %w( README.rdoc ) s.rdoc_options = ["--quiet", "--title", "Neo4j::Core", "--line-numbers", "--main", "README.rdoc", "--inline-source"] s.add_dependency("neo4j-community", "1.7.M02") end