module Adauth # The class which links to Active Directory, based on # # Do no call, use Adauth::User.authenticate instead. For all of Adauth additional filtering use Adauth.authenticate. class User # Single vales where the method maps directly to one Active Directory attribute ATTR_SV = { :login => :samaccountname, :first_name => :givenname, :last_name => :sn, :email => :mail, :name => :name } # Multi values were the method needs to return an array for values. ATTR_MV = { :groups => [ :memberof, {|g| g.sub(/.*?CN=(.*?),.*/, '\1')} ], :ous => [ :memberof, {|g| g.sub(/.*?OU=(.*?),.*/, '\1')} ] } # Authenticates a user against Active Directory and returns an instance of self # # Called as: # Adauth::User.authenticate("username", "password") # # Usage would by-pass Adauths group filtering. def self.authenticate(login, pass) return nil if login.empty? or pass.empty? conn = :host => Adauth.config.server, :port => Adauth.config.port, :base => Adauth.config.base, :auth => { :username => "#{login}@#{Adauth.config.domain}", :password => pass, :method => :simple } if conn.bind and user = => Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('sAMAccountName', login)).first return else return nil end rescue Net::LDAP::LdapError => e return nil end # Returns the full name of the user # # Combines the first_name and last_name attributes to create full_name def full_name self.first_name + ' ' + self.last_name end # Returns true if the user is a member of the passed group. def member_of?(group) self.groups.include?(group) end private def initialize(entry) @entry = entry self.class.class_eval do generate_single_value_readers generate_multi_value_readers end end def self.generate_single_value_readers ATTR_SV.merge(Adauth.config.ad_sv_attrs).each_pair do |k, v| val, block = Array(v) define_method(k) do if @entry.attribute_names.include?(val) if block.is_a?(Proc) return block[@entry.send(val).to_s] else return @entry.send(val).to_s end else return '' end end end end def self.generate_multi_value_readers ATTR_MV.merge(Adauth.config.ad_mv_attrs).each_pair do |k, v| val, block = Array(v) define_method(k) do if @entry.attribute_names.include?(val) if block.is_a?(Proc) return @entry.send(val).collect(&block) else return @entry.send(val) end else return [] end end end end end end