require 'spec_helper' describe Ripple::Document::Finders do # require 'support/models/box' # require 'support/models/cardboard_box' before :each do @client = Ripple.client @bucket = Ripple.client.bucket("boxes") @plain =, "square"){|o| o.content_type = "application/json"; o.raw_data = '{"shape":"square"}'} @cb =, "rectangle"){|o| o.content_type = "application/json"; o.raw_data = '{"shape":"rectangle"}'} end it "should return nil if no keys are passed to find" do Box.find().should be_nil end it "should return nil if no valid keys are passed to find" do Box.find(nil).should be_nil Box.find("").should be_nil end it "should raise Ripple::DocumentNotFound if an empty array is passed to find!" do lambda { Box.find!() }.should raise_error(Ripple::DocumentNotFound, "Couldn't find document without a key") end describe "finding single documents" do before do @bucket.stub!(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) end it "should find a single document by key and assign its attributes" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) box = Box.find("square") box.should be_kind_of(Box) box.shape.should == "square" box.key.should == "square" box.instance_variable_get(:@robject).should_not be_nil box.should_not be_new_record end it "should have no changes after find" do box = Box.find("square") box.changes.should == {} end it "should find the first document using the first key with the bucket's keys" do box = keys = ['some_boxes_key'] Box.stub!(:find).and_return(box) @bucket.stub!(:keys).and_return(keys) @bucket.should_receive(:keys) keys.should_receive(:first) Box.first.should == box end it "should use find! when using first!" do box = Box.stub!(:find!).and_return(box) @bucket.stub!(:keys).and_return(['key']) Box.first!.should == box end it "should not raise an exception when finding an existing document with find!" do lambda { Box.find!("square") }.should_not raise_error(Ripple::DocumentNotFound) end it "should put properties we don't know about into the attributes" do @plain.raw_data = '{"non_existent_property":"some_value"}' box = Box.find("square") box[:non_existent_property].should == "some_value" box.should_not respond_to(:non_existent_property) end it "should return the document when calling find!" do box = Box.find!("square") box.should be_kind_of(Box) end it "should return nil when no object exists at that key" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_raise(, 200, 404, {}, "404 not found")) box = Box.find("square") box.should be_nil end it "should raise DocumentNotFound when using find! if no object exists at that key" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_raise(, 200, 404, {}, "404 not found")) lambda { Box.find!("square") }.should raise_error(Ripple::DocumentNotFound, "Couldn't find document with key: square") end it "should re-raise the failed request exception if not a 404" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_raise(, 200, 500, {}, "500 internal server error")) lambda { Box.find("square") }.should raise_error(Riak::FailedRequest) end it "should handle a key with a nil value" do @plain.raw_data = nil = nil box = Box.find("square") box.should be_kind_of(Box) box.key.should == "square" end it 'initializes the document with no changed attributes' do box = Box.find("square") box.should_not be_changed box.changes.should be_empty end end describe "finding multiple documents when given a splat of keys" do it "should find multiple documents by the keys" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_return(@cb) boxes = Box.find("square", "rectangle") boxes.should have(2).items boxes.first.shape.should == "square" boxes.last.shape.should == "rectangle" end describe "when using find with missing keys" do before :each do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_raise(, 200, 404, {}, "404 not found")) end it "should return nil for documents that no longer exist" do boxes = Box.find("square", "rectangle") boxes.should have(2).items boxes.first.shape.should == "square" boxes.last.should be_nil end it "should raise Ripple::DocumentNotFound when calling find! if some of the documents do not exist" do lambda { Box.find!("square", "rectangle") }.should raise_error(Ripple::DocumentNotFound, "Couldn't find documents with keys: rectangle") end end end describe "finding multiple documents when given an array" do it "should find multiple documents by the keys" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_return(@cb) boxes = Box.find(["square", "rectangle"]) boxes.should have(2).items boxes.first.shape.should == "square" boxes.last.shape.should == "rectangle" end it "should return an array of docs when given an array of one key" do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) boxes = Box.find(["square"]) boxes.should have(1).items boxes.first.shape.should == "square" end it "should return an empty array when given an empty array" do Box.find([ ]).should == [] end describe "when using find with missing keys" do before :each do @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_raise(, 200, 404, {}, "404 not found")) end it "should return nil for documents that no longer exist" do boxes = Box.find(["square", "rectangle"]) boxes.should have(2).items boxes.first.shape.should == "square" boxes.last.should be_nil end end end describe "listings all documents in the bucket" do it "should load all objects in the bucket" do @bucket.should_receive(:keys).and_return(["square", "rectangle"]) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_return(@cb) boxes = Box.list boxes.should have(2).items boxes.first.shape.should == "square" boxes.last.shape.should == "rectangle" end it "should exclude objects that are not found" do @bucket.should_receive(:keys).and_return(["square", "rectangle"]) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_raise(, 200, 404, {}, "404 not found")) boxes = Box.list boxes.should have(1).item boxes.first.shape.should == "square" end it "should yield found objects to the passed block, excluding missing objects, and return an empty array" do @bucket.should_receive(:keys).and_yield(["square"]).and_yield(["rectangle"]) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_raise(, 200, 404, {}, "404 not found")) @block = mock() @block.should_receive(:ping).once Box.list do |box| ["square", "rectangle"].should include(box.shape) end.should == [] end end describe "single-bucket inheritance" do it "should instantiate as the proper type if defined in the document" do @cb.raw_data = '{"shape":"rectangle", "_type":"CardboardBox"}' @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("square", {}).and_return(@plain) @bucket.should_receive(:get).with("rectangle", {}).and_return(@cb) boxes = Box.find("square", "rectangle") boxes.should have(2).items boxes.first.class.should == Box boxes.last.should be_kind_of(CardboardBox) end end end