# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*- require 'ostruct' require 'csd/extensions/core/string' module CSD # A convenience wrapper to get information about the available applications # class Applications # Returns the application module instance of +app_name+. Returns +nil+ if the application could not be found or loaded. # def self.find(app_name) return nil if app_name.to_s.empty? begin UI.debug "#{self}.find got a request to see whether `#{app_name}´ is a valid application or not" require File.join(Path.applications, app_name.to_s) UI.debug "#{self}.find tries to initialize the loaded application `#{app_name}´ now" "CSD::Application::#{app_name.to_s.camelize}".constantize rescue LoadError => e UI.debug "#{self}.find could not load `#{app_name}´ in #{e.to_s.gsub('no such file to load -- ', '').enquote}" nil end end # This method returns instantiated modules of all valid applications in an +Array+ or in a block. # def self.all(&block) result = [] Dir.directories(Path.applications) do |dir| next if dir == 'default' if app = find(dir) block_given? ? yield(app) : result << app end end result end # This method holds the desired application and initializes its module into +@@current+. # def self.current # In testmode we don't want to perform caching return choose_current if Options.testmode # Otherwise we choose and cache the current application module here @@current ||= choose_current end # This method identifies the desired application. No caching takes place here. # It is meant to be very robust, we expect the application to be any one of the first three arguments. # def self.choose_current Applications.find(ARGV.first) || Applications.find(ARGV.second) || Applications.find(ARGV.third) end end end