=== Version 0.3.0 / 2010-04-10 * Enhancements * Added binary commands "--cronadd N" and "--cronrm" to install/remove cron job that calls twog every N minutes (added dependency on whenever gem) * added more options to binary commands for help and version (-?,-h,-v) === Version 0.2.2 / 2010-04-09 * Bugs * fix README to reference "--conf" binary command instead of legacy rake task === Version 0.2.1 / 2010-04-08 * Features * change creating of conf file to a binary option (--conf) instead of rake task === Version 0.2.0 / 2010-04-08 * Features * setup Jeweler to autogenerate gemspec file * pushed gem versions to rubygems.org === Version 0.1.0 / 2010-04-07 * Features * Change structure to be more rubyish (modules instead of classes) Due to no state being maintained in application === Version 0.0.1 / 2010-04-07 * Features * parses RSS feed * tweets posts that haven't been tweeted (time > blog post time in conf yaml file) === Version 0.0.0 / 2010-03-31 * Initial Commit