# ********************************************************************* # * Copyright (c) 2008-2015, Natural Resources Canada # * All rights reserved. # * # * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # * # * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # * Lesser General Public License for more details. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # **********************************************************************/ require 'json' require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/btap" module BTAP #Contains data and methods for compliance and archetype work. module Compliance # Contains NECB relelvant methods and data. module NECB2011 # NECB data tables / arrays. module Data #Envelope Conductance values for each climat zone / HDD limits. module Conductances #array of conductances(metric) per climate zone. Wall = [0.315, 0.278, 0.247, 0.210, 0.210, 0.183] Roof = [0.227, 0.183, 0.183, 0.162, 0.162, 0.142] Floor = [0.227, 0.183, 0.183, 0.162, 0.162, 0.142] Window = [2.400, 2.200, 2.200, 2.200, 2.200, 1.600] Door = [2.400, 2.200, 2.200, 2.200, 2.200, 1.600] GroundWall = [0.568, 0.379, 0.284, 0.284, 0.284, 0.210] GroundRoof = [0.568, 0.379, 0.284, 0.284, 0.284, 0.210] GroundFloor = [0.757, 0.757, 0.757, 0.757, 0.757, 0.379] end end #This method ???. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param hdd [Float] #@return [Double] a constant float def self.max_fwdr(hdd) #NECB if hdd < 4000 return 0.40 elsif hdd >= 4000 and hdd <=7000 return (2000-0.2 * hdd)/3000 elsif hdd >7000 return 0.20 end end # This method will set the the envelope (wall, roof, glazings) to values to # the default NECB2011 values based on the heating degree day value (hdd) surface by surface. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param hdd [Float] def self.set_necb_envelope(model, runner=nil) BTAP::runner_register("Info", "set_envelope_surfaces_to_necb!", runner) if model.weatherFile.empty? or model.weatherFile.get.path.empty? or not File.exists?(model.weatherFile.get.path.get.to_s) BTAP::runner_register("Error", "Weather file is not defined. Please ensure the weather file is defined and exists.", runner) return false end hdd = BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(model.weatherFile.get.path.get).hdd18 #interate Through all surfaces model.getSurfaces.sort.each do |surface| #set fenestration to wall ratio. BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_necb_external_surface_conductance(surface, hdd, false, 1.0) #dig into the subsurface and change them as well. model.getSubSurfaces.sort.each do |subsurface| BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::set_necb_external_subsurface_conductance(subsurface, hdd) end end end # this will create a copy and convert all construction sets to NECB reference conductances. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param default_surface_construction_set [String] #@return [Boolean] returns true if sucessful, false if not def self.set_construction_set_to_necb!(model, default_surface_construction_set, runner = nil, scale_wall = 1.0, scale_floor = 1.0, scale_roof = 1.0, scale_ground_wall = 1.0, scale_ground_floor = 1.0, scale_ground_roof = 1.0, scale_door = 1.0, scale_window = 1.0 ) BTAP::runner_register("Info", "set_construction_set_to_necb!", runner) if model.weatherFile.empty? or model.weatherFile.get.path.empty? or not File.exists?(model.weatherFile.get.path.get.to_s) BTAP::runner_register("Error", "Weather file is not defined. Please ensure the weather file is defined and exists.", runner) return false end hdd = BTAP::Environment::WeatherFile.new(model.weatherFile.get.path.get).hdd18 old_name = default_surface_construction_set.name.get.to_s climate_zone_index = get_climate_zone_index(hdd) new_name = "#{old_name} at hdd = #{hdd}" #convert conductance values to rsi values. (Note: we should really be only using conductances in) wall_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_wall * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Wall[climate_zone_index]) floor_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_floor * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Floor[climate_zone_index]) roof_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_roof * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Roof[climate_zone_index]) ground_wall_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_ground_wall * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundWall[climate_zone_index]) ground_floor_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_ground_floor * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundFloor[climate_zone_index]) ground_roof_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_ground_roof * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundRoof[climate_zone_index]) door_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_door * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Door[climate_zone_index]) window_rsi = 1.0 / (scale_window * BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Window[climate_zone_index]) BTAP::Resources::Envelope::ConstructionSets::customize_default_surface_construction_set_rsi!(model, new_name, default_surface_construction_set, wall_rsi, floor_rsi, roof_rsi, ground_wall_rsi, ground_floor_rsi, ground_roof_rsi, window_rsi, nil, nil, window_rsi, nil, nil, door_rsi, door_rsi, nil, nil, door_rsi, window_rsi, nil, nil, window_rsi, nil, nil, window_rsi, nil, nil ) BTAP::runner_register("Info", "set_construction_set_to_necb! was sucessful.", runner) return true end # This method will convert in place(over write) a construction set to necb conductances. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #@param scale_wall [Float] #@param scale_floor [Float] #@param scale_roof [Float] #@param scale_ground_wall [Float] #@param scale_ground_floor [Float] #@param scale_ground_roof [Float] #@param scale_door [Float] #@param scale_window [Float] def self.set_all_construction_sets_to_necb!(model, runner = nil, scale_wall = 1.0, scale_floor = 1.0, scale_roof = 1.0, scale_ground_wall = 1.0, scale_ground_floor = 1.0, scale_ground_roof = 1.0, scale_door = 1.0, scale_window = 1.0) model.getDefaultConstructionSets.sort.each do |set| self.set_construction_set_to_necb!(model, set, runner, scale_wall, scale_floor, scale_roof, scale_ground_wall, scale_ground_floor, scale_ground_roof, scale_door, scale_window) end #sets all surfaces to use default constructions sets except adiabatic, where it does a hard assignment of the interior wall construction type. model.getPlanarSurfaces.sort.each {|item| item.resetConstruction} #if the default construction set is defined..try to assign the interior wall to the adiabatic surfaces BTAP::Resources::Envelope::assign_interior_surface_construction_to_adiabatic_surfaces(model, nil) end #This model gets the climate zone column index from tables 3.2.2.x #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param hdd [Float] #@return [Fixnum] climate zone 4-8 def self.get_climate_zone_index(hdd) #check for climate zone index from NECB 3.2.2.X case hdd when 0..2999 then return 0 #climate zone 4 when 3000..3999 then return 1 #climate zone 5 when 4000..4999 then return 2 #climate zone 6 when 5000..5999 then return 3 #climate zone 7a when 6000..6999 then return 4 #climate zone 7b when 7000..1000000 then return 5 #climate zone 8 end end #This model gets the climate zone name and returns the climate zone string. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param hdd [Float] #@return [Fixnum] climate zone 4-8 def self.get_climate_zone_name(hdd) case self.get_climate_zone_index(hdd) when 0 then return "4" when 1 then return "5" #climate zone 5 when 2 then return "6" #climate zone 6 when 3 then return "7a" #climate zone 7a when 4 then return "7b" #climate zone 7b when 5 then return "8" #climate zone 8 end end #Set all external surface conductances to NECB values. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param surface [String] #@param hdd [Float] #@param is_radiant [Boolian] #@param scaling_factor [Float] #@return [String] surface as RSI def self.set_necb_external_surface_conductance(surface, hdd, is_radiant = false, scaling_factor = 1.0) conductance_value = 0 climate_zone_index = self.get_climate_zone_index(hdd) if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase == "outdoors" case surface.surfaceType.downcase when "wall" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Wall[climate_zone_index] * scaling_factor when "floor" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Floor[climate_zone_index] * scaling_factor when "roofceiling" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Roof[climate_zone_index] end if (is_radiant) conductance_value = conductance_value * 0.80 end return BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces::set_surfaces_construction_conductance([surface], conductance_value) end if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase.match(/ground/) case surface.surfaceType.downcase when "wall" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundWall[BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_index(@hdd)] when "floor" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundFloor[BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_index(@hdd)] when "roofceiling" conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::GroundRoof[BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::get_climate_zone_index(@hdd)] end if (is_radiant) conductance_value = conductance_value * 0.80 end return BTAP::Geometry::Surfaces::set_surfaces_construction_conductance([surface], conductance_value) end end #Set all external subsurfaces (doors, windows, skylights) to NECB values. #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param subsurface [String] #@param hdd [Float] def self.set_necb_external_subsurface_conductance(subsurface, hdd) conductance_value = 0 climate_zone_index = get_climate_zone_index(hdd) if subsurface.outsideBoundaryCondition.downcase.match("outdoors") case subsurface.subSurfaceType.downcase when /window/ conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductances::Window[climate_zone_index] when /door/ conductance_value = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::Conductance::Door[climate_zone_index] end subsurface.setRSI(1/conductance_value) end end def self.set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule(model, runner = nil) new_sched_ruleset = OpenStudio::Model::DefaultScheduleSet.new(model) #initialize BTAP::runner_register("Info", "set_wildcard_schedules_to_dominant_building_schedule", runner) #Set wildcard schedules based on dominant schedule type in building. dominant_sched_type = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type(model) #puts "dominant_sched_type = #{dominant_sched_type}" # find schedule set that corresponds to dominant schedule type model.getDefaultScheduleSets.sort.each do |sched_ruleset| # just check people schedule # TO DO: should make this smarter: check all schedules people_sched = sched_ruleset.numberofPeopleSchedule people_sched_name = people_sched.get.name.to_s unless people_sched.empty? search_string = "NECB-#{dominant_sched_type}" if people_sched.empty? == false if people_sched_name.include? search_string new_sched_ruleset = sched_ruleset end end end # replace the default schedule set for the space type with * to schedule ruleset with dominant schedule type model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| #check to see if space space type has a "*" wildcard schedule. spacetype_name = space.spaceType.get.name.to_s unless space.spaceType.empty? if determine_necb_schedule_type(space).to_s == "*".to_s new_sched = (spacetype_name).to_s optional_spacetype = model.getSpaceTypeByName(new_sched) if optional_spacetype.empty? BTAP::runner_register("Error", "Cannot find NECB spacetype #{new_sched}", runner) else BTAP::runner_register("Info", "Setting wildcard spacetype #{spacetype_name} default schedule set to #{new_sched_ruleset.name}", runner) optional_spacetype.get.setDefaultScheduleSet(new_sched_ruleset) #this works! end end end # end of do |space| return true end def self.set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules(model, runner = nil) puts "in set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules" BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG", "Start-set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules", runner) model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG", "Zone = #{zone.name} Spaces =#{zone.spaces.size} ", runner) array = [] zone.spaces.sort.each do |space| schedule_type = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_necb_schedule_type(space).to_s BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG", "space name/type:#{space.name}/#{schedule_type}", runner) # if wildcard space type, need to get dominant schedule type if "*".to_s == schedule_type dominant_sched_type = BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type(model) schedule_type = dominant_sched_type end array << schedule_type end array.uniq! if array.size > 1 BTAP::runner_register("Error", "#{zone.name} has spaces with different schedule types. Please ensure that all the spaces are of the same schedule type A to I.", runner) return false end htg_search_string = "NECB-#{array[0]}-Thermostat Setpoint-Heating" clg_search_string = "NECB-#{array[0]}-Thermostat Setpoint-Cooling" if model.getScheduleRulesetByName(htg_search_string).empty? == false htg_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(htg_search_string).get else BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "heating_thermostat_setpoint_schedule NECB-#{array[0]} does not exist", runner) return false end if model.getScheduleRulesetByName(clg_search_string).empty? == false clg_sched = model.getScheduleRulesetByName(clg_search_string).get else BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "cooling_thermostat_setpoint_schedule NECB-#{array[0]} does not exist", runner) return false end name = "NECB-#{array[0]}-Thermostat Dual Setpoint Schedule" # If dual setpoint already exists, use that one, else create one if model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(name).empty? == false ds = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(name).get else ds = BTAP::Resources::Schedules::create_annual_thermostat_setpoint_dual_setpoint(model, name, htg_sched, clg_sched) end thermostatClone = ds.clone.to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostatClone) BTAP::runner_register("Info", "ThermalZone #{zone.name} set to DualSetpoint Schedule NECB-#{array[0]}", runner) end BTAP::runner_register("DEBUG", "END-set_zones_thermostat_schedule_based_on_space_type_schedules", runner) return true end # This method confirms if the type is the proper space type #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param type [String] #@return [String] item def self.is_proper_spacetype(type) BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::Data::SpaceTypeData.each do |item| if item[0] == type return item end end return false end #This model determines the dominant NECB schedule type #@param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object #return s.each [String] def self.determine_dominant_necb_schedule_type(model) # lookup necb space type properties space_type_properties = model.find_objects(standards_data["space_types"], {"template" => 'NECB2011'}) # Here is a hash to keep track of the m2 running total of spacetypes for each # sched type. s = Hash[ "A", 0, "B", 0, "C", 0, "D", 0, "E", 0, "F", 0, "G", 0, "H", 0, "I", 0 ] #iterate through spaces in building. wildcard_spaces = 0 model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| found_space_type = false #iterate through the NECB spacetype property table space_type_properties.each do |spacetype| unless space.spaceType.empty? if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.empty? || space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.empty? OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Error, "openstudio.Standards.Model", "Space #{space.name} does not have a standardSpaceType defined") found_space_type = false elsif space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get == spacetype['space_type'] && space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get == spacetype['building_type'] if "*" == spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] wildcard_spaces =+1 else s[spacetype['necb_schedule_type']] = s[spacetype['necb_schedule_type']] + space.floorArea() if "*" != spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] and "- undefined -" != spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] end #puts "Found #{space.spaceType.get.name} schedule #{spacetype[2]} match with floor area of #{space.floorArea()}" found_space_type = true elsif "*" != spacetype['necb_schedule_type'] #found wildcard..will not count to total. found_space_type = true end end end raise ("Did not find #{space.spaceType.get.name} in NECB space types.") if found_space_type == false end #finds max value and returns NECB schedule letter. raise("Only wildcard spaces in model. You need to define the actual spaces. ") if wildcard_spaces == model.getSpaces.size dominant_schedule = s.each {|k, v| return k.to_s if v == s.values.max} return dominant_schedule end #This method determines the spacetype schedule type. This will re #@author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca #@param space [String] #@return [String]:["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I"] spacetype def self.determine_necb_schedule_type(space) raise ("Undefined spacetype for space #{space.get.name}) if space.spaceType.empty?") if space.spaceType.empty? raise ("Undefined standardsSpaceType or StandardsBuildingType for space #{space.spaceType.get.name}) if space.spaceType.empty?") if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.empty? | space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.empty? space_type_properties = space.model.find_object(standards_data["space_types"], {"template" => 'NECB2011', "space_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get, "building_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}) return space_type_properties['necb_schedule_type'].strip end def self.necb_spacetype_system_selection(model, heatingDesignLoad = nil, coolingDesignLoad = nil) spacezoning_data = Struct.new( :space, # the space object :space_name, # the space name :building_type_name, # space type name :space_type_name, # space type name :necb_hvac_system_selection_type, # :system_number, # the necb system type :number_of_stories, #number of stories :horizontal_placement, # the horizontal placement (norht, south, east, west, core) :vertical_placment, # the vertical placement ( ground, top, both, middle ) :people_obj, # Spacetype people object :heating_capacity, :cooling_capacity, :is_dwelling_unit, #Checks if it is a dwelling unit. :is_wildcard) #Array to store schedule objects schedule_type_array = [] #find the number of stories in the model this include multipliers. number_of_stories = model.getBuilding.standardsNumberOfAboveGroundStories() if number_of_stories.empty? raise ("Number of above ground stories not present in geometry model. Please ensure this is defined in your Building Object") else number_of_stories = number_of_stories.get end #set up system array containers. These will contain the spaces associated with the system types. space_zoning_data_array = [] #First pass of spaces to collect information into the space_zoning_data_array . model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| #this will get the spacetype system index from the SpaceTypeData and BuildingTypeData in (1-12) space_system_index = nil if space.spaceType.empty? space_system_index = nil else #gets row information from standards spreadsheet. space_type_property = space.model.find_object(standards_data["space_types"], {"template" => 'NECB2011', "space_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get, "building_type" => space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get}) raise("could not find necb system selection type for space: #{space.name} and spacetype #{space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get}") if space_type_property.nil? #stores the Building or SpaceType System type name. necb_hvac_system_selection_type = space_type_property['necb_hvac_system_selection_type'] end #Get the heating and cooling load for the space. Only Zones with a defined thermostat will have a load. #Make sure we don't have sideeffects by changing the argument variables. cooling_load = coolingDesignLoad heating_load = heatingDesignLoad if space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get == "- undefined -" cooling_load = 0.0 heating_load = 0.0 else cooling_load = space.thermalZone.get.coolingDesignLoad.get * space.floorArea * space.multiplier / 1000.0 if cooling_load.nil? heating_load = space.thermalZone.get.heatingDesignLoad.get * space.floorArea * space.multiplier / 1000.0 if heating_load.nil? end #identify space-system_index and assign the right NECB system type 1-7. system = nil is_dwelling_unit = false case necb_hvac_system_selection_type when nil raise ("#{space.name} does not have an NECB system association. Please define a NECB HVAC System Selection Type in the google docs standards database.") when 0, "- undefined -" #These are spaces are undefined...so they are unconditioned and have no loads other than infiltration and no systems system = 0 when "Assembly Area" #Assembly Area. if number_of_stories <= 4 system = 3 else system = 6 end when "Automotive Area" system = 4 when "Data Processing Area" if coolingDesignLoad > 20 #KW...need a sizing run. system = 2 else system = 1 end when "General Area" #[3,6] if number_of_stories <= 2 system = 3 else system = 6 end when "Historical Collections Area" #[2], system = 2 when "Hospital Area" #[3], system = 3 when "Indoor Arena" #,[7], system = 7 when "Industrial Area" # [3] this need some thought. system = 3 when "Residential/Accomodation Area" #,[1], this needs some thought. system = 1 is_dwelling_unit = true when "Sleeping Area" #[3], system = 3 is_dwelling_unit = true when "Supermarket/Food Services Area" #[3,4], system = 3 when "Supermarket/Food Services Area - vented" system = 4 when "Warehouse Area" system = 4 when "Warehouse Area - refrigerated" system = 5 when "Wildcard" system = nil is_wildcard = true else raise ("NECB HVAC System Selection Type #{necb_hvac_system_selection_type} not valid") end #get placement on floor, core or perimeter and if a top, bottom, middle or single story. horizontal_placement, vertical_placement = BTAP::Geometry::Spaces::get_space_placement(space) #dump all info into an array for debugging and iteration. unless space.spaceType.empty? space_type_name = space.spaceType.get.standardsSpaceType.get building_type_name = space.spaceType.get.standardsBuildingType.get space_zoning_data_array << spacezoning_data.new(space, space.name.get, building_type_name, space_type_name, necb_hvac_system_selection_type, system, number_of_stories, horizontal_placement, vertical_placement, space.spaceType.get.people, heating_load, cooling_load, is_dwelling_unit, is_wildcard ) schedule_type_array << BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_necb_schedule_type(space).to_s end end return schedule_type_array.uniq!, space_zoning_data_array end # This method will take a model that uses NECB2011 spacetypes , and.. # 1. Create a building story schema. # 2. Remove all existing Thermal Zone defintions. # 3. Create new thermal zones based on the following definitions. # Rule1 all zones must contain only the same schedule / occupancy schedule. # Rule2 zones must cater to similar solar gains (N,E,S,W) # Rule3 zones must not pass from floor to floor. They must be contained to a single floor or level. # Rule4 Wildcard spaces will be associated with the nearest zone of similar schedule type in which is shared most of it's internal surface with. # Rule5 For NECB zones must contain spaces of similar system type only. # Rule6 Residential / dwelling units must not share systems with other space types. # @author phylroy.lopez@nrcan.gc.ca # @param model [OpenStudio::model::Model] A model object # @return [String] system_zone_array def self.necb_autozone_and_autosystem( model = nil, runner = nil, use_ideal_air_loads = false, boiler_fueltype = "NaturalGas", mau_type = true, mau_heating_coil_type = "Hot Water", baseboard_type = "Hot Water", chiller_type = "Scroll", mua_cooling_type = "DX", heating_coil_types_sys3 = "Gas", heating_coil_types_sys4 = "Gas", heating_coil_types_sys6 = "Hot Water", fan_type = "AF_or_BI_rdg_fancurve", swh_fueltype = "NaturalGas", building_type = nil) #Create a data struct for the space to system to placement information. #system assignment. unless ["NaturalGas", "Electricity", "PropaneGas", "FuelOil#1", "FuelOil#2", "Coal", "Diesel", "Gasoline", "OtherFuel1"].include?(boiler_fueltype) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "boiler_fueltype = #{boiler_fueltype}", runner) return end unless [true, false].include?(mau_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "mau_type = #{mau_type}", runner) return end unless ["Hot Water", "Electric"].include?(mau_heating_coil_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "mau_heating_coil_type = #{mau_heating_coil_type}", runner) return false end unless ["Hot Water", "Electric"].include?(baseboard_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "baseboard_type = #{baseboard_type}", runner) return false end unless ["Scroll", "Centrifugal", "Rotary Screw", "Reciprocating"].include?(chiller_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "chiller_type = #{chiller_type}", runner) return false end unless ["DX", "Hydronic"].include?(mua_cooling_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "mua_cooling_type = #{mua_cooling_type}", runner) return false end unless ["Electric", "Gas", "DX"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys3) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "heating_coil_types_sys3 = #{heating_coil_types_sys3}", runner) return false end unless ["Electric", "Gas", "DX"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys4) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "heating_coil_types_sys4 = #{heating_coil_types_sys4}", runner) return false end unless ["Hot Water", "Electric"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys6) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "heating_coil_types_sys6 = #{heating_coil_types_sys6}", runner) return false end unless ["AF_or_BI_rdg_fancurve", "AF_or_BI_inletvanes", "fc_inletvanes", "var_speed_drive"].include?(fan_type) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "fan_type = #{fan_type}", runner) return false end # REPEATED CODE!! unless ["Electric", "Hot Water"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys6) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "heating_coil_types_sys6 = #{heating_coil_types_sys6}", runner) return false end # REPEATED CODE!! unless ["Electric", "Gas"].include?(heating_coil_types_sys4) BTAP::runner_register("ERROR", "heating_coil_types_sys4 = #{heating_coil_types_sys4}", runner) return false end # Ensure that floors have been assigned by user. raise("No building stories have been defined.. User must define building stories and spaces in model.") unless model.getBuildingStorys.size > 0 #BTAP::Geometry::BuildingStoreys::auto_assign_stories(model) #this method will determine the spaces that should be set to each system schedule_type_array, space_zoning_data_array = self.necb_spacetype_system_selection(model, nil, nil) #Deal with Wildcard spaces. Might wish to have logic to do coridors first. space_zoning_data_array.sort{|obj1, obj2| obj1.space_name <=> obj2.space_name}.each do |space_zone_data| #If it is a wildcard space. if space_zone_data.system_number.nil? #iterate through all adjacent spaces from largest shared wall area to smallest. # Set system type to match first space system that is not nil. adj_spaces = space_zone_data.space.get_adjacent_spaces_with_shared_wall_areas(true) if adj_spaces.nil? puts ("Warning: No adjacent spaces for #{space_zone_data.space.name} on same floor, looking for others above and below to set system") adj_spaces = space_zone_data.space.get_adjacent_spaces_with_shared_wall_areas(false) end adj_spaces.sort.each do |adj_space| #if there are no adjacent spaces. Raise an error. raise ("Could not determine adj space to space #{space_zone_data.space.name.get}") if adj_space.nil? adj_space_data = space_zoning_data_array.find {|data| data.space == adj_space[0]} if adj_space_data.system_number.nil? next else space_zone_data.system_number = adj_space_data.system_number puts "#{space_zone_data.space.name.get}" break end end raise ("Could not determine adj space system to space #{space_zone_data.space.name.get}") if space_zone_data.system_number.nil? end end #remove any thermal zones used for sizing to start fresh. Should only do this after the above system selection method. model.getThermalZones.sort.each {|zone| zone.remove} #now lets apply the rules. # Rule1 all zones must contain only the same schedule / occupancy schedule. # Rule2 zones must cater to similar solar gains (N,E,S,W) # Rule3 zones must not pass from floor to floor. They must be contained to a single floor or level. # Rule4 Wildcard spaces will be associated with the nearest zone of similar schedule type in which is shared most of it's internal surface with. # Rule5 NECB zones must contain spaces of similar system type only. # Rule6 Multiplier zone will be part of the floor and orientation of the base space. # Rule7 Residential / dwelling units must not share systems with other space types. #Array of system types of Array of Spaces system_zone_array = [] #Lets iterate by system (0..7).each do |system_number| system_zone_array[system_number] = [] #iterate by story story_counter = 0 model.getBuildingStorys.sort.each do |story| #puts "Story:#{story}" story_counter = story_counter + 1 #iterate by operation schedule type. schedule_type_array.each do |schedule_type| #iterate by horizontal location ["north", "east", "west", "south", "core"].each do |horizontal_placement| #puts "horizontal_placement:#{horizontal_placement}" [true, false].each do |is_dwelling_unit| space_array = Array.new space_zoning_data_array.each do |space_info| #puts "Spacename: #{space_info.space.name}:#{space_info.space.spaceType.get.name}" if space_info.system_number == system_number and space_info.space.buildingStory.get == story and BTAP::Compliance::NECB2011::determine_necb_schedule_type(space_info.space).to_s == schedule_type and space_info.horizontal_placement == horizontal_placement and space_info.is_dwelling_unit == is_dwelling_unit space_array << space_info.space end end #create Thermal Zone if space_array is not empty. if space_array.size > 0 # Process spaces that have multipliers associated with them first. # This map define the multipliers for spaces with multipliers not equals to 1 space_multiplier_map = {} # This map define the multipliers for spaces with multipliers not equals to 1 case building_type when 'LargeHotel' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::LargeHotel.define_space_multiplier when 'MidriseApartment' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::MidriseApartment.define_space_multiplier when 'LargeOffice' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::LargeOffice.define_space_multiplier when 'Hospital' space_multiplier_map = PrototypeBuilding::Hospital.define_space_multiplier else space_multiplier_map = {} end #create new zone and add the spaces to it. space_array.each do |space| # Create thermalzone for each space. thermal_zone = OpenStudio::Model::ThermalZone.new(model) # Create a more informative space name. thermal_zone.setName("Sp-#{space.name} Sys-#{system_number.to_s} Flr-#{story_counter.to_s} Sch-#{schedule_type.to_s} HPlcmt-#{horizontal_placement} ZN") # Add zone mulitplier if required. thermal_zone.setMultiplier(space_multiplier_map[space.name.to_s]) unless space_multiplier_map[space.name.to_s].nil? # Space to thermal zone. (for archetype work it is one to one) space.setThermalZone(thermal_zone) # Get thermostat for space type if it already exists. space_type_name = space.spaceType.get.name.get thermostat_name = space_type_name + ' Thermostat' thermostat = model.getThermostatSetpointDualSetpointByName(thermostat_name) if thermostat.empty? OpenStudio::logFree(OpenStudio::Error, 'openstudio.model.Model', "Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{space.name} ZN") raise (" Thermostat #{thermostat_name} not found for space name: #{space.name}") else thermostatClone = thermostat.get.clone(model).to_ThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get thermal_zone.setThermostatSetpointDualSetpoint(thermostatClone) end # Add thermal to zone system number. system_zone_array[system_number] << thermal_zone end end end end end end end #system iteration #Create and assign the zones to the systems. unless use_ideal_air_loads == true hw_loop_needed = false system_zone_array.each_with_index do |zones, system_index| next if zones.size == 0 if (system_index == 1 && (mau_heating_coil_type == 'Hot Water' || baseboard_type == 'Hot Water')) hw_loop_needed = true elsif (system_index == 2 || system_index == 5 || system_index == 7) hw_loop_needed = true elsif ((system_index == 3 || system_index == 4) && baseboard_type == 'Hot Water') hw_loop_needed = true elsif (system_index == 6 && (mau_heating_coil_type == 'Hot Water' || baseboard_type == 'Hot Water')) hw_loop_needed = true end if (hw_loop_needed) then break end end if (hw_loop_needed) hw_loop = OpenStudio::Model::PlantLoop.new(model) always_on = model.alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::setup_hw_loop_with_components(model, hw_loop, boiler_fueltype, always_on) end system_zone_array.each_with_index do |zones, system_index| #skip if no thermal zones for this system. next if zones.size == 0 # puts "Zone Names for System #{system_index}" # puts "system_index = #{system_index}" case system_index when 0, nil #Do nothing no system assigned to zone. Used for Unconditioned spaces when 1 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys1(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, mau_type, mau_heating_coil_type, baseboard_type, hw_loop) when 2 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys2(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, chiller_type, mua_cooling_type) when 3 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys3(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_types_sys3, baseboard_type, hw_loop) when 4 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys4(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_types_sys4, baseboard_type, hw_loop) when 5 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys5(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, chiller_type, mua_cooling_type) when 6 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys6(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, heating_coil_types_sys6, baseboard_type, chiller_type, fan_type, hw_loop) when 7 BTAP::Resources::HVAC::HVACTemplates::NECB2011::assign_zones_sys7(model, zones, boiler_fueltype, chiller_type, mua_cooling_type) end end else #otherwise use ideal loads. model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |thermal_zone| thermal_zone_ideal_loads = OpenStudio::Model::ZoneHVACIdealLoadsAirSystem.new(model) thermal_zone_ideal_loads.addToThermalZone(thermal_zone) end end #Check to ensure that all spaces are assigned to zones except undefined ones. errors = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| if space.thermalZone.empty? and space.spaceType.get.name.get != 'Space Function - undefined -' errors << "space #{space.name} with spacetype #{space.spaceType.get.name.get} was not assigned a thermalzone." end end if errors.size > 0 raise(" #{errors}") end end # end end #Compliance end