<div class="Vlt-grid">
  <div class="Vlt-col Vlt-col--2of3 Nxd-api__docs">
      <h3 id='<%= endpoint.operationId %>'><%= endpoint.summary %></h3>
      <% if endpoint.description %>
        <p><%= endpoint.description.render_markdown %></p>
      <% end %>

      <div class="Vlt-badge-combined">
        <code class="Vlt-badge Vlt-white Vlt-badge--large Nxd-method-badge Nxd-method-badge--<%= endpoint.method %>"><%= endpoint.method.upcase %></code>
        <code class="Vlt-badge Vlt-badge--large Vlt-bg-grey-lighter Vlt-black">
          <% servers = endpoint.path.servers ? endpoint.path.servers : endpoint.definition.servers %>
          <% raise "`servers` parameter not provided at either the path level or document root" unless servers.size.positive? %>
          <span><%= servers[0]['url'] %></span><%= endpoint.path.path.gsub(/\{(.+?)\}/, '<span class="api-path-parameter">:\1</span>') %>

      <% if endpoint.jwt? || endpoint.basic_auth? || endpoint.oauth? %>

        <% if endpoint.jwt? && endpoint.basic_auth? %>
          <p>This API supports both JWT and Basic authentication. Basic authentication is easier to get started with, but does not support advanced features such as ACLs.</p>

          <p>You can use <em>either</em> JWT or Basic authentication, but not both at the same time.</p>
        <% end %>

        <div class="Vlt-table Vlt-table--bordered">
              <% if endpoint.oauth? %>
                    <b>Your OAuth token.</b><br>
                    <small><a href="/vonage-business-cloud/vbc-apis/getting-started/authentication">Read more about OAuth tokens</a></small>
                  <td><code>Bearer &lt;access_token&gt;</code></td>
              <% end %>

              <% if endpoint.jwt? %>
                    <b>Your JSON web token.</b><br>
                    <small><a href="/concepts/guides/authentication#json-web-tokens-jwt">Read more about JWTs</a></small>
                  <td><code>Bearer &lt;JWT&gt;</code></td>
              <% end %>

              <% if endpoint.basic_auth? %>
                    <b>Base64 encoded API key and secret joined by a colon.</b><br>
                    <small><a href="/concepts/guides/authentication#header-based-api-key-and-secret-authentication">Read more</a></small>
                  <td><code>Basic &lt;base64&gt;</code></td>
              <% end %>
      <% end %>

      <%= erb :'open_api/_parameter_groups', locals: { endpoint: endpoint } %>
      <%= erb :'open_api/_response_descriptions', locals: { endpoint: endpoint, auto_expand_responses: @auto_expand_responses } %>


  <div class="Vlt-col Vlt-col--1of3 Nxd-api__code">
    <%= erb :'open_api/_code_examples', locals: { endpoint: endpoint } %>

    <div class='Nxd-api__responses'>
      <% endpoint.responses.each do |response| %>
          id = SecureRandom.hex
          expand_response = response.code[0] == '2' && response.raw['x-expand-response'] != false
          expand_response = true if response.raw['x-expand-response']

        <div class="Vlt-accordion">
          <button tabindex="0" class="Vlt-accordion__trigger <%= expand_response ? 'Vlt-accordion__trigger_active' : '' %>">
            <h5 class="Vlt-title--nomargin">HTTP response
              <span class="Vlt-badge Vlt-badge--<%= response.code[0] == '2' ? 'green' : response.code[0] == '3' ? 'yellow' : 'red'  %> Vlt-badge--small"><%= response.code %></span>

          <div class="Vlt-accordion__content <%= expand_response ? 'Vlt-accordion__content_open' : '' %>">
            <% response.formats.each_with_index do |format, index| %>
              <div class="js-format" data-format="<%= format %>">
                <% if response.exhibits_one_of_multiple_schemas?(format) %>
                  <%= erb :'open_api/_response_tabs', locals: { format: format, endpoint: endpoint, response: response, content: :responses } %>
                <% else %>
                  <% schema = response.schema(format) %>
                  <%= Nexmo::OAS::Renderer::ResponseParserDecorator.new(schema).html(format, xml_options: schema['xml']) %>
                <% end %>
            <% end %>

          <% if response.code == '204' || response.formats.empty? %>
            <% content = response.description ? response.description : 'No content' %>
            <pre class="Vlt-prism--dark language-json Vlt-prism--copy-disabled"><code><%= content %></code></pre>
          <% end %>
      <% end %>

<% endpoint.callbacks.each do |callback| %>
  <%= erb :'open_api/_callback', locals: { callback: callback, webhook: false } %>
<% end %>