require 'railsstrap/classes/alert_box'
module Railsstrap
module Helpers
# Displays a Bootstrap-styled alert message.
# @see
# @return [String] the HTML to display a Bootstrap-styled alert message.
# @overload alert_box(content, options = {})
# @param [#to_s] content the content to display in the alert.
# @param [Hash] options the options for the alert box. Any option not
# listed below is passed as an HTML attribute to the alert’s `
# @option options [Boolean] :dismissible (false) whether to display an
# '×' to the right of the box that can be clicked to dismiss the alert.
# @option options [#to_s] :variant (:info) the variant alternative to
# apply to the alert. Can be `:danger`, `:info`, `:success` or
# `:warning`.
# @option options [#to_s] :priority if set to one of the priority levels
# of Rails flash contents, determines the variant of the alert box.
# Can be :alert or :notice.
# @example Display a dismissible alert box with a plain-text content.
# alert_box 'User updated successfully', dismissible: true
# @overload alert_box(options = {}, &block)
# @param [Hash] options the options for the alert box (see above).
# @yieldreturn [#to_s] the content to display in the alert.
# @example Display a success alert box with an HTML content.
# alert_box variant: :success do
# content_tag :strong, 'User updated successfully'
# end
def alert_box(*args, &block)
alert_box =, *args, &block)
alert_box.extract! :variant, :priority, :dismissible, :dismiss, :size
alert_box.append_class! :alert
alert_box.append_class! alert_box.size_class
alert_box.append_class! alert_box.variant_class
alert_box.merge! role: :alert
alert_box.prepend_html! alert_box.dismissible_button
alert_box.render_tag :div