require 'calabash-cucumber' module Briar module UIA module IPadEmulation class Cache attr_accessor :device_internal attr_accessor :window_index def initialize @device_internal = nil @window_index = nil end def current_device if device_internal.nil? #noinspection RubyParenthesesAfterMethodCallInspection @device_internal = default_device_or_create() end @device_internal end end # use the apple localization codes BRIAR_IPAD_1X_2X_BUTTON_LABELS = { :en => {:emulated_1x => 'Switch to full screen mode', :emulated_2x => 'Switch to normal mode'} } def ensure_uia_and_ipad( #noinspection RubyParenthesesAfterMethodCallInspection unless cache.current_device.ipad? screenshot_and_raise 'this function is only for the iPad' end unless cache.current_device.ios7? screenshot_and_raise 'this function only works on iOS 7' end unless uia_available? screenshot_and_raise 'this function requires the app be launched with instruments' end end def ipad_1x_2x_labels_hash(lang_code) ht = BRIAR_IPAD_1X_2X_BUTTON_LABELS[lang_code] if ht.nil? screenshot_and_raise "did not recognize language code '#{lang_code}'" end ht end def ipad_1x_2x_labels_array(lang_code) ht = ipad_1x_2x_labels_hash lang_code [ht[:emulated_1x], ht[:emulated_2x]] end def uia_ipad_scale(opts={}) default_opts = {:language_code => :en, :ensure_uia_and_ipad => false, :cache =>} opts = default_opts.merge(opts) if opts[:ensure_uia_and_ipad] ensure_uia_and_ipad(opts[:cache]) opts[:ensure_uia_and_ipad] = false end idx = window_index_of_ipad_1x_2x_button opts res = uia("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[#{idx}].buttons()[0].label()") val = res['value'] candidates = ipad_1x_2x_labels_array(opts[:language_code]) if val.eql?(candidates[0]) :emulated_1x else :emulated_2x end end def is_iphone_app_emulated_on_ipad?( return false unless cache.current_device.ipad? idx = window_index_of_ipad_1x_2x_button({:raise_if_not_found => false, :cache => cache}) idx != -1 end def window_index_of_ipad_1x_2x_button(opts={}) default_opts = {:language_code => :en, :ensure_uia_and_ipad => false, :raise_if_not_found => true, :cache =>} opts = default_opts.merge(opts) cache = opts[:cache] return cache.window_index unless cache.window_index.nil? ensure_uia_and_ipad(opts[:cache]) if opts[:ensure_uia_and_ipad] window_count = uia('UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows().length')['value'] index = 0 lang_code = opts[:language_code] candidates = ipad_1x_2x_labels_array(lang_code) success = false loop do res = uia("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[#{index}].buttons()[0].label()") if candidates.include?(res['value']) success = true break end index = index + 1 break unless index < window_count end unless success if opts[:raise_if_not_found] screenshot_and_raise "could not find window with button label '#{candidates[0]}' or '#{candidates[1]}' - is your an iphone app emulated on an ipad?" end index = -1 end cache.window_index = index index end def uia_tap_ipad_scale_button(opts={}) default_opts = {:language_code => :en, :ensure_uia_and_ipad => false, :step_pause_after_touch => BRIAR_STEP_PAUSE, :cache =>} opts = default_opts.merge(opts) ensure_uia_and_ipad(opts[:cache]) if opts[:ensure_uia_and_ipad] idx = window_index_of_ipad_1x_2x_button(opts) uia("UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().windows()[#{idx}].buttons()[0].tap()") sleep(opts[:step_pause_after_touch]) end def ensure_ipad_emulation_scale(scale, opts={}) allowed = [:emulated_1x, :emulated_2x] unless allowed.include?(scale) screenshot_and_raise "'#{scale}' is not one of '#{allowed}' allowed args" end cache = #noinspection RubyParenthesesAfterMethodCallInspection return unless is_iphone_app_emulated_on_ipad?(cache) default_opts = {:language_code => :en, :ensure_uia_and_ipad => false, :step_pause_after_touch => BRIAR_STEP_PAUSE, :cache => cache} opts = default_opts.merge(opts) actual_scale = uia_ipad_scale(opts) if actual_scale != scale uia_tap_ipad_scale_button opts end end def ensure_ipad_emulation_1x(opts={}) default_opts = {:language_code => :en, :ensure_uia_and_ipad => false, :step_pause_after_touch => BRIAR_STEP_PAUSE, :cache =>} opts = default_opts.merge(opts) ensure_ipad_emulation_scale(:emulated_1x, opts) end def ensure_ipad_emulation_2x(opts={}) default_opts = {:language_code => :en, :ensure_uia_and_ipad => false, :step_pause_after_touch => BRIAR_STEP_PAUSE, :cache =>} opts = default_opts.merge(opts) ensure_ipad_emulation_scale(:emulated_2x, opts) end end end end