== 1.2.4 2010-02-23 * Enhancements: * rake db:test:purge will drop all schema objects from test schema (including views, synonyms, packages, functions, procedures) - they should be always reloaded before tests run if necessary * added views, synonyms, packages, functions, procedures, indexes, triggers, types, primary, unique and foreign key constraints to structure dump * added :temporary option for create_table to create temporary tables * added :tablespace option for add_index * support function based indexes in schema dump * support JNDI database connections in JRuby * check ruby-oci8 minimum version 2.0.3 * added savepoints support (nested ActiveRecord transactions) * Bug fixes: * typecast returned BigDecimal integer values to Fixnum or Bignum (to avoid issues with _before_type_cast values for id attributes because _before_type_cast is used in form helpers) * clear table columns cache after columns definition change in migrations == 1.2.3 2009-12-09 * Enhancements * support fractional seconds in TIMESTAMP values * support for ActiveRecord 2.3.5 * use ENV['TZ'] to set database session time zone (as a result DATE and TIMESTAMP values are retrieved with correct time zone) * added cache_columns adapter option * added current_user adapter method * added set_integer_columns and set_string_columns ActiveRecord model class methods * Bug fixes: * do not raise exception if ENV['PATH'] is nil * do not add change_table behavior for ActiveRecord 2.0 (to avoid exception during loading) * move foreign key definitions after definition of all tables in schema.rb (to avoid definition of foreign keys before all tables are created) * changed timestamp format mask to use ':' before fractional seconds (workaround to avoid table detection in tables_in_string method in ActiveRecord associations.rb file) * fixed custom create/update/delete methods with ActiveRecord 2.3+ and timestamps * do not call oracle_enhanced specific schema dump methods when using other database adapters == 1.2.2 2009-09-28 * Enhancements * improved RDoc documentation of public methods * structure dump optionally (database.yml environment has db_stored_code: yes) extracts packages, procedures, functions, views, triggers and synonyms * automatically generated too long index names are shortened down to 30 characters * create tables with primary key triggers * use 'set_sequence_name :autogenerated' for inserting into legacy tables with trigger populated primary keys * access to tables over database link (need to define local synonym to remote table and use local synonym in set_table_name) * [JRuby] support JDBC connection using TNS_ADMIN environment variable and TNS database alias * changed cursor_sharing option default from 'similar' to 'force' * optional dbms_output logging to ActiveRecord log file (requires ruby-plsql gem) * use add_foreign_key and remove_foreign_key to define foreign key constraints (the same syntax as in http://github.com/matthuhiggins/foreigner and similar to http://github.com/eyestreet/active_record_oracle_extensions) * raise RecordNotUnique and InvalidForeignKey exceptions if caused by corresponding ORA errors (these new exceptions are supported just by current ActiveRecord master branch) * implemented disable_referential_integrity (enables safe loading of fixtures in schema with foreign key constraints) * use add_synonym and remove_synonym to define database synonyms * add_foreign_key and add_synonym are also exported to schema.rb * Bug fixes: * [JRuby] do not raise LoadError if ojdbc14.jar cannot be required (rely on application server to add it to class path) * [JRuby] 'execute' can be used to create triggers with :NEW reference * support create_table without a block * support create_table with Symbol table name * use ActiveRecord functionality to do time zone conversion * rake tasks such as db:test:clone are redefined only if oracle_enhanced is current adapter in use * VARCHAR2 and CHAR column sizes are defined in characters and not in bytes (expected behavior from ActiveRecord) * set_date_columns, set_datetime_columns, ignore_table_columns will work after reestablishing connection * ignore :limit option for :text and :binary columns in migrations * patches for ActiveRecord schema dumper to remove table prefixes and suffixes from schema.rb == 1.2.1 2009-06-07 * Enhancements * caching of table indexes query which makes schema dump much faster * Bug fixes: * return Date (and not DateTime) values for :date column value before year 1970 * fixed after_create/update/destroy callbacks with plsql custom methods * fixed creation of large integers in JRuby * Made test tasks respect Rails.env * fixed support for composite primary keys for tables with LOBs == 1.2.0 2009-03-22 * Enhancements * support for JRuby and JDBC * support for Ruby 1.9.1 and ruby-oci8 2.0 * support for Rails 2.3 * quoting of Oracle reserved words in table names and column names * emulation of OracleAdapter (for ActiveRecord unit tests) * Bug fixes: * several bug fixes that were identified during running of ActiveRecord unit tests == 1.1.9 2009-01-02 * Enhancements * Added support for table and column comments in migrations * Added support for specifying sequence start values * Added :privilege option (e.g. :SYSDBA) to ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection * Bug fixes: * Do not mark empty decimals, strings and texts (stored as NULL in database) as changed when reassigning them (starting from Rails 2.1) * Create booleans as VARCHAR2(1) columns if emulate_booleans_from_strings is true == 1.1.8 2008-10-10 * Bug fixes: * Fixed storing of serialized LOB columns * Prevent from SQL injection in :limit and :offset * Order by LOB columns (by replacing column with function which returns first 100 characters of LOB) * Sequence creation for tables with non-default primary key in create_table block * Do count distinct workaround only when composite_primary_keys gem is used (otherwise count distinct did not work with ActiveRecord 2.1.1) * Fixed rake db:test:clone_structure task (see http://rsim.lighthouseapp.com/projects/11468/tickets/11-rake-dbtestclone_structure-fails-in-117) * Fixed bug when ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true (see http://dev.rubyonrails.org/ticket/11134) == 1.1.7 2008-08-20 * Bug fixes: * Fixed that adapter works without ruby-plsql gem (in this case just custom create/update/delete methods are not available) == 1.1.6 2008-08-19 * Enhancements: * Added support for set_date_columns and set_datetime_columns * Added support for set_boolean_columns * Added support for schema prefix in set_table_name (removed table name quoting) * Added support for NVARCHAR2 column type * Bug fixes: * Do not call write_lobs callback when custom create or update methods are defined == 1.1.5 2008-07-27 * Bug fixes: * Fixed that write_lobs callback works with partial_updates enabled (added additional record lock before writing BLOB data to database) * Enhancements: * Changed SQL SELECT in indexes method so that it will execute faster on some large data dictionaries * Support for other date and time formats when assigning string to :date or :datetime column == 1.1.4 2008-07-14 * Enhancements: * Date/Time quoting changes to support composite_primary_keys * Added additional methods that are used by composite_primary_keys == 1.1.3 2008-07-10 * Enhancements: * Added support for custom create, update and delete methods when working with legacy databases where PL/SQL API should be used for create, update and delete operations == 1.1.2 2008-07-08 * Bug fixes: * Fixed after_save callback addition for session store in ActiveRecord version 2.0.2 * Changed date column name recognition - now should match regex /(^|_)date(_|$)/i (previously "updated_at" was recognized as :date column and not as :datetime) == 1.1.1 2008-06-28 * Enhancements: * Added ignore_table_columns option * Added support for TIMESTAMP columns (without fractional seconds) * NLS_DATE_FORMAT and NLS_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT independent DATE and TIMESTAMP columns support * Bug fixes: * Checks if CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore::Session does not have enhanced_write_lobs callback before adding it (Rails 2.0 does not add this callback, Rails 2.1 does) == 1.1.0 2008-05-05 * Forked from original activerecord-oracle-adapter- * Renamed oracle adapter to oracle_enhanced adapter * Added "enhanced" to method and class definitions so that oracle_enhanced and original oracle adapter could be used simultaniously * Added Rails rake tasks as a copy from original oracle tasks * Enhancements: * Improved perfomance of schema dump methods when used on large data dictionaries * Added LOB writing callback for sessions stored in database * Added emulate_dates_by_column_name option * Added emulate_integers_by_column_name option * Added emulate_booleans_from_strings option