module Workarea module Inventory class Transaction include ApplicationDocument field :order_id, type: String field :captured, type: Boolean, default: false index({ order_id: 1, captured: 1 }) index({ updated_at: 1, captured: 1 }) embeds_many :items, class_name: 'Workarea::Inventory::TransactionItem' # Creates a {Inventory::Transaction} based on order ID and items # # @param ID [String] # @param items [Hash] keys are skus, values are quantities # # @return [Inventory::Transaction] # def self.from_order(id, items) inventory_order = new(order_id: id) items.each do |sku, quantity| sku, total: quantity) end inventory_order end def self.captured_for_order(id) find_by(order_id: id, captured: true) rescue nil end # Query for inventory orders that are expired. This means # they were never captured in 6 months. # # @return [Mongoid::Criteria] # def self.expired where( => Time.current - 6.months, captured: false) end # Capture the inventory quantities for this order. # This method uses MongoDB's findAndModify to # ensure we have valid inventory quantities to # capture against. # # When successful, it updates item states to # reflect what type of inventory (available vs backorder) # so we have this data from time of capture. # # This method is used when placing the order in checkout. # # @return [self] # def purchase unit = unit.commit self.captured = true save! rescue UnitOfWork::Failure => e self.captured = false errors.add(:base, e.message) self end # Reverts the operations from a capture to free up # the appropriate inventory. Used to rollback when # another order-placing dependency (e.g. payment) # fails. # # @return [self] # def rollback unit = unit.rollback self.captured = false save! self end # Reverts the operations from a capture to free up # the appropriate inventory. Used to restock # inventory when canceling an order item with that # option selected. # # @return [self] # def restock(quantities) save! self end end end end