begin require "bundler/setup" rescue LoadError puts "You must `gem install bundler` and `bundle install` to run rake tasks" end begin require "rdoc/task" rescue LoadError require "rdoc/rdoc" require "rake/rdoctask" RDoc::Task = Rake::RDocTask end desc "Generate documentation for Alchemy CMS." do |rdoc| rdoc.rdoc_dir = "rdoc" rdoc.title = "Alchemy CMS" rdoc.options << "--line-numbers" << "--inline-source" rdoc.rdoc_files.include("") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("config/alchemy/*.yml") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("lib/**/*.rb") rdoc.rdoc_files.include("app/**/*.rb") end APP_RAKEFILE = File.expand_path("spec/dummy/Rakefile", __dir__) load "rails/tasks/engine.rake" require "rspec/core" require "rspec/core/rake_task" task default: ["alchemy:spec:prepare", :spec] Bundler::GemHelper.install_tasks namespace :alchemy do namespace :spec do desc "Prepares database for testing Alchemy" task :prepare do system( <<~BASH cd spec/dummy && \ export RAILS_ENV=test && \ bin/rake db:create && \ bin/rake db:environment:set && \ bin/rake db:migrate:reset && \ bin/rails g alchemy:install --skip --skip-demo-files --auto-accept && \ cd - BASH ) || fail end end namespace :changelog do desc "Update CHANGELOG from GitHub (Set GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN and PREVIOUS_VERSION to a version you want to write changelog changes for)" task :update do original_file = "./" new_file = original_file + ".new" backup = original_file + ".old" changes = `git rev-list v#{ENV["PREVIOUS_VERSION"]}..HEAD | bundle exec github_fast_changelog AlchemyCMS/alchemy_cms`, "w") do |fo| fo.puts changes File.foreach(original_file) do |li| fo.puts li end fo.puts "" end File.rename(original_file, backup) File.rename(new_file, original_file) File.delete(backup) end end desc "Release a new Ruby gem and npm package in one command" task :release do require "json" require_relative "lib/alchemy/version" package ="package.json") unless JSON.parse(package)["version"] == Alchemy.version abort "Ruby gem and npm package versions are out of sync! Please fix." end # Release the Ruby gem with bundler Rake::Task["release"].invoke # Publish npm package via CLI system "npm publish" end end