module Exvo module Helpers # Dynamically define class methods class << self %w(cdn cfs desktop themes blog contacts inbox music pics).each do |service| # def self.cdn_uri # "http://#{cdn_host}" # end define_method "#{service}_uri" do "http://#{ send("#{service}_host") }" end # def self.cdn_host # @@cdn_host ||= ENV['CDN_HOST'] || default_opts[env.to_sym][:cdn_host] # end define_method "#{service}_host" do # poor man's metaprogramming memoization - if it's defined (and not nil!) return it; if not, set it if class_variable_defined?("@@#{service}_host") and class_variable_get("@@#{service}_host") class_variable_get("@@#{service}_host") else host = ENV["#{service.upcase}_HOST"] || default_opts[env.to_sym]["#{service}_host".to_sym] class_variable_set("@@#{service}_host", host) end end # def self.cdn_host=(host) # @@cdn_host = host # end define_method "#{service}_host=" do |host| class_variable_set("@@#{service}_host", host) end end end # AUTH # pass-in to the ExvoAuth gem def self.auth_uri if defined?(ExvoAuth::Config) and ExvoAuth::Config.respond_to?('uri') ExvoAuth::Config.uri else raise "Exvo.auth_uri method is available only when exvo-auth gem is available" end end def self.auth_host if defined?(ExvoAuth::Config) and ExvoAuth::Config.respond_to?('host') else raise "Exvo.auth_host method is available only when exvo-auth gem is available" end end # ENV def self.env @@env ||= Rails.env if defined?(Rails) @@env ||= Merb.env if defined?(Merb) @@env end def self.env=(env) @@env = env end private def self.default_opts { :production => { :cdn_host => '', :cfs_host => '', :desktop_host => '', :themes_host => '', :blog_host => '', :contacts_host => '', :inbox_host => '', :music_host => '', :pics_host => '' }, :staging => { :cdn_host => '', :cfs_host => '', :desktop_host => '', :themes_host => '', :blog_host => '', :contacts_host => '', :inbox_host => '', :music_host => '', :pics_host => '' }, :development => { :cdn_host => 'www.exvo.local', :cfs_host => 'cfs.exvo.local', :desktop_host => 'www.exvo.local', :themes_host => 'themes.exvo.local', :blog_host => 'blog.exvo.local', :contacts_host => 'contacts.exvo.local', :inbox_host => 'inbox.exvo.local', :music_host => 'music.exvo.local', :pics_host => 'pics.exvo.local' }, :test => { :cdn_host => 'www.exvo.local', :cfs_host => 'cfs.exvo.local', :desktop_host => 'www.exvo.local', :themes_host => 'themes.exvo.local', :blog_host => 'blog.exvo.local', :contacts_host => 'contacts.exvo.local', :inbox_host => 'inbox.exvo.local', :music_host => 'music.exvo.local', :pics_host => 'pics.exvo.local' } } end end end