# # test/porolog/predicate/builtin_test.rb - Test Suite for Porolog::Predicate::Builtin # # Luis Esteban 30 July 2020 # created # require_relative '../../test_helper' describe 'Porolog' do describe 'Predicate' do describe 'Builtin' do before(:all) do reset end describe '#write' do it 'should output an atom' do assert_output 'hello' do builtin :write assert_solutions write('hello'), [{}] end end it 'should output an integer' do assert_output '456' do builtin :write assert_solutions write(456), [{}] end end it 'should output an uninstantiated variable' do assert_output ':X' do builtin :write assert_solutions write(:X), [{ X: nil }] end end it 'should output an instantiated variable' do assert_output '72' do builtin :write, :is predicate :inst inst(:X, :Y) << [ is(:Y, :X) {|x| x + 4 }, write(:Y) ] assert_solutions inst(23 + 45, :Y), [{ Y: 72 }] end end end describe '#writenl' do it 'should output an atom and a new line' do assert_output "hello\n" do builtin :writenl assert_solutions writenl('hello'), [{}] end end it 'should output an integer and a new line' do assert_output "456\n" do builtin :writenl assert_solutions writenl(456), [{}] end end it 'should output an uninstantiated variable and a new line' do assert_output ":X\n" do builtin :writenl assert_solutions writenl(:X), [{ X: nil }] end end it 'should output an instantiated variable and a new line' do assert_output "72\n" do builtin :writenl, :is predicate :inst inst(:X, :Y) << [ is(:Y, :X) {|x| x + 4 }, writenl(:Y) ] assert_solutions inst(23 + 45, :Y), [{ Y: 72 }] end end end describe '#nl' do it 'should output a newline' do assert_output "\n\n\n" do builtin :nl predicate :f, :n n(1).fact! n(5).fact! n(7).fact! f() << [ n(:X), nl ] assert_solutions f(), [ {}, {}, {}, ] end end end describe '#is' do it 'should raise an exception when not provided with a variable' do builtin :is predicate :is_test is_test(:variable) << [ # :nocov: is(6) { 6 } # :nocov: ] assert_raises NonVariableError do assert_solutions is_test(6), [{}] end end it 'should not raise an exception when provided with an instantiated variable' do builtin :is predicate :is_test is_test(:variable) << [ is(:variable) { 6 } ] assert_solutions is_test(6), [{}] end it 'should call the block provided and instantiate the variable to the result of the provided block' do builtin :is predicate :is_test calls = [] is_test(:variable1, :variable2) << [ is(:variable1) { calls << 'first is called' 'first' }, is(:variable2) { calls << 'second is called' 'second' } ] assert_solutions is_test(:X, :Y), [{ X: 'first', Y: 'second'}] assert_equal [ 'first is called', 'second is called', ], calls end it 'should return false when the variable cannot be instantiated' do builtin :is predicate :is_test calls = [] is_test(:variable1, :variable2) << [ is(:variable1) { calls << 'first is called' 'first' }, is(:variable2) { # :nocov: calls << 'second is called' 'second' # :nocov: } ] assert_solutions is_test('one', 'two'), [] assert_equal [ 'first is called', ], calls end end describe '#eq' do it 'should return no solutions when given unequal values' do builtin :eq assert_solutions eq([3,2,1,4], [1,2,3,4]), [] end it 'should return a solution when given equal values' do builtin :eq assert_solutions eq([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]), [{}] end it 'should return a solution with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :eq assert_solutions eq(:X, :X), [{ X: nil}] end it 'should return no solutions when given two unbound variables' do builtin :eq assert_solutions eq(:X, :Y), [] end it 'should return one solution with unbound variables when given given two uninstantiated variables that are bound to each other' do builtin :eq, :is predicate :bind_and_eq bind_and_eq(:X, :Y) << [ is(:X, :Y) { |y| y }, eq(:X, :Y) ] assert_solutions bind_and_eq(:X, :Y), [{ X: nil, Y: nil }] end it 'should return no solutions when given two uninstantiated variables that are not bound to each other' do builtin :eq, :is predicate :bind_and_eq bind_and_eq(:X, :Y) << [ is(:X, :P) { |p| p }, is(:Y, :Q) { |q| q }, eq(:X, :Y) ] assert_solutions bind_and_eq(:X, :Y), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given a value and an uninstantiated variable' do builtin :eq assert_solutions eq([1,2,3,4], :L), [] assert_solutions eq(:L, [1,2,3,4]), [] end end describe '#is_eq' do it 'should return no solutions when given unequal values' do builtin :is_eq assert_solutions is_eq([3,2,1,4], [1,2,3,4]), [] end it 'should return a solution when given equal values' do builtin :is_eq assert_solutions is_eq([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]), [] end it 'should return a solution with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :is_eq assert_solutions is_eq(:X, :X), [{ X: nil}] end it 'should return no solutions when given given two unbound variables' do builtin :is_eq assert_solutions is_eq(:X, :Y), [{ X: nil, Y: nil }] end it 'should return one solution with unbound variables when given given two uninstantiated variables that are bound to each other' do builtin :is_eq, :is predicate :bind_and_eq bind_and_eq(:X, :Y) << [ is(:X, :Y) { |y| y }, is_eq(:X, :Y) ] assert_solutions bind_and_eq(:X, :Y), [{ X: nil, Y: nil }] end it 'should return no solutions when given given two uninstantiated variables that are not bound to each other' do builtin :is_eq, :is predicate :bind_and_eq bind_and_eq(:X, :Y) << [ is(:X, :P) { |p| p }, is(:Y, :Q) { |q| q }, is_eq(:X, :Y) ] assert_solutions bind_and_eq(:X, :Y), [{ X: nil, Y: nil }] end it 'should not instantiate the right hand side when not given a left hand side variable' do builtin :is_eq assert_solutions is_eq([1,2,3,4], :L), [] end it 'should instantiate the left hand side variable' do builtin :is_eq assert_solutions is_eq(:L, [1,2,3,4]), [{ L: [1,2,3,4] }] end end describe '#ruby' do it 'should execute ruby code' do builtin :ruby predicate :logic, :data data(1).fact! data(5).fact! data(7).cut_fact! data(9).fact! ruby_log = [] logic(:N) << [ ruby(:N){|goal, n| ruby_log << (n.type == :variable ? n.to_sym : n) }, data(:N), ruby(:N){|goal, n| ruby_log << (n.type == :variable ? n.to_sym : n) } ] assert_solutions logic(:N), [ { N: 1 }, { N: 5 }, { N: 7 }, ] assert_equal [:N,1,5,7], ruby_log end it 'should execute ruby code which triggers a failure' do builtin :ruby predicate :logic, :data data(1).fact! data(5).fact! data(7).cut_fact! data(9).fact! ruby_log = [] logic(:N) << [ ruby(:N){|goal, n| ruby_log << (n.type == :variable ? n.to_sym : n) }, data(:N), ruby(:N){|goal, n| ruby_log << (n.type == :variable ? n.to_sym : n) :fail } ] assert_solutions logic(:N), [ ] assert_equal [:N,1,5,7], ruby_log end end describe '#noteq' do it 'should return no solutions when given unequal values' do builtin :noteq assert_solutions noteq([3,2,1,4], [1,2,3,4]), [{}] end it 'should return a solution when given equal values' do builtin :noteq assert_solutions noteq([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]), [] end it 'should return a solution with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :noteq assert_solutions noteq(:X, :X), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given two unbound variables' do builtin :noteq assert_solutions noteq(:X, :Y), [{ X: nil, Y: nil }] end it 'should return one solution with unbound variables when given given two uninstantiated variables that are bound to each other' do builtin :noteq, :is predicate :bind_and_noteq bind_and_noteq(:X, :Y) << [ is(:X, :Y) { |y| y }, noteq(:X, :Y) ] assert_solutions bind_and_noteq(:X, :Y), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given two uninstantiated variables that are not bound to each other' do builtin :noteq, :is predicate :bind_and_noteq bind_and_noteq(:X, :Y) << [ is(:X, :P) { |p| p }, is(:Y, :Q) { |q| q }, noteq(:X, :Y) ] assert_solutions bind_and_noteq(:X, :Y), [{ X: nil, Y: nil }] end it 'should return a solution when given an unbound variable' do builtin :noteq assert_solutions noteq([1,2,3,4], :L), [{ L: nil }] assert_solutions noteq(:L, [1,2,3,4]), [{ L: nil }] end end describe '#is_noteq' do it 'should return solutions without the exclusions' do builtin :is_noteq assert_solutions is_noteq(:X, [1,2,3,4,5], 2, 5), [ { X: 1, _a: [1,3,4] }, { X: 3, _a: [1,3,4] }, { X: 4, _a: [1,3,4] } ] end it 'should return no solutions when the exclusions are not unique' do builtin :is_noteq assert_solutions is_noteq(:X, [1,2,3,4,5], 2, 5, 2), [] end it 'should return no solutions when the target is not a variable' do builtin :is_noteq assert_solutions is_noteq(7, [1,2,3,4,5], 2, 5, 2), [] end end describe '#less' do it 'should return no solutions when given a greater value' do builtin :less assert_solutions less(7, 4), [] assert_solutions less('h', 'b'), [] assert_solutions less(1.01, 1.003), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given equal values' do builtin :less assert_solutions less(4, 4), [] assert_solutions less('b', 'b'), [] assert_solutions less(1.003, 1.003), [] end it 'should return a solution when given lesser values' do builtin :less assert_solutions less(2, 4), [{}] end it 'should return no solutions with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :less assert_solutions less(:X, :X), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given two unbound variables' do builtin :less assert_solutions less(:X, :Y), [] end end describe '#gtr' do it 'should return no solutions when given a lesser value' do builtin :gtr assert_solutions gtr(4, 7), [] assert_solutions gtr('b', 'h'), [] assert_solutions gtr(1.003, 1.01), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given equal values' do builtin :gtr assert_solutions gtr(4, 4), [] assert_solutions gtr('b', 'b'), [] assert_solutions gtr(1.003, 1.003), [] end it 'should return a solution when given greater values' do builtin :gtr assert_solutions gtr(4, 2), [{}] end it 'should return no solutions with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :gtr assert_solutions gtr(:X, :X), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given two unbound variables' do builtin :gtr assert_solutions gtr(:X, :Y), [] end end describe '#lesseq' do it 'should return no solutions when given a greater value' do builtin :lesseq assert_solutions lesseq(7, 4), [] assert_solutions lesseq('h', 'b'), [] assert_solutions lesseq(1.01, 1.003), [] end it 'should return a solution when given equal values' do builtin :lesseq assert_solutions lesseq(4, 4), [{}] assert_solutions lesseq('b', 'b'), [{}] assert_solutions lesseq(1.003, 1.003), [{}] end it 'should return a solution when given lesser values' do builtin :lesseq assert_solutions lesseq(2, 4), [{}] assert_solutions lesseq('b', 'h'), [{}] assert_solutions lesseq(1.003, 1.01), [{}] end it 'should return a solution with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :lesseq assert_solutions lesseq(:X, :X), [{ X: nil }] end it 'should return no solutions when given two unbound variables' do builtin :lesseq assert_solutions lesseq(:X, :Y), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given one unbound variable' do builtin :lesseq assert_solutions lesseq(:X, 11), [] end end describe '#gtreq' do it 'should return no solutions when given a lesser value' do builtin :gtreq assert_solutions gtreq(4, 7), [] assert_solutions gtreq('b', 'h'), [] assert_solutions gtreq(1.003, 1.01), [] end it 'should return a solution when given equal values' do builtin :gtreq assert_solutions gtreq(4, 4), [{}] assert_solutions gtreq('b', 'b'), [{}] assert_solutions gtreq(1.003, 1.003), [{}] end it 'should return a solution when given gtreqer values' do builtin :gtreq assert_solutions gtreq(4, 2), [{}] assert_solutions gtreq('h', 'b'), [{}] assert_solutions gtreq(1.01, 1.003), [{}] end it 'should return a solution with an unbound variable when given the same unbound variable' do builtin :gtreq assert_solutions gtreq(:X, :X), [{ X: nil }] end it 'should return no solutions when given two unbound variables' do builtin :gtreq assert_solutions gtreq(:X, :Y), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given one unbound variable' do builtin :gtreq assert_solutions gtreq(:X, 11), [] end end describe '#length' do it 'should return a solution for an array and an integer' do builtin :length assert_solutions length([1,2,3,4,5], 5), [{}] end it 'should return no solutions for an array and an integer that do not satisy the length' do builtin :length assert_solutions length([1,2,3,4,5], 2), [] end it 'should instaniate the length of the list' do builtin :length assert_solutions length([1,2,3,4,5], :N), [{ N: 5 }] end it 'should instaniate the list' do builtin :length assert_solutions length(:L, 4), [ { L: [nil, nil, nil, nil], _a: nil, _b: nil, _c: nil, _d: nil } ] end it 'should return no solutions for a variable array and length' do builtin :length assert_solutions length(:L, :N), [] end it 'should return no solutions for invalid types' do builtin :length assert_solutions length(3, [1,2,3]), [] end end describe '#between' do it 'should return a solution when the value is in range' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(3, 1, 10), [{}] end it 'should return no solutions when the value is not in range' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(-40, 1, 10), [] end it 'should return no solutions when given an uninstantiated variable for the range' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(:X, 1, :Ten), [] assert_solutions between(:X, :One, 10), [] end it 'should return solutions for instantiating' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(:X, 1, 10), [ { X: 1 }, { X: 2 }, { X: 3 }, { X: 4 }, { X: 5 }, { X: 6 }, { X: 7 }, { X: 8 }, { X: 9 }, { X: 10 }, ] end it 'should instantiate the minimum possible when the value is above the lower bound' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(4, 1, :upper), [{ upper: 4}] end it 'should instantiate the maximum possible when the value is below the upper bound' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(4, :lower, 10), [{ lower: 4}] end it 'should return no solutions the value is below the lower bound' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(-7, 1, :upper), [] end it 'should return no solutions the value is above the upper bound' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(24, :lower, 10), [] end it 'should instantiate both bounds when given a value' do builtin :between assert_solutions between(24, :lower, :upper), [{ lower: 24, upper: 24 }] end end describe '#member' do it 'should return no solutions for a non-member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(5, [1,2,3,4]), [] end it 'should return no solutions for a non-list' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(5, 5), [] end it 'should return a solution for a member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(3, [1,2,3,4]), [{}] end it 'should return a solution for an array member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member([2,3], [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]), [{}] end it 'should return a solution for a member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(3, [1,2,3,4]), [{}] end it 'should return a solution for a member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(3, [1,2,:C,4]), [{ C: 3 }] end it 'should return a solution for an array member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member([:A,3], [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]), [{ A: 2 }] end it 'should return a solution for an array member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member([2,3], [[1,:B],[:B,3],[3,4]]), [{ B: 2 }] end it 'should return solutions for each member' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(:M, [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]]), [ { M: [1,2] }, { M: [2,3] }, { M: [3,4] }, ] end it 'should return limited solutions for variables' do builtin :member assert_solutions member(:M, :L, 12), Array.new(12){|i| v = '_a' { M: nil, L: [*([nil] * (i+1)), UNKNOWN_TAIL] }.merge((1..(i * (i + 1) / 2)).map{ m = v.dup ; v.succ! ; [m.to_sym, nil] }.to_h) } end end describe '#append' do it 'should return no solutions for a non-append' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [1,2,7,4,5,6]), [] end it 'should return a solution for a valid append' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [1,2,3,4,5,6]), [{}] end it 'should return no solutions for a non-list' do builtin :append assert_solutions append(5, 5, 55), [] end it 'should return a solution for a valid append' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([1,2,3], [4,5,6], [1,2,3,4,5,6]), [{}] end it 'should return a solution for an array append' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]], [[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]], [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]]), [{}] end it 'should instantiate prefix variable' do builtin :append assert_solutions append(:prefix, [[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]], [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]]), [ { prefix: [[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]] } ] end it 'should instantiate suffix variable' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]], :suffix, [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]]), [ { suffix: [[4, 5], [5, 6], [6, 7]] } ] end it 'should instantiate embedded variables' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([[:A,:B],[:C,:D],[:E,:F]], [:G,:H,:I], [[1,2],[2,3],[3,4],[4,5],[5,6],[6,7]]), [ { A: 1, B: 2, C: 2, D: 3, E: 3, F: 4, G: [4, 5], H: [5, 6], I: [6, 7] } ] end it 'should instantiate embedded variables' do builtin :append assert_solutions append([1,2,3,4], ['apple','banana','carrot'], :L), [ { L: [1, 2, 3, 4, 'apple', 'banana', 'carrot'] } ] end it 'should return solutions for all possible splits of a list' do builtin :append assert_solutions append(:M, :L, [1,2,3,4,5]), [ { M: [], L: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] }, { M: [1], L: [2, 3, 4, 5] }, { M: [1, 2], L: [3, 4, 5] }, { M: [1, 2, 3], L: [4, 5] }, { M: [1, 2, 3, 4], L: [5] }, { M: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], L: [] } ] end it 'should instantiate using a head and tail for an unbound variable and an array' do builtin :append, :is_eq predicate :append_is_eq append_is_eq(:A, :B, :C) << [ append(:A, :B, :C), is_eq(:A, [1, 2, 3]), ] assert_solutions append_is_eq(:A, [4,5,6], :C), [ { A: [1, 2, 3], C: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] } ] end it 'should instantiate using a head and tail for unbound variables' do builtin :append, :is_eq predicate :append_is_eq append_is_eq(:A, :B, :C) << [ append(:A, :B, :C), is_eq(:B, [4, 5, 6]), ] assert_solutions append_is_eq([1,2,3], :B, :C), [ { B: [4, 5, 6], C: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] } ] end it 'should instantiate using a head and tail for unbound variables' do builtin :append, :is_eq predicate :append_is_eq append_is_eq(:A, :B, :C) << [ append(:A, :B, :C), is_eq(:A, [1, 2, 3]), is_eq(:B, [4, 5, 6]), ] assert_solutions append_is_eq(:A, :B, :C), [ { A: [1, 2, 3], B: [4, 5, 6], C: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] } ] end end describe '#permutation' do it 'returns no solutions for non-arrays' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation('1234', '1234'), [] end it 'returns a solution for identical arrays without variables' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4]), [{}] end it 'returns a solutions for rearranged arrays without variables' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([3,2,1,4], [1,2,3,4]), [{}] end it 'returns a solution and instantiates a variable' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([3,2,:A,4], [1,2,3,4]), [{ A: 1 }] end it 'returns solutions of permutations of instantiations' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([3,2,:A,:B], [1,2,3,4]), [ { A: 1, B: 4 }, { A: 4, B: 1 }, ] end it 'returns solutions of permutations of instantiations in the other list' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([3,2,1,4], [:A,2,3,:B]), [ { A: 1, B: 4 }, { A: 4, B: 1 }, ] end it 'infers instantiations of variables in both arrays' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([3,2,:A,4], [1,2,:C,4]), [ { A: 1, C: 3 } ] end it 'infers instantiations of variables in both arrays when they represent the same value' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([:A,2,1,4], [1,2,:C,4]), [ { A: 1, C: 1 }, { A: 2, C: 2 }, { A: nil, C: nil }, { A: 4, C: 4 } ] end it 'returns all permutations of an array' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation([3,2,1,4], :L), [ { L: [3, 2, 1, 4] }, { L: [3, 2, 4, 1] }, { L: [3, 1, 2, 4] }, { L: [3, 1, 4, 2] }, { L: [3, 4, 2, 1] }, { L: [3, 4, 1, 2] }, { L: [2, 3, 1, 4] }, { L: [2, 3, 4, 1] }, { L: [2, 1, 3, 4] }, { L: [2, 1, 4, 3] }, { L: [2, 4, 3, 1] }, { L: [2, 4, 1, 3] }, { L: [1, 3, 2, 4] }, { L: [1, 3, 4, 2] }, { L: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, { L: [1, 2, 4, 3] }, { L: [1, 4, 3, 2] }, { L: [1, 4, 2, 3] }, { L: [4, 3, 2, 1] }, { L: [4, 3, 1, 2] }, { L: [4, 2, 3, 1] }, { L: [4, 2, 1, 3] }, { L: [4, 1, 3, 2] }, { L: [4, 1, 2, 3] } ], goals: 1 end it 'returns all permutations of an array when arguments are swapped' do builtin :permutation assert_solutions permutation(:L, [3,2,1,4]), [ { L: [3, 2, 1, 4] }, { L: [3, 2, 4, 1] }, { L: [3, 1, 2, 4] }, { L: [3, 1, 4, 2] }, { L: [3, 4, 2, 1] }, { L: [3, 4, 1, 2] }, { L: [2, 3, 1, 4] }, { L: [2, 3, 4, 1] }, { L: [2, 1, 3, 4] }, { L: [2, 1, 4, 3] }, { L: [2, 4, 3, 1] }, { L: [2, 4, 1, 3] }, { L: [1, 3, 2, 4] }, { L: [1, 3, 4, 2] }, { L: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, { L: [1, 2, 4, 3] }, { L: [1, 4, 3, 2] }, { L: [1, 4, 2, 3] }, { L: [4, 3, 2, 1] }, { L: [4, 3, 1, 2] }, { L: [4, 2, 3, 1] }, { L: [4, 2, 1, 3] }, { L: [4, 1, 3, 2] }, { L: [4, 1, 2, 3] } ], goals: 1 end end describe '#reverse' do it 'returns no solutions for non-arrays' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse('1234', '1234'), [] end it 'returns a solution for mirrored arrays without variables' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([1,2,3,4], [4,3,2,1]), [{}] end it 'returns a solution and instantiates a variable' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([4,3,:A,1], [1,2,3,4]), [{ A: 2 }] end it 'returns a solution and instantiates multiple variables' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([4,3,:A,:B], [1,2,3,4]), [ { A: 2, B: 1 }, ] end it 'returns a solution and instantiates multiple variables in the other list' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([4,3,2,1], [:A,2,3,:B]), [ { A: 1, B: 4 }, ] end it 'infers instantiations of variables in both arrays' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([4,3,:A,1], [1,2,:C,4]), [ { A: 2, C: 3 } ] end it 'infers instantiations of variables in both arrays when they represent the same value' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([:A,3,2,1], [1,:A,3,:C]), [ { A: 2, C: 2 }, ] end it 'allows unbound variables' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([:A,3,2,1], :L), [ { A: nil, L: [1,2,3,nil] }, ] end it 'instantiates a variable to the reversed array' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse([4,3,2,1], :L), [ { L: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, ], goals: 1 end it 'instantiates a variable to the reversed array when arguments are swapped' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse(:L, [4,3,2,1]), [ { L: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, ], goals: 1 end it 'returns no solutions for uninstantiated variables' do builtin :reverse assert_solutions reverse(:X, :Y), [], goals: 1 end end describe '#var' do it 'should be unsuccessful for an atom' do builtin :var assert_solutions var('1234'), [] end it 'should be successful for an uninstantiated variable' do builtin :var, :is_eq predicate :vartest vartest(:variable) << [ var(:variable), is_eq(:variable, 'value') ] assert_solutions vartest(:V), [{ V: 'value' }] end it 'should be successful for an uninstantiated bound variable' do builtin :var, :is_eq predicate :vartest vartest(:variable) << [ is_eq(:variable, :bound), var(:variable), is_eq(:bound, 'bound') ] assert_solutions vartest(:V), [{ V: 'bound' }] end it 'should be successful for an uninstantiated bound variable' do builtin :var, :is_eq predicate :vartest vartest(:variable) << [ is_eq(:variable, 'instantiated'), var(:variable) ] assert_solutions vartest(:V), [] end end describe '#nonvar' do it 'should be successful for an atom' do builtin :nonvar assert_solutions nonvar('1234'), [{}] end it 'should be unsuccessful for an uninstantiated variable' do builtin :nonvar, :is_eq predicate :nonvartest nonvartest(:variable) << [ nonvar(:variable), is_eq(:variable, 'value') ] assert_solutions nonvartest(:V), [] end it 'should be unsuccessful for an uninstantiated bound variable' do builtin :nonvar, :is_eq predicate :nonvartest nonvartest(:variable) << [ is_eq(:variable, :bound), nonvar(:variable), is_eq(:bound, 'bound') ] assert_solutions nonvartest(:V), [] end it 'should be unsuccessful for an uninstantiated bound variable' do builtin :nonvar, :is_eq predicate :nonvartest nonvartest(:variable) << [ is_eq(:variable, 'instantiated'), nonvar(:variable) ] assert_solutions nonvartest(:V), [{ V: 'instantiated' }] end end describe '#atom' do it 'should be satisfied with a String' do builtin :atom assert_solutions atom('banana'), [{}] end it 'should not be satisfied with an Integer' do builtin :atom assert_solutions atom(6), [] end it 'should not be satisfied with an Array' do builtin :atom assert_solutions atom([]), [] end end describe '#atomic' do it 'should be satisfied with a String' do builtin :atomic assert_solutions atomic('banana'), [{}] end it 'should be satisfied with an Integer' do builtin :atomic assert_solutions atomic(6), [{}] end it 'should not be satisfied with an Array' do builtin :atomic assert_solutions atomic([]), [] end it 'should not be satisfied with an uninstantiated variable' do builtin :atomic assert_solutions atomic(:X), [] end end describe '#integer' do it 'should not be satisfied with a String' do builtin :integer assert_solutions integer('banana'), [] end it 'should be satisfied with an Integer' do builtin :integer assert_solutions integer(6), [{}] end it 'should not be satisfied with an Array' do builtin :integer assert_solutions integer([]), [] end it 'should not be satisfied with an uninstantiated variable' do builtin :integer assert_solutions integer(:X), [] end end end end end