require 'csv' require 'fileutils' require 'rubygems' require 'json' require 'yaml' require 'spout/helpers/subject_loader' require 'spout/helpers/chart_types' module Spout module Commands class Graphs def initialize(variables, standard_version) @standard_version = standard_version spout_config = YAML.load_file('.spout.yml') @visit = '' if spout_config.kind_of?(Hash) @visit = spout_config['visit'].to_s.strip chart_variables = if spout_config['charts'].kind_of?(Array) spout_config['charts'].select{|c| c.kind_of?(Hash)} else [] end else puts "The YAML file needs to be in the following format:" puts "---\nvisit: visit_variable_name\ncharts:\n- chart: age_variable_name\n title: Age\n- chart: gender_variable_name\n title: Gender\n- chart: race_variable_name\n title: Race\n" exit end if Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::get_json(@visit, 'variable') == nil if @visit == '' puts "The visit variable in .spout.yml can't be blank." else puts "Could not find the following visit variable: #{@visit}" end exit end missing_variables ={|c| Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::get_json(c['chart'], 'variable') == nil} if missing_variables.count > 0 puts "Could not find the following chart variable#{'s' unless missing_variables.size == 1}: #{missing_variables.join(', ')}" exit end argv_string = variables.join(',') @number_of_rows = nil if match_data = argv_string.match(/-rows=(\d*)/) @number_of_rows = match_data[1].to_i argv_string.gsub!(match_data[0], '') end @valid_ids = argv_string.split(',').compact.reject{|s| s == ''} @chart_variables = chart_variables.unshift( { "chart" => @visit, "title" => 'Histogram' } ) @variable_files = Dir.glob('variables/**/*.json') t = FileUtils.mkpath "graphs/#{@standard_version}" @subject_loader =, @valid_ids, @standard_version, @number_of_rows, @visit) @subject_loader.load_subjects_from_csvs! @subjects = @subject_loader.subjects compute_tables_and_charts puts "Took #{ - t} seconds." end def compute_tables_and_charts variable_files_count = @variable_files.count @variable_files.each_with_index do |variable_file, file_index| json = JSON.parse( rescue json = nil next unless json next unless @valid_ids.include?(json["id"].to_s.downcase) or @valid_ids.size == 0 next unless ["numeric", "integer", "choices"].include?(json["type"]) variable_name = json['id'].to_s.downcase next unless Spout::Models::Subject.method_defined?(variable_name) puts "#{file_index+1} of #{variable_files_count}: #{variable_file.gsub(/(^variables\/|\.json$)/, '').gsub('/', ' / ')}" stats = { charts: {}, tables: {} } @chart_variables.each do |chart_type_hash| chart_type = chart_type_hash["chart"] chart_title = chart_type_hash["title"].downcase if chart_type == @visit filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) != nil } # and s.send(variable_name) != nil if filtered_subjects.count > 0 stats[:charts][chart_title] = Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::chart_histogram(chart_type, filtered_subjects, json, variable_name) stats[:tables][chart_title] = Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::table_arbitrary(chart_type, filtered_subjects, json, variable_name) end else filtered_subjects ={ |s| s.send(chart_type) != nil } # and s.send(variable_name) != nil if filtered_subjects.count > 0 stats[:charts][chart_title] = Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::chart_arbitrary(chart_type, filtered_subjects, json, variable_name, visits) stats[:tables][chart_title] = visits.collect do |visit_display_name, visit_value| visit_subjects ={ |s| s._visit == visit_value } unknown_subjects ={ |s| s.send(variable_name) == nil } (visit_subjects.count > 0 && visit_subjects.count != unknown_subjects.count) ? Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::table_arbitrary(chart_type, visit_subjects, json, variable_name, visit_display_name) : nil end.compact end end end chart_json_file = File.join('graphs', @standard_version, "#{json['id']}.json"), 'w') { |file| file.write( JSON.pretty_generate(stats) + "\n" ) } end end # [["Visit 1", "1"], ["Visit 2", "2"], ["CVD Outcomes", "3"]] def visits @visits ||= begin Spout::Helpers::ChartTypes::domain_array(@visit) end end end end end