# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' module Spree module Stock RSpec.describe SimpleCoordinator, type: :model do let(:order) { create(:order_with_line_items, line_items_count: 2) } subject { SimpleCoordinator.new(order) } describe "#shipments" do it 'uses the pluggable estimator class' do expect(Spree::Config.stock).to receive(:estimator_class).and_call_original subject.shipments end it 'uses the configured stock location filter' do expect(Spree::Config.stock).to receive(:location_filter_class).and_call_original subject.shipments end it 'uses the configured stock location sorter' do expect(Spree::Config.stock).to receive(:location_sorter_class).and_call_original subject.shipments end it 'uses the pluggable allocator class' do expect(Spree::Config.stock).to receive(:allocator_class).and_call_original subject.shipments end it 'builds shipments' do expect(subject.shipments.size).to eq(1) end it "builds a shipment for all active stock locations" do subject.shipments.count == StockLocation.count end context "missing stock items in active stock location" do let!(:another_location) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false) } it "builds shipments only for valid active stock locations" do expect(subject.shipments.count).to eq(StockLocation.count - 1) end end it "does not unintentionally add shipments to the order" do subject.shipments expect { order.recalculate }.not_to change { order.shipments.count } end end describe "#allocate_inventory" do it 'is deprecated' do expect(Spree::Deprecation).to receive(:warn) subject.send :allocate_inventory, subject.instance_variable_get(:@availability).on_hand_by_stock_location_id end end # regression spec context "when there is one unit that has stock in a stock location that a non-tracked unit has no stock item in" do let!(:stock_location_1) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false, active: true) } let!(:stock_location_2) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false, active: true) } let!(:variant_1) do create(:variant, track_inventory: true).tap do |variant| variant.stock_items.destroy_all stock_item = variant.stock_items.create!(stock_location: stock_location_1) stock_item.set_count_on_hand(10) end end let!(:variant_2) do create(:variant, track_inventory: false).tap do |variant| variant.stock_items.destroy_all stock_item = variant.stock_items.create!(stock_location: stock_location_2) stock_item.set_count_on_hand(0) end end let!(:order) { create(:order, line_items: [create(:line_item, variant: variant_1), create(:line_item, variant: variant_2)]) } it "splits the inventory units to stock locations that they have stock items for" do shipments = subject.shipments expect(shipments.size).to eq 2 location_1_shipment = shipments.detect { |p| p.stock_location == stock_location_1 } location_2_shipment = shipments.detect { |p| p.stock_location == stock_location_2 } expect(location_1_shipment).to be_present expect(location_2_shipment).to be_present expect(location_1_shipment.inventory_units.map(&:variant)).to eq [variant_1] expect(location_2_shipment.inventory_units.map(&:variant)).to eq [variant_2] end end context "with no backordering" do let!(:stock_location_1) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false, active: true) } let!(:variant) { create(:variant, track_inventory: true) } before do stock_item1 = variant.stock_items.create!(stock_location: stock_location_1, backorderable: false) stock_item1.set_count_on_hand(location_1_inventory) end let!(:order) { create(:order) } let!(:line_item) { create(:line_item, order: order, variant: variant, quantity: 5) } before { order.reload } let(:shipments) { subject.shipments } shared_examples "a fulfillable package" do it "packages correctly" do expect(shipments).not_to be_empty inventory_units = shipments.flat_map { |s| s.inventory_units } expect(inventory_units.size).to eq(5) expect(inventory_units.uniq.size).to eq(5) end end shared_examples "an unfulfillable package" do it "raises exception" do expect{ shipments }.to raise_error(Spree::Order::InsufficientStock) end end context 'with no stock locations' do let(:location_1_inventory) { 0 } before { variant.stock_items.each(&:really_destroy!) } it_behaves_like "an unfulfillable package" end context 'with a single stock location' do context "with no inventory" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 0 } it_behaves_like "an unfulfillable package" end context "with insufficient inventory" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 1 } it_behaves_like "an unfulfillable package" end context "with sufficient inventory" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 5 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end end context 'with two stock locations' do let!(:stock_location_2) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false, active: true) } before do stock_item2 = variant.stock_items.create!(stock_location: stock_location_2, backorderable: false) stock_item2.set_count_on_hand(location_2_inventory) end context "with no inventory" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 0 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 0 } it_behaves_like "an unfulfillable package" end context "with some but insufficient inventory in each location" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 1 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 1 } it_behaves_like "an unfulfillable package" end context "has sufficient inventory in the first location" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 5 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 0 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end context "has sufficient inventory in the second location" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 0 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 5 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end context "with sufficient inventory only across both locations" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 2 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 3 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end context "has sufficient inventory in the second location and some in the first" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 2 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 5 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end context "has sufficient inventory in the first location and some in the second" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 5 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 2 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end context "with sufficient inventory in both locations" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 5 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 5 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" end end context 'with three stock locations' do let!(:stock_location_2) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false, active: true) } let!(:stock_location_3) { create(:stock_location, propagate_all_variants: false, active: true) } before do stock_item2 = variant.stock_items.create!(stock_location: stock_location_2, backorderable: false) stock_item2.set_count_on_hand(location_2_inventory) stock_item3 = variant.stock_items.create!(stock_location: stock_location_3, backorderable: false) stock_item3.set_count_on_hand(location_3_inventory) end # Regression test for https://github.com/solidusio/solidus/issues/2122 context "with sufficient inventory in first two locations" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 3 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 3 } let(:location_3_inventory) { 3 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" it "creates only two packages" do expect(shipments.count).to eq(2) end end context "with sufficient inventory only across all three locations" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 2 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 2 } let(:location_3_inventory) { 2 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" it "creates three packages" do expect(shipments.count).to eq(3) end end context "with sufficient inventory only across all three locations" do let(:location_1_inventory) { 2 } let(:location_2_inventory) { 2 } let(:location_3_inventory) { 2 } it_behaves_like "a fulfillable package" it "creates three packages" do expect(shipments.count).to eq(3) end end end end end end end