# # Copyright 2014 Chef Software, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # name "sqitch" default_version "1.3.0" license "MIT" license_file "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/theory/sqitch/master/README.md" dependency "perl" dependency "cpanminus" # install a LGPL-licensed version of libintl-perl: dependency "libintl-perl" # version_list: url=https://github.com/theory/#{name}/releases/download/v#{version}/ filter=app-sqitch-*.tar.gz version("1.3.0") { source sha256: "7d07635ec77a7faf3c50281c76ec833c68702f14470996cb2203a8bc6abc5bf2" } version("1.2.1") { source sha256: "020835a13429effd8fda12d5627604ecf99293775918f4f8ba9ccc5ed796e5e7" } version("1.1.0") { source sha256: "ee146cd75d6300837e6ca559bb0bde247d42123c96b2c5d4b2800f38d3e3d1ab" } version("0.9999") { source sha256: "f5bfa80206738ab8a70358a3b0557661c7459e11ec07dece23ecafa1f34372b3" } version("0.973") { source sha256: "95fc7f18fff786c5d2579133e2e3ac56779e54bb3a06a1af1117054e9f49ab32" } if version >= "1.1.0" source url: "https://github.com/theory/#{name}/releases/download/v#{version}/app-sqitch-v#{version}.tar.gz" relative_path "App-Sqitch-v#{version}" else source url: "https://github.com/theory/#{name}/releases/download/v#{version}/app-sqitch-#{version}.tar.gz" relative_path "App-Sqitch-#{version}" end # See https://github.com/theory/sqitch for more build do env = with_standard_compiler_flags(with_embedded_path) # Lists-MoreUtils-XS does not build on RHEL 5 or SUSE 11 currently. # This option is used by the Lists-MoreUtils build configuration to # decide whether to use the -XS package or a pure perl # implementation. env["PERL_MM_OPT"] = "PUREPERL_ONLY=1" command "perl Build.PL", env: env command "./Build installdeps --cpan_client 'cpanm -v --notest'", env: env command "./Build", env: env command "./Build install", env: env # Here is another licensing fun. Some of the dependencies of sqitch # unfortunately have GPL3 and LGPL3 licenses which are requiring us to remove # them from our packages after installing sqitch. Here we are uninstalling # them without breaking the licensing information collection. %w{Test-MockModule}.each do |package_name| module_name = package_name.gsub("-", "::") # Here we run cpanm --uninstall with a different PERL_CPANM_HOME. The reason # for this is to keep the licensing information for sqitch intact. The way # license_scout works is to look into PERL_CPANM_HOME/latest-build (by # default ~/.cpanm/latest-build) which contains the modules installed during # the last install. This directory is a symlink that points to the directory # contains the information about the latest build. Without changing # PERL_CPANM_HOME we would overwrite the link and will not be able to # collect the dependencies installed to our package while doing the actual # sqitch install. Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| command "cpanm --force --uninstall #{module_name}", env: env.merge({ "PERL_CPANM_HOME" => tmpdir, }) end # Here we are removing the problematic package from the original # PERL_CPANM_HOME cache directory. This ensures that we do not add # licensing information about these components to our package. cpanm_root = File.expand_path("~/.cpanm/latest-build") delete "#{cpanm_root}/#{package_name}*" end end