# frozen_string_literal: true require 'erb' require_relative 'constants' require_relative 'utils' require_relative 'request' module Rack # Rack::ShowExceptions catches all exceptions raised from the app it # wraps. It shows a useful backtrace with the sourcefile and # clickable context, the whole Rack environment and the request # data. # # Be careful when you use this on public-facing sites as it could # reveal information helpful to attackers. class ShowExceptions CONTEXT = 7 Frame = Struct.new(:filename, :lineno, :function, :pre_context_lineno, :pre_context, :context_line, :post_context_lineno, :post_context) def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) @app.call(env) rescue StandardError, LoadError, SyntaxError => e exception_string = dump_exception(e) env[RACK_ERRORS].puts(exception_string) env[RACK_ERRORS].flush if accepts_html?(env) content_type = "text/html" body = pretty(env, e) else content_type = "text/plain" body = exception_string end [ 500, { CONTENT_TYPE => content_type, CONTENT_LENGTH => body.bytesize.to_s, }, [body], ] end def prefers_plaintext?(env) !accepts_html?(env) end def accepts_html?(env) Rack::Utils.best_q_match(env["HTTP_ACCEPT"], %w[text/html]) end private :accepts_html? def dump_exception(exception) if exception.respond_to?(:detailed_message) message = exception.detailed_message(highlight: false) else message = exception.message end string = "#{exception.class}: #{message}\n".dup string << exception.backtrace.map { |l| "\t#{l}" }.join("\n") string end def pretty(env, exception) req = Rack::Request.new(env) # This double assignment is to prevent an "unused variable" warning. # Yes, it is dumb, but I don't like Ruby yelling at me. path = path = (req.script_name + req.path_info).squeeze("/") # This double assignment is to prevent an "unused variable" warning. # Yes, it is dumb, but I don't like Ruby yelling at me. frames = frames = exception.backtrace.map { |line| frame = Frame.new if line =~ /(.*?):(\d+)(:in `(.*)')?/ frame.filename = $1 frame.lineno = $2.to_i frame.function = $4 begin lineno = frame.lineno - 1 lines = ::File.readlines(frame.filename) frame.pre_context_lineno = [lineno - CONTEXT, 0].max frame.pre_context = lines[frame.pre_context_lineno...lineno] frame.context_line = lines[lineno].chomp frame.post_context_lineno = [lineno + CONTEXT, lines.size].min frame.post_context = lines[lineno + 1..frame.post_context_lineno] rescue end frame else nil end }.compact template.result(binding) end def template TEMPLATE end def h(obj) # :nodoc: case obj when String Utils.escape_html(obj) else Utils.escape_html(obj.inspect) end end # :stopdoc: # adapted from Django # Copyright (c) Django Software Foundation and individual contributors. # Used under the modified BSD license: # http://www.xfree86.org/3.3.6/COPYRIGHT2.html#5 TEMPLATE = ERB.new(<<-'HTML'.gsub(/^ /, '')) <%=h exception.class %> at <%=h path %>

<%=h exception.class %> at <%=h path %>

<% if exception.respond_to?(:detailed_message) %>

<%=h exception.detailed_message(highlight: false) %>

<% else %>

<%=h exception.message %>

<% end %>
Ruby <% if first = frames.first %> <%=h first.filename %>: in <%=h first.function %>, line <%=h frames.first.lineno %> <% else %> unknown location <% end %>
Web <%=h req.request_method %> <%=h(req.host + path)%>

Jump to:

Traceback (innermost first)

Request information


<% if req.GET and not req.GET.empty? %> <% req.GET.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each { |key, val| %> <% } %>
Variable Value
<%=h key %>
<%=h val.inspect %>
<% else %>

No GET data.

<% end %>


<% if ((req.POST and not req.POST.empty?) rescue (no_post_data = "Invalid POST data"; nil)) %> <% req.POST.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each { |key, val| %> <% } %>
Variable Value
<%=h key %>
<%=h val.inspect %>
<% else %>

<%= no_post_data || "No POST data" %>.

<% end %> <% unless req.cookies.empty? %> <% req.cookies.each { |key, val| %> <% } %>
Variable Value
<%=h key %>
<%=h val.inspect %>
<% else %>

No cookie data.

<% end %>

Rack ENV

<% env.sort_by { |k, v| k.to_s }.each { |key, val| %> <% } %>
Variable Value
<%=h key %>
<%=h val.inspect %>

You're seeing this error because you use Rack::ShowExceptions.

HTML # :startdoc: end end