require_relative "./metadata_date" module IsoDoc class Metadata DATETYPES = %w{published accessed created implemented obsoleted confirmed updated issued received transmitted copied unchanged circulated}.freeze def ns(xpath) Common::ns(xpath) end def l10n(a, b, c) IsoDoc::Function::I18n::l10n(a, b, c) end def initialize(lang, script, labels) @metadata = {} DATETYPES.each { |w| @metadata["#{w}date".to_sym] = "XXX" } @lang = lang @script = script @c = @labels = labels end def get @metadata end def labels @labels end def set(key, value) @metadata[key] = value end def extract_person_names(authors) authors.inject([]) do |ret, a| if"./name/completename")) ret <<"./name/completename")).text else fn = [] forenames = a.xpath(ns("./name/forename")) forenames.each { |f| fn << f.text } surname = a&.at(ns("./name/surname"))&.text ret << fn.join(" ") + " " + surname end end end def extract_person_affiliations(authors) authors.inject([]) do |m, a| name = a&.at(ns("./affiliation/organization/name"))&.text location = a&.at(ns("./affiliation/organization/address/"\ "formattedAddress"))&.text m << ((!name.nil? && !location.nil?) ? "#{name}, #{location}" : (name || location || "")) m end end def extract_person_names_affiliations(authors) names = extract_person_names(authors) affils = extract_person_affiliations(authors) ret = {} affils.each_with_index do |a, i| ret[a] ||= [] ret[a] << names[i] end ret end def personal_authors(isoxml) authors = isoxml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/contributor[role/@type = 'author' "\ "or xmlns:role/@type = 'editor']/person")) set(:authors, extract_person_names(authors)) set(:authors_affiliations, extract_person_names_affiliations(authors)) end def author(xml, _out) personal_authors(xml) agency(xml) end def bibdate(isoxml, _out) isoxml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/date")).each do |d| set("#{d['type']}date".to_sym, Common::date_range(d)) end end def doctype(isoxml, _out) b = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/ext/doctype"))&.text || return t = b.split(/[- ]/).map{ |w| w.capitalize }.join(" ") set(:doctype, t) end def iso?(org) name = org&.at(ns("./name"))&.text abbrev = org&.at(ns("./abbreviation"))&.text (abbrev == "ISO" || name == "International Organization for Standardization" ) end def agency(xml) agency = "" publisher = [] xml.xpath(ns("//bibdata/contributor[xmlns:role/@type = 'publisher']/"\ "organization")).each do |org| name = org&.at(ns("./name"))&.text agency1 = org&.at(ns("./abbreviation"))&.text || name publisher << name if name agency = iso?(org) ? "ISO/#{agency}" : "#{agency}#{agency1}/" end set(:agency, agency.sub(%r{/$}, "")) set(:publisher, multiple_and(publisher, @labels["and"])) end def multiple_and(names, andword) return "" if names.length == 0 return names[0] if names.length == 1 names.length == 2 and return l10n("#{names[0]} #{andword} #{names[1]}", @lang, @script) l10n(names[0..-2].join(", ") + " #{andword} #{names[-1]}", @lang, @script) end def docstatus(isoxml, _out) docstatus ="//bibdata/status/stage")) set(:unpublished, true) if docstatus set(:stage, status_print(docstatus.text)) i = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/status/substage"))&.text and set(:substage, i) i = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/status/iteration"))&.text and set(:iteration, i) set(:unpublished, unpublished(docstatus.text)) unpublished(docstatus.text) and set(:stageabbr, stage_abbr(docstatus.text)) end end def stage_abbr(docstatus) status_print(docstatus).split(/ /). map { |s| s[0].upcase }.join("") end def unpublished(status) !(status.downcase == "published") end def status_print(status) status.split(/-/).map{ |w| w.capitalize }.join(" ") end def docid(isoxml, _out) dn ="//bibdata/docidentifier")) set(:docnumber, dn&.text) end def docnumeric(isoxml, _out) dn ="//bibdata/docnumber")) set(:docnumeric, dn&.text) end def draftinfo(draft, revdate) draftinfo = "" if draft draftinfo = " (#{@labels["draft_label"]} #{draft}" draftinfo += ", #{revdate}" if revdate draftinfo += ")" end l10n(draftinfo, @lang, @script) end def version(isoxml, _out) set(:edition, isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/edition"))&.text) set(:docyear, isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/copyright/from"))&.text) set(:draft, isoxml&.at(ns("//version/draft"))&.text) revdate = isoxml&.at(ns("//version/revision-date"))&.text set(:revdate, revdate) set(:revdate_monthyear, monthyr(revdate)) set(:draftinfo, draftinfo(get[:draft], get[:revdate])) end def title(isoxml, _out) main = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/title[@language='en']"))&.text set(:doctitle, main) end def subtitle(isoxml, _out) nil end def relations(isoxml, _out) relations_obsoletes(isoxml) relations_partof(isoxml) end def relations_partof(isoxml) std ="//bibdata/relation[@type = 'partOf']")) || return id =".//docidentifier")) set(:partof, id.text) if id end def relations_obsoletes(isoxml) std ="//bibdata/relation[@type = 'obsoletes']")) || return locality =".//locality")) id =".//docidentifier")) set(:obsoletes, id.text) if id set(:obsoletes_part, locality.text) if locality end def url(xml, _out) a ="//bibdata/uri[not(@type)]")) and set(:url, a.text) a ="//bibdata/uri[@type = 'html']")) and set(:html, a.text) a ="//bibdata/uri[@type = 'xml']")) and set(:xml, a.text) a ="//bibdata/uri[@type = 'pdf']")) and set(:pdf, a.text) a ="//bibdata/uri[@type = 'doc']")) and set(:doc, a.text) end end end