/** * @namespace WORKAREA.remoteSelects */ WORKAREA.registerModule('remoteSelects', (function () { 'use strict'; var injectHiddenInput = function (index, select) { // allows select[multiple=true] elements to post empty values if ( ! $(select).is('[multiple]')) { return; } $(select).before(function () { return JST['workarea/core/templates/hidden_input']({ name: select.name, value: '' }); }); }, formatOption = function (item) { return $(JST['workarea/admin/templates/remote_select_insight']({ text: item.text, sparkline_data: item.sparkline_data, top: item.top, trending: item.trending, title: item.title })); }, getConfig = function (select) { var settings = _.assign({}, WORKAREA.config.remoteSelects, $(select).data('remoteSelect').options ); settings.ajax.url = $(select).data('remoteSelect').source; settings.templateResult = formatOption; return settings; }, reorderSelectOptions = function ($choiceUI, select) { var $choices = $choiceUI.find('.select2-selection__choice'); $choices.each(function (index, choice) { $(select).append($(choice).data('remoteSelectOption')); }); $choiceUI.trigger('change'); }, associateSelectOptions = function ($choiceUI, select) { var $choices = $choiceUI.find('.select2-selection__choice'), $selectOptions = $(select).find('option'), $options = $selectOptions.filter(function (index, option) { return ! _.isEmpty(option.value); }); $options.each(function (index, option) { $choices.eq(index).data('remoteSelectOption', option); }); }, initSortable = function (select) { var $select2 = $(select).next('.select2'), $choiceUI = $select2.find('.select2-selection__rendered'); $choiceUI.sortable({ containment: 'parent', tolerance: 'pointer', cursor: 'move', start: _.partial(associateSelectOptions, $choiceUI, select), stop: _.partial(reorderSelectOptions, $choiceUI, select) }); }, initSelect2 = function (index, select) { injectHiddenInput(index, select); $(select).select2(getConfig(select)); if ($(select).is('[multiple]')) { initSortable(select); } }, /** * Destroy all select2 elements before page is reloaded. Called * before turbolinks reloads the page. * * @method * @name destroy * @memberof WORKAREA.remoteSelects */ destroy = function(event) { $('[data-remote-select]', event.currentTarget) .select2('destroy'); }, /** * Initialize all uninitialized select2 elements. * * @method * @name init * @memberof WORKAREA.remoteSelects */ init = function ($scope) { $('[data-remote-select]', $scope) .not('.select2-hidden-accessibility') .each(initSelect2); }; $(document).on('turbolinks:before-cache', destroy); return { init: init }; }()));