=begin Deployment 'recipe' for capistrano. Creates everything for your zena app. Assumed: - mysql root user has the same password as ssh - you are using apache 2.2+ (using balance_proxy) - server is running debian etch - you have installed subversion on the server (aptitude install subversion) - you have installed mysql on the server (aptitude install mysql...) - you have installed the required dependencies (see main README file) ========== USAGE ========== 1. Copy the file 'deploy_config_example.rb' to 'deploy_config.rb' and edit the entries in this new file. 2. Run => cap initial_setup 3. Run => cap mksite -s host='example.com' -s pass='secret' -s lang='en' If anything goes wrong, ask the mailing list (lists.zenadmin.org) or read the content of this file to understand what went wrong... And yes, 'pass' is not as intuitive as 'password' but we cannot use the latter because it's used for the ssh login. =end require 'erb' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'info') require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'bricks') Capistrano::Configuration.instance(:must_exist).load do set :templates, File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'deploy') self[:app_type] ||= :mongrel self[:deploy_to] ||= "/home/#{db_name}/app" self[:sites_root] ||= "/home/#{db_name}/sites" self[:dump_root] ||= "/home/#{db_name}/dump" self[:app_root] ||= "#{deploy_to}/current" self[:balancer] ||= db_name self[:db_user] ||= db_name self[:runner] ||= 'root' self[:on_stop] = [] self[:on_start] = [] set :in_current, "cd #{app_root} &&" class RenderClass def initialize(path) @text = File.read(path) end def render(hash) @values = hash ERB.new(@text).result(binding) end def method_missing(sym) return @values[sym] if @values.has_key?(sym) super end end def render(file, hash) RenderClass.new(file).render(hash) end def on_stop(&block) self[:on_stop] << block end def on_start(&block) self[:on_start] << block end def ancestry(path) # Build directory ancestry ['/a', '/a/b', '/a/b/c'] paths = path.split('/')[1..-1].inject(['']) do |res, cur| res << (res.last + "/#{cur}") res end[1..-1] end #========================== SOURCE CODE =========================# desc "set permissions to www-data" task :set_permissions, :roles => :app do directories = [ 'current/public', 'current/tmp', 'current/log', 'shared/log', ].map {|dir| "#{deploy_to}/#{dir}"} # make sure production.log is created before so that it gets the correct permissions run "touch #{deploy_to}/shared/log/production.log" run "chown -R www-data:www-data #{directories.join(' ')}" end "Update the currently released version of the software directly via an SCM update operation" task :update_current do source.sync(revision, self[:release_path]) end desc "clear all zafu compiled templates" task :clear_zafu, :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} rake RAILS_ENV=production zena:clear_zafu" end desc "clear all cache compiled templates" task :clear_cache, :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} rake RAILS_ENV=production zena:clear_cache" end desc "after code update" task :after_update, :roles => :app do app_update_symlinks db::update_config apache2_setup migrate clear_zafu clear_cache end desc "update symlink to 'sites' directory" task :app_update_symlinks, :roles => :app do run "test ! -e #{deploy_to}/current/sites || rm -rf #{deploy_to}/current/sites || true" run "ln -sf #{sites_root} #{deploy_to}/current/sites" set_permissions end desc "migrate database (zena version)" task :migrate, :roles => :db do run "#{in_current} rake RAILS_ENV=production zena:migrate" end desc "initial app setup" task :app_setup, :roles => :app do paths = ancestry(deploy_to) + ancestry(sites_root) + ancestry("#{deploy_to}/shared/log") + ancestry(dump_root) paths.uniq.sort.each do |dir| run "test -e #{dir} || mkdir #{dir}" end end #========================== MANAGE HOST =========================# desc "create a new site [-s host='...' -s pass='...' -s lang='...']" task :mksite, :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} rake zena:mksite HOST='#{self[:host]}' PASSWORD='#{self[:pass]}' RAILS_ENV='production' LANG='#{self[:lang] || 'en'}'" create_vhost create_awstats logrotate run "chown -R www-data:www-data #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}" end desc "update code in the current version" task :up, :roles => :app do run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && #{self[:scm] == 'git' ? "git pull origin #{self[:branch] || 'master'}" : 'svn up'} && (echo #{strategy.configuration[:real_revision]} > #{deploy_to}/current/REVISION)" db::update_config clear_zafu clear_cache migrate restart end desc "light update code (no migration, no clear)" task :lightup, :roles => :app do run "cd #{deploy_to}/current && #{self[:scm] == 'git' ? "git pull origin #{self[:branch] || 'master'}" : 'svn up'}" restart end desc "Restart application" task :restart, :roles => :app do deploy.restart end desc "Start application" task :start, :roles => :app do deploy.start end desc "Stop application" task :stop, :roles => :app do deploy.stop end #========================== APACHE2 ===============================# desc "Update vhost configuration file" task :create_vhost, :roles => :web do unless self[:host] puts "HOST not set (use -s host=...)" else vhost = render("#{templates}/vhost.rhtml", :config => self) put(vhost, "#{vhost_root}/#{self[:host]}") run "test -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/#{self[:host]} || a2ensite #{self[:host]}" if debian_host unless self[:host] =~ /^www/ vhost_www = render("#{templates}/vhost_www.rhtml", :config => self) put(vhost_www, "#{vhost_root}/www.#{self[:host]}") run "test -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/www.#{self[:host]} || a2ensite www.#{self[:host]}" if debian_host end run apache2_reload_cmd end end #========================== APACHE2 ===============================# desc "Update awstats configuration file" task :create_awstats, :roles => :web do unless debian_host puts "skipping 'create_awstats' (debian specific)" else unless self[:host] && self[:pass] puts "host or password not set (use -s host=... -s pass=...)" else # create awstats config file awstats_conf = render("#{templates}/awstats.conf.rhtml", :config => self) put(awstats_conf, "/etc/awstats/awstats.#{self[:host]}.conf") run "chown www-data:www-data /etc/awstats/awstats.#{self[:host]}.conf" run "chmod 640 /etc/awstats/awstats.#{self[:host]}.conf" # create stats vhost stats_vhost = render("#{templates}/stats.vhost.rhtml", :config => self) put(stats_vhost, "#{vhost_root}/stats.#{self[:host]}") run "test -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/stats.#{self[:host]} || a2ensite stats.#{self[:host]}" # directory setup for stats run "test -e #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/awstats || mkdir #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/awstats" run "chown www-data:www-data #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/awstats" # setup cron task for awstats run "cat /etc/cron.d/awstats | grep \"#{self[:host]}\" || echo \"0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * www-data [ -x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -a -f /etc/awstats/awstats.#{self[:host]}.conf -a -r #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/apache2.access.log ] && /usr/lib/cgi-bin/awstats.pl -config=#{self[:host]} -update >/dev/null\n\" >> /etc/cron.d/awstats" # create .htpasswd file run "test ! -e #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/.awstatspw || rm #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/.awstatspw || true" run "htpasswd -c -b #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/.awstatspw 'admin' '#{self[:pass]}'" run "chmod 600 #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/.awstatspw" run "chown www-data:www-data #{sites_root}/#{self[:host]}/log/.awstatspw" # reload apache apache2_reload_cmd end end end desc "Setup log rotation for a given host" task :logrotate, :roles => :web do unless debian_host puts "skipping 'logrotate' (debian specific)" else unless self[:host] puts "host not set (use -s host=...)" else # create logrotate config file logrotate_conf = render("#{templates}/logrotate_host.rhtml", :config => self ) put(logrotate_conf, "/etc/logrotate.d/#{self[:host]}") end end end desc "Rename a site and update vhost/awstats/etc" task :rename_site, :roles => :web do unless self[:host] && self[:old_host] && self[:pass] puts "host or old_host not set (use -s host=... -s pass=... -s old_host=...)" else run "#{in_current} rake zena:rename_site OLD_HOST='#{self[:old_host]}' HOST='#{self[:host]}' RAILS_ENV='production'" old_vhosts = ["#{self[:old_host]}", "stats.#{self[:old_host]}", "www.#{self[:old_host]}"] old_vhosts.each do |vhost| run "test -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/#{vhost} && a2dissite #{vhost} || true" vhost_path = "#{vhost_root}/#{vhost}" run "test -e #{vhost_path} && rm #{vhost_path} || true" end awstat_conf = "/etc/awstats/awstats.#{self[:old_host]}.conf" run "test -e#{awstat_conf} && rm #{awstat_conf} || true" logrotate_conf = "/etc/logrotate.d/#{self[:old_host]}" run "test -e #{logrotate_conf} && rm #{logrotate_conf} || true" create_vhost create_awstats logrotate clear_zafu clear_cache set_permissions end end desc "Apache2 initial setup" task :apache2_setup, :roles => :web do if self[:mongrel_port] self[:ports] = (mongrel_port.to_i...(mongrel_port.to_i + mongrel_count.to_i)).to_a end httpd_conf = render("#{templates}/httpd.rhtml", :config => self) log_rotate = render("#{templates}/logrotate_app.rhtml", :config => self) if debian_host put(httpd_conf, "/etc/apache2/conf.d/#{db_name}") put(log_rotate, "/etc/logrotate.d/#{db_name}") else put(httpd_conf, "/etc/apache2/conf.d/#{db_name}") end run "test -e /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default && a2dissite default || echo 'default already disabled'" run "test -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load || a2enmod rewrite" run "test -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/deflate.load || a2enmod deflate" run "test -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_balancer.load || a2enmod proxy_balancer" run "test -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy.load || a2enmod proxy" run "test -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/proxy_http.load || a2enmod proxy_http" run "test -e /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/expires.load || a2enmod expires" run "/etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload" end #========================== GEM ===============================# desc "install zena gem on remote server" task :gem_update, :roles => :app do run "gem install zena" end #========================== MYSQL ===============================# namespace :db do desc "set database.yml file according to settings" task :update_config, :roles => :app do db_app_config = render("#{templates}/database.rhtml", :db_name => db_name, :db_user => db_user, :db_password => db_password ) put(db_app_config, "#{deploy_to}/current/config/database.yml") end desc "create database" task :create, :roles => :db do run "mysql -u root -p -e \"CREATE DATABASE #{db_name} DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_general_ci; GRANT ALL ON #{db_name}.* TO '#{db_user}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '#{db_password}';\"" do |channel, stream, data| if data =~ /^Enter password:\s*/m logger.info "#{channel[:host]} asked for password" channel.send_data "#{password}\n" end puts data end end desc "drop database" task :drop, :roles => :db do run "mysql -u root -p -e \"DROP DATABASE #{db_name};\"" do |channel, stream, data| if data =~ /^Enter password:\s*/m logger.info "#{channel[:host]} asked for password" channel.send_data "#{password}\n" end puts data end end desc "initial database setup" task :setup, :roles => :db do create end desc "Database dump" task :dump, :roles => :db do run "mysqldump #{db_name} -u root -p | /bin/gzip > #{dump_root}/`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M`.sql.gz" do |channel, stream, data| if data =~ /^Enter password:\s*/m logger.info "#{channel[:host]} asked for password" channel.send_data "#{password}\n" end puts data end end end # db # Would need to be fixed before being used # # desc "Get backup file back" # task :get_backup, :roles => :app do # get "#{deploy_to}/current/#{db_name}_data.tgz", "./#{db_name}_#{Time.now.strftime '%Y-%m-%d-%H'}.tgz" # end # # # FIXME: backup not loading data for every site... # desc "Backup all data and bring it backup here" # task :backup, :roles => :app do # db_dump # # key track of the current svn revision for app # # run "#{in_current} svn info > #{deploy_to}/current/zena_version.txt" # run "#{in_current} rake zena:full_backup RAILS_ENV='production'" # run "#{in_current} tar czf #{db_name}_data.tgz #{db_name}.sql.tgz sites_data.tgz zena_version.txt" # get_backup # end case self[:app_type] when :mongrel #========================== MONGREL ===============================# namespace :app do desc "configure mongrel" task :configure, :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} mongrel_rails cluster::configure -e production -p #{mongrel_port} -N #{mongrel_count} -c #{deploy_to}/current -P log/mongrel.pid -l log/mongrel.log -a --user www-data --group www-data" run "#{in_current} echo 'config_script: config/mongrel_upload_progress.conf' >> config/mongrel_cluster.yml" end desc "Stop the drb upload_progress server" task :upload_progress_stop , :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} ruby lib/upload_progress_server.rb stop" end desc "Start the drb upload_progress server" task :upload_progress_start , :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} lib/upload_progress_server.rb start" end desc "Restart the upload_progress server" task :upload_progress_restart, :roles => :app do upload_progress_stop upload_progress_start end desc "Restart mongrels" task :restart, :roles => :app do stop start end desc "Start mongrels" task :start, :roles => :app do configure upload_progress_start run "#{in_current} mongrel_rails cluster::start" end desc "Stop mongrels" task :stop, :roles => :app do configure upload_progress_stop run "#{in_current} mongrel_rails cluster::stop" end end # mongrel when :passenger namespace :upload_progress do desc "Build and install upload progress extension for Apache2" task :setup, :roles => :app do tmp_dir = "/tmp/mod_upload_progress.tmp" c_file = File.read("#{Zena::ROOT}/vendor/apache2_upload_progress/mod_upload_progress.c") run "test -e #{tmp_dir} || mkdir #{tmp_dir}" put c_file, "#{tmp_dir}/mod_upload_progress.c" run "cd #{tmp_dir} && apxs2 -c -i mod_upload_progress.c && rm -rf #{tmp_dir}" end end before "zena:setup", "upload_progress:setup" namespace :app do desc "Restart Passenger app" task :restart, :roles => :app do stop start end desc "Start Passenger app" task :start, :roles => :app do run "#{in_current} touch tmp/restart.txt" end desc "Stop Passenger app (only halt upload DRB)" task :stop, :roles => :app do # Cannot stop end desc "Kill Passenger spawner" task :kill, :roles => :app do run "kill $( passenger-memory-stats | grep 'Passenger spawn server' | awk '{ print $1 }' )" end end # passenger end #========================== DEPLOY ===============================# namespace :zena do desc "Prepare server for deployment" task :setup, :roles => :app do transaction do app_setup db::setup apache2_setup end end end before 'deploy:setup', 'zena:setup' namespace :deploy do desc "Restart application" task :restart, :roles => :app do self[:on_stop].each do |block| block.call end self[:on_start].each do |block| block.call end app.restart end desc "Start application" task :start, :roles => :app do self[:on_start].each do |block| block.call end app.start end desc "Stop application" task :stop, :roles => :app do self[:on_stop].each do |block| block.call end app.stop end end # mongrel/deploy end