= Replicator Easy Postgres replication for Rails. Replicates specific columns from one table to another using auto-generated triggers. Just add simple directives in your migrations. == Usage: ActiveRecord::Migration.extend(Replicator) class AddReplication < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up replicate :names, :to => :users, :fields => [:first_name, :last_name] replicate :data, :to => :users, :fields => [:eye_color, :height] :key => 'user_id', :prefix => 'data' replicate :events, :to => :users, :fields => {:start_year => :year}, :key => 'user_id', :prefix => 'type', :prefix_map => {'BirthEvent' => 'birth', 'GraduationEvent' => 'grad'} replicate :locations, :to => :users, :fields => [:latitude, :longitude, {[:city, :state, :country] => :location}], :through => 'events.address_id', :key => 'user_id', :prefix => 'events.type', :prefix_map => {'BirthEvent' => 'birth', 'GraduationEvent' => 'grad'} end end There are a lot of options. The code is mostly self explanatory. == Install: gem install replicator == License: Copyright (c) 2009 Justin Balthrop, Geni.com; Published under The MIT License, see License.txt