# # add compatible code with old versions. # OCI_STMT_SELECT = :select_stmt OCI_STMT_UPDATE = :update_stmt OCI_STMT_DELETE = :delete_stmt OCI_STMT_INSERT = :insert_stmt OCI_STMT_CREATE = :create_stmt OCI_STMT_DROP = :drop_stmt OCI_STMT_ALTER = :alter_stmt OCI_STMT_BEGIN = :begin_stmt OCI_STMT_DECLARE = :declare_stmt class OCI8 STMT_SELECT = :select_stmt STMT_UPDATE = :update_stmt STMT_DELETE = :delete_stmt STMT_INSERT = :insert_stmt STMT_CREATE = :create_stmt STMT_DROP = :drop_stmt STMT_ALTER = :alter_stmt STMT_BEGIN = :begin_stmt STMT_DECLARE = :declare_stmt RAW = :raw # varchar, varchar2 SQLT_CHR = :varchar2 # number, double precision, float, real, numeric, int, integer, smallint SQLT_NUM = :number # long SQLT_LNG = :long # date SQLT_DAT = :date # raw SQLT_BIN = :raw # long raw SQLT_LBI = :long_raw # char SQLT_AFC = :char # binary_float SQLT_IBFLOAT = :binary_float # binary_double SQLT_IBDOUBLE = :binary_double # rowid SQLT_RDD = :rowid # clob SQLT_CLOB = :clob # blob SQLT_BLOB = :blob # bfile SQLT_BFILE = :bfile # ref cursor SQLT_RSET = 116 # timestamp SQLT_TIMESTAMP = :timestamp # timestamp with time zone SQLT_TIMESTAMP_TZ = :timestamp_tz # interval year to month SQLT_INTERVAL_YM = :interval_ym # interval day to second SQLT_INTERVAL_DS = :interval_ds # timestamp with local time zone SQLT_TIMESTAMP_LTZ = :timestamp_ltz # mapping of sql type number to sql type name. SQLT_NAMES = {} constants.each do |name| next if name.to_s.index("SQLT_") != 0 val = const_get name.intern if val.is_a? Integer SQLT_NAMES[val] = name end end # add alias compatible with 'Oracle7 Module for Ruby'. alias autocommit autocommit? class Cursor # @!visibility private # dirty hack to suppress "warning: constant ::Fixnum is deprecated" Fixnum = (0.class == ::Integer) ? ::Integer : ::Fixnum def self.select_number_as=(val) if val == Fixnum @@bind_unknown_number = OCI8::BindType::Fixnum elsif val == Integer @@bind_unknown_number = OCI8::BindType::Integer elsif val == Float @@bind_unknown_number = OCI8::BindType::Float else raise ArgumentError, "must be Fixnum, Integer or Float" end end def self.select_number_as case @@bind_unknown_number when OCI8::BindType::Fixnum return Fixnum when OCI8::BindType::Integer return Integer when OCI8::BindType::Float return Float end end # add alias compatible with 'Oracle7 Module for Ruby'. alias getColNames get_col_names end module BindType # alias to Integer for compatibility with ruby-oci8 1.0. Fixnum = Integer end end