# frozen_string_literal: true # Cribbed from <https://github.com/flori/term-ansicolor> module Doing # Terminal output color functions. module Color ESCAPE_REGEX = /(?<=\[)(?:(?:(?:[349]|10)[0-9]|[0-9])?;?)+(?=m)/.freeze # All available color names. Available as methods and string extensions. # # @example Use a color as a method. Color reset will be added to end of string. # Color.yellow('This text is yellow') => "\e[33mThis text is yellow\e[0m" # # @example Use a color as a string extension. Color reset added automatically. # 'This text is green'.green => "\e[1;32mThis text is green\e[0m" # # @example Send a text string as a color # Color.send('red') => "\e[31m" ATTRIBUTES = [ [:clear, 0], # String#clear is already used to empty string in Ruby 1.9 [:reset, 0], # synonym for :clear [:bold, 1], [:dark, 2], [:italic, 3], # not widely implemented [:underline, 4], [:underscore, 4], # synonym for :underline [:blink, 5], [:rapid_blink, 6], # not widely implemented [:negative, 7], # no reverse because of String#reverse [:concealed, 8], [:strikethrough, 9], # not widely implemented [:strike, 9], # not widely implemented [:black, 30], [:red, 31], [:green, 32], [:yellow, 33], [:blue, 34], [:magenta, 35], [:purple, 35], [:cyan, 36], [:white, 37], [:bgblack, 40], [:bgred, 41], [:bggreen, 42], [:bgyellow, 43], [:bgblue, 44], [:bgmagenta, 45], [:bgpurple, 45], [:bgcyan, 46], [:bgwhite, 47], [:boldblack, 90], [:boldred, 91], [:boldgreen, 92], [:boldyellow, 93], [:boldblue, 94], [:boldmagenta, 95], [:boldpurple, 95], [:boldcyan, 96], [:boldwhite, 97], [:boldbgblack, 100], [:boldbgred, 101], [:boldbggreen, 102], [:boldbgyellow, 103], [:boldbgblue, 104], [:boldbgmagenta, 105], [:boldbgpurple, 105], [:boldbgcyan, 106], [:boldbgwhite, 107], [:softpurple, '0;35;40'], [:hotpants, '7;34;40'], [:knightrider, '7;30;40'], [:flamingo, '7;31;47'], [:yeller, '1;37;43'], [:whiteboard, '1;30;47'], [:chalkboard, '1;37;40'], [:led, '0;32;40'], [:redacted, '0;30;40'], [:alert, '1;31;43'], [:error, '1;37;41'], [:default, '0;39'] ].map(&:freeze).freeze ATTRIBUTE_NAMES = ATTRIBUTES.transpose.first # Returns true if Doing::Color supports the +feature+. # # The feature :clear, that is mixing the clear color attribute into String, # is only supported on ruby implementations, that do *not* already # implement the String#clear method. It's better to use the reset color # attribute instead. def support?(feature) case feature when :clear !String.instance_methods(false).map(&:to_sym).include?(:clear) end end # Template coloring class ::String ## ## Extract the longest valid %color name from a string. ## ## Allows %colors to bleed into other text and still ## be recognized, e.g. %greensomething still finds ## %green. ## ## @return [String] a valid color name ## def validate_color valid_color = nil compiled = '' normalize_color.split('').each do |char| compiled += char valid_color = compiled if Color.attributes.include?(compiled.to_sym) || compiled =~ /^([fb]g?)?#([a-f0-9]{6})$/i end valid_color end ## ## Normalize a color name, removing underscores, ## replacing "bright" with "bold", and converting ## bgbold to boldbg ## ## @return [String] Normalized color name ## def normalize_color gsub(/_/, '').sub(/bright/i, 'bold').sub(/bgbold/, 'boldbg') end # Get the calculated ANSI color at the end of the # string # # @return ANSI escape sequence to match color # def last_color_code m = scan(ESCAPE_REGEX) em = ['0'] fg = nil bg = nil rgbf = nil rgbb = nil m.each do |c| case c when '0' em = ['0'] fg, bg, rgbf, rgbb = nil when /^[34]8/ case c when /^3/ fg = nil rgbf = c when /^4/ bg = nil rgbb = c end else c.split(/;/).each do |i| x = i.to_i if x <= 9 em << x elsif x >= 30 && x <= 39 rgbf = nil fg = x elsif x >= 40 && x <= 49 rgbb = nil bg = x elsif x >= 90 && x <= 97 rgbf = nil fg = x elsif x >= 100 && x <= 107 rgbb = nil bg = x end end end end escape = "\e[#{em.join(';')}m" escape += "\e[#{rgbb}m" if rgbb escape += "\e[#{rgbf}m" if rgbf escape + "\e[#{[fg, bg].delete_if(&:nil?).join(';')}m" end end class << self # Returns true if the coloring function of this module # is switched on, false otherwise. def coloring? @coloring end attr_writer :coloring ## ## Enables colored output ## ## @example Turn color on or off based on TTY ## Doing::Color.coloring = STDOUT.isatty def coloring @coloring ||= true end ## ## Convert a template string to a colored string. ## Colors are specified with single letters inside ## curly braces. Uppercase changes background color. ## ## w: white, k: black, g: green, l: blue, y: yellow, c: cyan, ## m: magenta, r: red, b: bold, u: underline, i: italic, ## x: reset (remove background, color, emphasis) ## ## @example Convert a templated string ## Color.template('{Rwb}Warning:{x} {w}you look a little {g}ill{x}') ## ## @param input [String, Array] The template ## string. If this is an array, the ## elements will be joined with a ## space. ## ## @return [String] Colorized string ## def template(input) input = input.join(' ') if input.is_a? Array fmt = input.gsub(/\{(\w+)\}/) do Regexp.last_match(1).split('').map { |c| "%<#{c}>s" }.join('') end colors = { w: white, k: black, g: green, l: blue, y: yellow, c: cyan, m: magenta, r: red, W: bgwhite, K: bgblack, G: bggreen, L: bgblue, Y: bgyellow, C: bgcyan, M: bgmagenta, R: bgred, b: bold, u: underline, i: italic, x: reset } format(fmt, colors) end end ATTRIBUTES.each do |c, v| new_method = <<-EOSCRIPT def #{c}(string = nil) result = '' result << "\e[#{v}m" if Doing::Color.coloring? if block_given? result << yield elsif string.respond_to?(:to_str) result << string.to_str elsif respond_to?(:to_str) result << to_str else return result #only switch on end result << "\e[0m" if Doing::Color.coloring? result end EOSCRIPT module_eval(new_method) next unless c =~ /bold/ # Accept brightwhite in addition to boldwhite new_method = <<-EOSCRIPT def #{c.to_s.sub(/bold/, 'bright')}(string = nil) result = '' result << "\e[#{v}m" if Doing::Color.coloring? if block_given? result << yield elsif string.respond_to?(:to_str) result << string.to_str elsif respond_to?(:to_str) result << to_str else return result #only switch on end result << "\e[0m" if Doing::Color.coloring? result end EOSCRIPT module_eval(new_method) end def rgb(hex) is_bg = hex.match(/^bg?#/) ? true : false hex_string = hex.sub(/^([fb]g?)?#/, '') parts = hex_string.match(/(?<r>..)(?<g>..)(?<b>..)/) t = [] %w[r g b].each do |e| t << parts[e].hex end color = "\e[#{is_bg ? '48' : '38'};2;#{t.join(';')}m" end # Regular expression that is used to scan for ANSI-sequences while # uncoloring strings. COLORED_REGEXP = /\e\[(?:(?:[349]|10)[0-7]|[0-9])?m/.freeze # Returns an uncolored version of the string, that is all # ANSI-sequences are stripped from the string. def uncolor(string = nil) # :yields: if block_given? yield.to_str.gsub(COLORED_REGEXP, '') elsif string.respond_to?(:to_str) string.to_str.gsub(COLORED_REGEXP, '') elsif respond_to?(:to_str) to_str.gsub(COLORED_REGEXP, '') else '' end end # Returns an array of all Doing::Color attributes as symbols. def attributes ATTRIBUTE_NAMES end extend self end end