// ------------------------------------------------- // Swift Compass Imports // ---------------------------------------------- */ @import "framework/reset"; @import "compass/css3/border-radius"; @import "compass/css3/box-shadow"; @import "compass/css3/box-sizing"; @import "compass/css3/images"; @import "compass/css3/opacity"; @import "compass/css3/transform"; @import "compass/css3/transition"; @import "compass/typography/lists/inline-block-list"; @import "compass/typography/text/replacement"; @import "compass/utilities/general/clearfix"; @import "compass/utilities/sprites"; // ------------------------------------------------- // Swift Variables // ---------------------------------------------- */ $page-width: 1024px; $ani-speed: 250ms; // ------------------------------------------------- // Media Query Break Points // ---------------------------------------------- */ $mobile: 420px; $tablet: 768px; $desktop: 1000px; // ------------------------------------------------- // Fixes // ---------------------------------------------- */ * { @include box-sizing('border-box'); } /* iOS fixes */ html { -webkit-text-size-adjust: none; } input[type=submit] { -webkit-appearance: none; -moz-appearance: none; } /* Media Queries for determining javascript events, via http://adactio.com/journal/5429/ */ // body:after { content: 'mobile'; display: none; } // @media only screen and (min-width: $desktop) { // body:after { content: 'desktop'; } // } // ------------------------------------------------- // Swift Mixins // ---------------------------------------------- */ // media query @mixin breakpoint($min-point: 0, $max-point: $desktop) { @media (min-width: $min-point) and (max-width: $max-point) { @content; } } @mixin mobile($operator: eq) { @if $operator == gt { @media (min-width: $tablet) { @content; } } @else if ( $operator == eq ) { @media (max-width: $tablet - 1){ @content; } } } @mixin tablet($operator: eq) { @if ( $operator == gt ) { @media (min-width: $desktop){ @content; } } @else if ( $operator == lt ) { @media (max-width: $tablet - 1){ @content; } } @else if ( $operator == eq ) { @media (min-width: $tablet) and (max-width: $desktop - 1 ) { @content; } } @else if ( $operator == ge ) { @media (min-width: $tablet){ @content; } } @else if ( $operator == le ) { @media (max-width: $tablet - 1){ @content; } } } @mixin desktop($operator: eq) { @if ( $operator == lt ) { @media (max-width: $desktop - 1){ @content; } } @else if ( $operator == eq ) { @media (min-width: $desktop) { @content; } } } @mixin input-placeholder() { ::-webkit-input-placeholder { @content; } :-moz-placeholder { @content; } ::-moz-placeholder { @content; } :-ms-input-placeholder { @content; } } // custom text selection treatment, developed from http://stackoverflow.com/a/10372599/136018 @mixin selection($color, $background) { $prefixes: ("-webkit-","-moz-", "-o-", ""); @each $prefix in $prefixes { ::#{$prefix}selection { color: $color; background: $background; text-shadow:none; // remove any text shadows:twitter.com/miketaylr/status/12228805301) } } /* j.mp/webkit-tap-highlight-color */ a:link{-webkit-tap-highlight-color:$background;} ins{background-color:$background;color:$color;text-decoration:none;} } @mixin font-smoothing($value: on) { @if $value == on { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } @else { -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: auto; } } @mixin inline-block($percent: auto) { display: inline-block; width: $percent; padding-right: 2%; box-sizing: border-box; vertical-align: top; zoom: 1; .lt-ie8 & { display: inline; } &.last { padding-right: 0; } } // Remove UL Styling @mixin ul-reset { list-style: none; margin: 0; padding-bottom: 0; } @mixin areas-text-style-nav { font-size: .875em; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: .15em; } @mixin hyphenate { -ms-word-break: break-all; word-break: break-all; // Non standard for webkit word-break: break-word; -webkit-hyphens: auto; -moz-hyphens: auto; hyphens: auto; } @mixin trans-fade-hidden { @include transition(opacity $ani_speed linear 0ms, visibility $ani_speed linear 0ms); visibility: hidden; opacity: 0; } @mixin trans-fade-visible { visibility: visible; opacity: 1; } /*-----------------------------------*\ $GRID \*-----------------------------------*/ .region { overflow: hidden; } .container, .grid { margin-left: 0; max-width: none; -webkit-transition: 0.5s; transition: 0.5s; -webkit-transition-delay: 0.7s; transition-delay: 0.7s; @include tablet(ge) { margin-left: -2.5%; max-width: 105%; } } .wrapper, .unit, .item { display: block; *display: inline; vertical-align: top; width: 100%; margin-left: 0; *zoom: 1; /* Clearfix */ /*overflow: hidden;*/ *overflow: visible; -webkit-transition: width 0.5s; transition: width 0.5s; -webkit-transition-delay: 0.7s; transition-delay: 0.7s; @include tablet(ge) { display: inline-block; margin-left: 2.5%; &.one-of-one { width: 97.5%; } &.one-of-two { width: 47.5%; } &.one-of-three { width: 30.8333333%; } &.two-of-three { width: 64.1666666%; } &.one-of-four { width: 22.5%; } &.three-of-four { width: 72.5%; } &.one-of-five { width: 17.44%; } &.two-of-five { width: 37.44%; } &.three-of-five { width: 57.44%; } &.four-of-five { width: 77.44%; } } }