# frozen_string_literal: true require 'prometheus/client' module Vmpooler class Metrics class Promstats < Metrics attr_reader :prefix, :prometheus_endpoint, :prometheus_prefix # Constants for Metric Types M_COUNTER = 1 M_GAUGE = 2 M_SUMMARY = 3 M_HISTOGRAM = 4 # Customised Bucket set to use for the Pooler clone times set to more appropriate intervals. POOLER_CLONE_TIME_BUCKETS = [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 120.0, 180.0, 240.0, 300.0, 600.0].freeze POOLER_READY_TIME_BUCKETS = [30.0, 60.0, 120.0, 180.0, 240.0, 300.0, 500.0, 800.0, 1200.0, 1600.0].freeze # Same for redis connection times - this is the same as the current Prometheus Default. # https://github.com/prometheus/client_ruby/blob/master/lib/prometheus/client/histogram.rb#L14 REDIS_CONNECT_BUCKETS = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 5.0, 8.0, 13.0, 18.0, 23.0].freeze @p_metrics = {} @torun = [] def initialize(logger, params = {}) @prefix = params['prefix'] || 'vmpooler' @prometheus_prefix = params['prometheus_prefix'] || 'vmpooler' @prometheus_endpoint = params['prometheus_endpoint'] || '/prometheus' @logger = logger # Setup up prometheus registry and data structures @prometheus = Prometheus::Client.registry end =begin # rubocop:disable Style/BlockComments The Metrics table is used to register metrics and translate/interpret the incoming metrics. This table describes all of the prometheus metrics that are recognised by the application. The background documentation for defining metrics is at: https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/ In particular, the naming practices should be adhered to: https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/naming/ The Ruby Client docs are also useful: https://github.com/prometheus/client_ruby The table here allows the currently used stats definitions to be translated correctly for Prometheus. The current format is of the form A.B.C, where the final fields may be actual values (e.g. poolname). Prometheus metrics cannot use the '.' as a character, so this is either translated into '_' or variable parameters are expressed as labels accompanying the metric. Sample statistics are: # Example showing hostnames (FQDN) migrate_from.pix-jj26-chassis1-2.ops.puppetlabs.net migrate_to.pix-jj26-chassis1-8.ops.puppetlabs.net # Example showing poolname as a parameter poolreset.invalid.centos-8-x86_64 # Examples showing similar sub-typed checkout stats checkout.empty.centos-8-x86_64 checkout.invalid.centos-8-x86_64 checkout.invalid.unknown checkout.success.centos-8-x86_64 # Stats without any final parameter. connect.fail connect.open delete.failed delete.success # Stats with multiple param_labels vmpooler_user.debian-8-x86_64-pixa4.john The metrics implementation here preserves the existing framework which will continue to support graphite and statsd (since vmpooler is used outside of puppet). Some rationalisation and renaming of the actual metrics was done to get a more usable model to fit within the prometheus framework. This particularly applies to the user stats collected once individual machines are terminated as this would have challenged prometheus' ability due to multiple (8) parameters being collected in a single measure (which has a very high cardinality). Prometheus requires all metrics to be pre-registered (which is the primary reason for this table) and also uses labels to differentiate the characteristics of the measurement. This is used throughout to capture information such as poolnames. So for example, this is a sample of the prometheus metrics generated for the "vmpooler_ready" measurement: # TYPE vmpooler_ready gauge # HELP vmpooler_ready vmpooler number of machines in ready State vmpooler_ready{vmpooler_instance="vmpooler",poolname="win-10-ent-x86_64-pixa4"} 2.0 vmpooler_ready{vmpooler_instance="vmpooler",poolname="debian-8-x86_64-pixa4"} 2.0 vmpooler_ready{vmpooler_instance="vmpooler",poolname="centos-8-x86_64-pixa4"} 2.0 Prometheus supports the following metric types: (see https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/) Counter (increment): A counter is a cumulative metric that represents a single monotonically increasing counter whose value can only increase or be reset to zero on restart Gauge: A gauge is a metric that represents a single numerical value that can arbitrarily go up and down. Histogram: A histogram samples observations (usually things like request durations or response sizes) and counts them in configurable buckets. It also provides a sum of all observed values. This replaces the timer metric supported by statsd Summary : Summary provides a total count of observations and a sum of all observed values, it calculates configurable quantiles over a sliding time window. (Summary is not used in vmpooler) vmpooler_metrics_table is a table of hashes, where the hash key represents the first part of the metric name, e.g. for the metric 'delete.*' (see above) the key would be 'delete:'. "Sub-metrics", are supported, again for the 'delete.*' example, this can be subbed into '.failed' and '.success' The entries within the hash as are follows: mtype: Metric type, which is one of the following constants: M_COUNTER = 1 M_GAUGE = 2 M_SUMMARY = 3 M_HISTOGRAM = 4 torun: Indicates which process the metric is for - within vmpooler this is either ':api' or ':manager' (there is a suggestion that we change this to two separate tables). docstring: Documentation string for the metric - this is displayed as HELP text by the endpoint. metric_suffixes: Array of sub-metrics of the form 'sub-metric: "doc-string for sub-metric"'. This supports the generation of individual sub-metrics for all elements in the array. param_labels: This is an optional array of symbols for the final labels in a metric. It should not be specified if there are no additional parameters. If it specified, it can either be a single symbol, or two or more symbols. The treatment differs if there is only one symbol given as all of the remainder of the metric string supplied is collected into a label with the symbol name. This allows the handling of node names (FQDN). To illustrate: 1. In the 'connect.*' or 'delete.*' example above, it should not be specified. 2. For the 'migrate_from.*' example above, the remainder of the measure is collected as the 'host_name' label. 3. For the 'vmpooler_user' example above, the first parameter is treated as the pool name, and the second as the username. =end def vmpooler_metrics_table { errors: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'Count of errors for pool', metric_suffixes: { markedasfailed: 'timeout waiting for instance to initialise', duplicatehostname: 'unable to create instance due to duplicate hostname', staledns: 'unable to create instance due to duplicate DNS record' }, param_labels: %i[template_name] }, user: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'Number of pool instances this user created created', param_labels: %i[user poolname] }, usage_litmus: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'Pools by Litmus job usage', param_labels: %i[user poolname] }, usage_jenkins_instance: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'Pools by Jenkins instance usage', param_labels: %i[jenkins_instance value_stream poolname] }, usage_branch_project: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'Pools by branch/project usage', param_labels: %i[branch project poolname] }, usage_job_component: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'Pools by job/component usage', param_labels: %i[job_name component_to_test poolname] }, checkout: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'Pool checkout counts', metric_suffixes: { nonresponsive: 'checkout failed - non responsive machine', empty: 'checkout failed - no machine', success: 'successful checkout', invalid: 'checkout failed - invalid template' }, param_labels: %i[poolname] }, delete: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'Delete machine', metric_suffixes: { success: 'succeeded', failed: 'failed' }, param_labels: [] }, ondemandrequest_generate: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'Ondemand request', metric_suffixes: { duplicaterequests: 'failed duplicate request', success: 'succeeded' }, param_labels: [] }, ondemandrequest_fail: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'Ondemand request failure', metric_suffixes: { toomanyrequests: 'too many requests', invalid: 'invalid poolname' }, param_labels: %i[poolname] }, config: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'vmpooler pool configuration request', metric_suffixes: { invalid: 'Invalid' }, param_labels: %i[poolname] }, poolreset: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'Pool reset counter', metric_suffixes: { invalid: 'Invalid Pool' }, param_labels: %i[poolname] }, connect: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'vmpooler connect (to vSphere)', metric_suffixes: { open: 'Connect Succeeded', fail: 'Connect Failed' }, param_labels: [] }, migrate_from: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'vmpooler machine migrated from', param_labels: %i[host_name] }, migrate_to: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'vmpooler machine migrated to', param_labels: %i[host_name] }, http_requests_vm_total: { mtype: M_COUNTER, torun: %i[api], docstring: 'Total number of HTTP request/sub-operations handled by the Rack application under the /vm endpoint', param_labels: %i[method subpath operation] }, ready: { mtype: M_GAUGE, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'vmpooler number of machines in ready State', param_labels: %i[poolname] }, running: { mtype: M_GAUGE, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'vmpooler number of machines running', param_labels: %i[poolname] }, connection_available: { mtype: M_GAUGE, torun: %i[manager], docstring: 'vmpooler redis connections available', param_labels: %i[type provider] }, time_to_ready_state: { mtype: M_HISTOGRAM, torun: %i[manager], buckets: POOLER_READY_TIME_BUCKETS, docstring: 'Time taken for machine to read ready state for pool', param_labels: %i[poolname] }, migrate: { mtype: M_HISTOGRAM, torun: %i[manager], buckets: POOLER_CLONE_TIME_BUCKETS, docstring: 'vmpooler time taken to migrate machine for pool', param_labels: %i[poolname] }, clone: { mtype: M_HISTOGRAM, torun: %i[manager], buckets: POOLER_CLONE_TIME_BUCKETS, docstring: 'vmpooler time taken to clone machine', param_labels: %i[poolname] }, destroy: { mtype: M_HISTOGRAM, torun: %i[manager], buckets: POOLER_CLONE_TIME_BUCKETS, docstring: 'vmpooler time taken to destroy machine', param_labels: %i[poolname] }, connection_waited: { mtype: M_HISTOGRAM, torun: %i[manager], buckets: REDIS_CONNECT_BUCKETS, docstring: 'vmpooler redis connection wait time', param_labels: %i[type provider] } } end # Helper to add individual prom metric. # Allow Histograms to specify the bucket size. def add_prometheus_metric(metric_spec, name, docstring) case metric_spec[:mtype] when M_COUNTER metric_class = Prometheus::Client::Counter when M_GAUGE metric_class = Prometheus::Client::Gauge when M_SUMMARY metric_class = Prometheus::Client::Summary when M_HISTOGRAM metric_class = Prometheus::Client::Histogram else raise("Unable to register metric #{name} with metric type #{metric_spec[:mtype]}") end if (metric_spec[:mtype] == M_HISTOGRAM) && (metric_spec.key? :buckets) prom_metric = metric_class.new( name.to_sym, docstring: docstring, labels: metric_spec[:param_labels] + [:vmpooler_instance], buckets: metric_spec[:buckets], preset_labels: { vmpooler_instance: @prefix } ) else prom_metric = metric_class.new( name.to_sym, docstring: docstring, labels: metric_spec[:param_labels] + [:vmpooler_instance], preset_labels: { vmpooler_instance: @prefix } ) end @prometheus.register(prom_metric) end # Top level method to register all the prometheus metrics. def setup_prometheus_metrics(torun) @torun = torun @p_metrics = vmpooler_metrics_table @p_metrics.each do |name, metric_spec| # Only register metrics appropriate to api or manager next if (torun & metric_spec[:torun]).empty? if metric_spec.key? :metric_suffixes # Iterate thru the suffixes if provided to register multiple counters here. metric_spec[:metric_suffixes].each do |metric_suffix| add_prometheus_metric( metric_spec, "#{@prometheus_prefix}_#{name}_#{metric_suffix[0]}", "#{metric_spec[:docstring]} #{metric_suffix[1]}" ) end else # No Additional counter suffixes so register this as metric. add_prometheus_metric( metric_spec, "#{@prometheus_prefix}_#{name}", metric_spec[:docstring] ) end end end # locate a metric and check/interpet the sub-fields. def find_metric(label) sublabels = label.split('.') metric_key = sublabels.shift.to_sym raise("Invalid Metric #{metric_key} for #{label}") unless @p_metrics.key? metric_key metric_spec = @p_metrics[metric_key] raise("Invalid Component #{component} for #{metric_key}") if (metric_spec[:torun] & @torun).nil? metric = metric_spec.clone if metric.key? :metric_suffixes metric_subkey = sublabels.shift.to_sym raise("Invalid Metric #{metric_key}_#{metric_subkey} for #{label}") unless metric[:metric_suffixes].key? metric_subkey.to_sym metric[:metric_name] = "#{@prometheus_prefix}_#{metric_key}_#{metric_subkey}" else metric[:metric_name] = "#{@prometheus_prefix}_#{metric_key}" end # Check if we are looking for a parameter value at last element. if metric.key? :param_labels metric[:labels] = {} # Special case processing here - if there is only one parameter label then make sure # we append all of the remaining contents of the metric with "." separators to ensure # we get full nodenames (e.g. for Migration to node operations) if metric[:param_labels].length == 1 metric[:labels][metric[:param_labels].first] = sublabels.join('.') else metric[:param_labels].reverse_each do |param_label| metric[:labels][param_label] = sublabels.pop(1).first end end end metric end # Helper to get lab metrics. def get(label) metric = find_metric(label) [metric, @prometheus.get(metric[:metric_name])] end # Note - Catch and log metrics failures so they can be noted, but don't interrupt vmpooler operation. def increment(label) begin counter_metric, c = get(label) c.increment(labels: counter_metric[:labels]) rescue StandardError => e @logger.log('s', "[!] prometheus error logging metric #{label} increment : #{e}") end end def gauge(label, value) begin unless value.nil? gauge_metric, g = get(label) g.set(value.to_i, labels: gauge_metric[:labels]) end rescue StandardError => e @logger.log('s', "[!] prometheus error logging gauge #{label}, value #{value}: #{e}") end end def timing(label, duration) begin # https://prometheus.io/docs/practices/histograms/ unless duration.nil? histogram_metric, hm = get(label) hm.observe(duration.to_f, labels: histogram_metric[:labels]) end rescue StandardError => e @logger.log('s', "[!] prometheus error logging timing event label #{label}, duration #{duration}: #{e}") end end end end end