# encoding: utf-8 require_relative "../spec_helper" require "logstash/devutils/rspec/shared_examples" require "logstash/outputs/logstash" describe LogStash::Outputs::Logstash do let(:config) {{ "hosts" => "" }} subject(:plugin) { LogStash::Outputs::Logstash.new(config) } describe "a plugin class" do subject { described_class } it { is_expected.to be_a_kind_of Class } it { is_expected.to be <= LogStash::Outputs::Base } it { is_expected.to have_attributes(:config_name => "logstash") } end describe "a plugin instance with minimal config" do subject(:instance) { described_class.new(config) } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:register).with(0).arguments } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:multi_receive).with(1).argument } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:stop).with(0).arguments } it { is_expected.to respond_to(:close).with(0).arguments } end describe "plugin register" do let(:registered_plugin) { plugin.tap(&:register) } describe "construct host URI" do it "applies default https scheme and 9800 port" do expect(registered_plugin.construct_host_uri.eql?(::LogStash::Util::SafeURI.new(""))).to be_truthy end describe "SSL disabled" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_enabled" => false) } it "causes HTTP scheme" do expect(registered_plugin.construct_host_uri.eql?(::LogStash::Util::SafeURI.new(""))).to be_truthy end end describe "custom port" do let(:config) { super().merge("hosts" => "") } it "will be applied" do expect(registered_plugin.construct_host_uri.eql?(::LogStash::Util::SafeURI.new(""))).to be_truthy end end end describe "username and password auth" do let(:config) { super().merge("hosts" => "my-ls-downstream.com:1234", "ssl_enabled" => false) } context "with `username`" do let(:config) { super().merge("username" => "test_user") } it "requires `password`" do expected_message = "`password` is REQUIRED when `username` is provided" expect{ plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end context "with `password`" do let(:config) { super().merge("password" => "pa$$") } it "requires `username`" do expected_message = "`password` not allowed unless `username` is configured" expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end context "SSL disabled" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_enabled" => false) } context "with SSL related configs" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_keystore_path" => cert_fixture!('client_from_root.jks'), "ssl_certificate_authorities" => cert_fixture!('root.pem')) } it "does not allow and raises an error" do expected_message = 'Explicit SSL-related settings not supported because `ssl_enabled => false`: ["ssl_keystore_path", "ssl_certificate_authorities"]' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end context "self identity" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_enabled" => true) } context "SSL certificate" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_certificate" => cert_fixture!('server_from_root.pem')) } it "requires `ssl_key`" do expected_message = '`ssl_key` is REQUIRED when `ssl_certificate` is provided' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end context "with keystore" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_keystore_path" => cert_fixture!('client_from_root.jks')) } it "cannot be used together" do expected_message = 'SSL identity can be configured with EITHER `ssl_certificate` OR `ssl_keystore_*`, but not both' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end context "`ssl_key`" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_key" => cert_fixture!('server_from_root.key.pkcs8.pem')) } it "requires SSL certificate" do expected_message = '`ssl_key` is not allowed unless `ssl_certificate` is configured' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end context "`ssl_keystore_path`" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_keystore_path" => cert_fixture!('server_from_root.jks')) } it "requires `ssl_keystore_password`" do expected_message = '`ssl_keystore_password` is REQUIRED when `ssl_keystore_path` is provided' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end context "`ssl_keystore_password`" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_keystore_password" => "pa$$w0rd") } it "requires `ssl_keystore_path`" do expected_message = '`ssl_keystore_password` is not allowed unless `ssl_keystore_path` is configured' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end context "trust" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_enabled" => true) } context "with CA" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_certificate_authorities" => cert_fixture!('root.pem')) } context "and `ssl_verification_mode` is 'none'" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_verification_mode" => "none") } it "not allowed" do expected_message = 'SSL Certificate Authorities cannot be configured when `ssl_verification_mode => none`' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end context "and truststore" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_truststore_path" => cert_fixture!('client_self_signed.jks')) } it "not allowed" do expected_message = 'SSL trust can be configured with EITHER `ssl_certificate_authorities` OR `ssl_truststore_*`, but not both' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end context "truststore" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_truststore_path" => cert_fixture!('client_self_signed.jks')) } it "requires truststore password" do expected_message = '`ssl_truststore_password` is REQUIRED when `ssl_truststore_path` is provided' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end context "and `ssl_verification_mode` is 'none'" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_verification_mode" => "none") } it "not allowed" do expected_message = 'SSL Truststore cannot be configured when `ssl_verification_mode => none`' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end context "password without truststore path" do let(:config) { super().merge("ssl_truststore_password" => "pa$$w0rd") } it "not allowed" do expected_message = '`ssl_truststore_password` not allowed unless `ssl_truststore_path` is configured' expect{ registered_plugin }.to raise_error(LogStash::ConfigurationError).with_message(expected_message) end end end end end