module CapybaraExt def page! save_and_open_page end def click_icon(type) find(".icon-#{type}").click end def eventually_fill_in(field, options={}) expect(page).to have_css('#' + field) fill_in field, options end def within_row(num, &block) if RSpec.current_example.metadata[:js] within("table.table tbody tr:nth-child(#{num})", &block) else within(:xpath, all("table.table tbody tr")[num-1].path, &block) end end def column_text(num) if RSpec.current_example.metadata[:js] find("td:nth-child(#{num})").text else all("td")[num-1].text end end def set_select2_field(field, value) page.execute_script %Q{$('#{field}').select2('val', '#{value}')} end def select2_search(value, options) label = find_label_by_text(options[:from]) within label.first(:xpath,".//..") do options[:from] = "##{find(".select2-container")["id"]}" end targetted_select2_search(value, options) end def targetted_select2_search(value, options) page.execute_script %Q{$('#{options[:from]}').select2('open')} page.execute_script "$('#{options[:dropdown_css]} input.select2-input').val('#{value}').trigger('keyup-change');" select_select2_result(value) end def select2(value, options) label = find_label_by_text(options[:from]) within label.first(:xpath,".//..") do options[:from] = "##{find(".select2-container")["id"]}" end targetted_select2(value, options) end def select2_no_label value, options={} raise "Must pass a hash containing 'from'" if not options.is_a?(Hash) or not options.has_key?(:from) placeholder = options[:from] minlength = options[:minlength] || 4 click_link placeholder select_select2_result(value) end def targetted_select2(value, options) # find select2 element and click it find(options[:from]).find('a').click select_select2_result(value) end def select_select2_result(value) # results are in a div appended to the end of the document within(:xpath, '//body') do page.find("div.select2-result-label", text: %r{#{Regexp.escape(value)}}i).click end end def find_label_by_text(text) label = find_label(text) counter = 0 # Because JavaScript testing is prone to errors... while label.nil? && counter < 10 sleep(1) counter += 1 label = find_label(text) end if label.nil? raise "Could not find label by text #{text}" end label end def find_label(text) first(:xpath, "//label[text()[contains(.,'#{text}')]]") end # arg delay in seconds def wait_for_ajax(delay = Capybara.default_max_wait_time) counter = 0 delay_threshold = delay * 10 while page.evaluate_script("typeof($) === 'undefined' || $.active > 0") counter += 1 sleep(0.1) raise "AJAX request took longer than #{delay} seconds." if counter >= delay_threshold end end # "Intelligiently" wait on condition # # Much better than a random sleep "here and there" # it will not cause any delay in case the condition is fullfilled on first cycle. def wait_for_condition(delay = Capybara.default_max_wait_time) counter = 0 delay_threshold = delay * 10 while !yield counter += 1 sleep(0.1) raise "Could not achieve condition within #{delay} seconds." if counter >= delay_threshold end end def accept_alert page.evaluate_script('window.confirm = function() { return true; }') yield end def dismiss_alert page.evaluate_script('window.confirm = function() { return false; }') yield # Restore existing default page.evaluate_script('window.confirm = function() { return true; }') end end Capybara.configure do |config| config.match = :prefer_exact config.ignore_hidden_elements = true end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_meta do |name, expected| match do |actual| has_css?("meta[name='#{name}'][content='#{expected}']", visible: false) end failure_message do |actual| actual = first("meta[name='#{name}']") if actual "expected that meta #{name} would have content='#{expected}' but was '#{actual[:content]}'" else "expected that meta #{name} would exist with content='#{expected}'" end end end RSpec::Matchers.define :have_title do |expected| match do |actual| has_css?("title", text: expected, visible: false) end failure_message do |actual| actual = first("title") if actual "expected that title would have been '#{expected}' but was '#{actual.text}'" else "expected that title would exist with '#{expected}'" end end end RSpec.configure do |c| c.include CapybaraExt end