# require 'ib/gateway/account-infos' require 'ib/gateway/order-handling' require_relative 'alerts/gateway-alerts' require_relative 'alerts/order-alerts' require 'active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors' # provides m_accessor #module GWSupport # provide AR4- ActiveRelation-like-methods to Array-Class #refine Array do class Array # returns the item (in case of first) or the hole array (in case of create) def first_or_create item, *condition, &b int_array = if condition.empty? [ find_all{ |x| x == item } ] if !block_given? else condition.map{ |c| find_all{|x| x[ c ] == item[ c ] }} end || [] if block_given? relation = yield part_2 = find_all{ |x| x.send( relation ) == item.send( relation ) } int_array << part_2 unless part_2.empty? end # reduce performs a logical "&" between the array-elements # we are only interested in the first entry r= int_array.reduce( :& ) r.present? ? r.first : self.push( item ) end def update_or_create item, *condition, &b member = first_or_create( item, *condition, &b) self[ index( member ) ] = item unless member.is_a?(Array) self # always returns the array end # performs [ [ array ] & [ array ] & [..] ].first def intercept a = self.dup s = a.pop while a.present? s = s & a.pop end s.first unless s.nil? # return_value (or nil) end end # refine / class #end # module module IB =begin The Gateway-Class defines anything which has to be done before a connection can be established. The Default Skeleton can easily be substituted by customized actions The IB::Gateway can be used in three modes (1) IB::Gateway.new( connect:true, --other arguments-- ) do | gateway | ** subscribe to Messages and define the response ** # This block is executed before a connect-attempt is made end (2) gw = IB:Gateway.new ** subscribe to Messages ** gw.connect (3) IB::Gateway.new connect:true, host: 'localhost' .... Independently IB::Alert.alert_#{nnn} should be defined for a proper response to warnings, error- and system-messages. The Connection to the TWS is realized throught IB::Connection. Additional to __IB::Connection.current__ IB::Gateway.tws points to the active Connection. To support asynchronic access, the :recieved-Array of the Connection-Class is not active. The Array is easily confused, if used in production mode with a FA-Account and has limits. Thus IB::Conncetion.wait_for(message) is not available until the programm is called with IB::Gateway.new serial_array: true (, ...) =end class Gateway include Support::Logging # provides default_logger include AccountInfos # provides Handling of Account-Data provided by the tws include OrderHandling # include GWSupport # introduces update_or_create, first_or_create and intercept to the Array-Class # from active-support. Add Logging at Class + Instance-Level # similar to the Connection-Class: current represents the active instance of Gateway mattr_accessor :current mattr_accessor :tws def initialize port: 4002, # 7497, host: '', # 'localhost:4001' is also accepted client_id: random_id, subscribe_managed_accounts: true, subscribe_alerts: true, subscribe_order_messages: true, connect: true, get_account_data: false, serial_array: false, logger: nil, watchlists: [] , # array of watchlists (IB::Symbols::{watchlist}) containing descriptions for complex positions **other_agruments_which_are_ignored, &b host, port = (host+':'+port.to_s).split(':') self.class.configure_logger logger self.logger.info { '-' * 20 +' initialize ' + '-' * 20 } @connection_parameter = { received: serial_array, port: port, host: host, connect: false, logger: logger, client_id: client_id } @account_lock = Mutex.new @watchlists = watchlists.map{ |b| IB::Symbols.allocate_collection b } @gateway_parameter = { s_m_a: subscribe_managed_accounts, s_a: subscribe_alerts, s_o_m: subscribe_order_messages, g_a_d: get_account_data } Thread.report_on_exception = true # https://blog.bigbinary.com/2018/04/18/ruby-2-5-enables-thread-report_on_exception-by-default.html Gateway.current = self # initialise Connection without connecting prepare_connection &b # finally connect to the tws connect = true if get_account_data if connect i = 0 begin i+=1 if connect(100) # tries to connect for about 2h get_account_data() # request_open_orders() if request_open_orders || get_account_data else @accounts = [] # definitivley reset @accounts end rescue IB::Error => e disconnect logger.fatal e.message if e.message =~ /NextLocalId is not initialized/ Kernel.exit elsif i < 5 retry else raise "could not get account data" end end end end def active_watchlists @watchlists end def add_watchlist watchlist new_watchlist = IB::Symbols.allocate_collection( watchlist ) @watchlists << new_watchlist unless @watchlists.include?( new_watchlist ) end def get_host "#{@connection_parameter[:host]}: #{@connection_parameter[:port] }" end def update_local_order order # @local_orders is initialized by #PrepareConnection @local_orders.update_or_create order, :local_id end ## ------------------------------------- connect ---------------------------------------------## =begin Zentrale Methode Es wird ein Connection-Objekt (IB::Connection.current) angelegt. Sollte keine TWS vorhanden sein, wird ein entsprechende Meldung ausgegeben und der Verbindungsversuch wiederholt. Weiterhin meldet sich die Anwendung zur Auswertung von Messages der TWS an. =end def connect maximal_count_of_retry=100 i= -1 begin tws.connect rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e i+=1 if i < maximal_count_of_retry if i.zero? logger.info 'No TWS!' else logger.info {"No TWS Retry #{i}/ #{maximal_count_of_retry} " } end sleep i<50 ? 10 : 60 # Die ersten 50 Versuche im 10 Sekunden Abstand, danach 1 Min. retry else logger.info { "Giving up!!" } return false end rescue Errno::EHOSTUNREACH => e error "Cannot connect to specified host #{e}", :reader, true return false rescue SocketError => e error 'Wrong Adress, connection not possible', :reader, true return false rescue IB::Error => e logger.info e end # initialize @accounts (incl. aliases) tws.send_message( :RequestFA, fa_data_type: 3) if fa? logger.debug { "Communications successfully established" } # update open orders request_open_orders if @gateway_parameter[:s_o_m] || @gateway_parameter[:g_a_d] true # return gatway object end # def def reconnect if tws.present? disconnect sleep 0.1 end logger.info "trying to reconnect ..." connect end def disconnect tws.disconnect if tws.present? @accounts = [] # each{|y| y.update_attribute :connected, false } logger.info "Connection closed" end =begin Proxy for Connection#SendMessage allows reconnection if a socket_error occurs checks the connection before sending a message. =end def send_message what, *args begin if check_connection tws.send_message what, *args else error( "Connection lost. Could not send message #{what}" ) end end end =begin Cancels one or multible orders Argument is either an order-object or a local_id =end def cancel_order *orders orders.compact.each do |o| local_id = if o.is_a? (IB::Order) logger.info{ "Cancelling #{o.to_human}" } o.local_id else o end send_message :CancelOrder, :local_id => local_id.to_i end end =begin clients returns a list of Account-Objects If only one Account is present, Client and Advisor are identical. =end def clients @accounts.find_all &:user? end # is the account a financial advisor def fa? !(advisor == clients.first) end =begin The Advisor is always the first account =end def advisor @accounts.first end =begin account_data provides a thread-safe access to linked content of accounts (AccountValues, Portfolio-Values, Contracts and Orders) It returns an Array of the return-values of the block If called without a parameter, all clients are accessed Example ``` g = IB::Gateway.current # thread safe access g.account_data &:portfolio_values g.account_data &:account_values # primitive access g.clients.map &:portfolio_values g.clients.map &:account_values ``` =end def account_data account_or_id=nil safe = ->(account) do @account_lock.synchronize do yield account end end if block_given? if account_or_id.present? sa = account_or_id.is_a?(IB::Account) ? account_or_id : @accounts.detect{|x| x.account == account_or_id } safe[sa] if sa.is_a? IB::Account else clients.map{|s| safe[s]} end end end def prepare_connection &b tws.disconnect if tws.is_a? IB::Connection self.tws = IB::Connection.new **@connection_parameter.merge( logger: self.logger ) @accounts = @local_orders = Array.new # prepare Advisor-User hierachy initialize_managed_accounts if @gateway_parameter[:s_m_a] initialize_alerts if @gateway_parameter[:s_a] initialize_order_handling if @gateway_parameter[:s_o_m] || @gateway_parameter[:g_a_d] ## apply other initialisations which should apper before the connection as block ## i.e. after connection order-state events are fired if an open-order is pending ## a possible response is best defined before the connect-attempt is done # ## Attention # ## @accounts are not initialized yet (empty array) yield self if block_given? end =begin InitializeManagedAccounts defines the Message-Handler for :ManagedAccounts Its always active. =end def initialize_managed_accounts rec_id = tws.subscribe( :ReceiveFA ) do |msg| msg.accounts.each do |a| account_data( a.account ){| the_account | the_account.update_attribute :alias, a.alias } unless a.alias.blank? end logger.info { "Accounts initialized \n #{@accounts.map( &:to_human ).join " \n " }" } end man_id = tws.subscribe( :ManagedAccounts ) do |msg| if @accounts.empty? # just validate the message and put all together into an array @accounts = msg.accounts_list.split(',').map do |a| account = IB::Account.new( account: a.upcase , connected: true ) end else logger.info {"already #{@accounts.size} accounts initialized "} @accounts.each{|x| x.update_attribute :connected , true } end # if end # subscribe do end # def def initialize_alerts tws.subscribe( :AccountUpdateTime ){| msg | logger.debug{ msg.to_human }} tws.subscribe(:Alert) do |msg| logger.debug " ----------------#{msg.code}-----" # delegate anything to IB::Alert IB::Alert.send("alert_#{msg.code}", msg ) end end # Handy method to ensure that a connection is established and active. # # The connection is reset on the IB-side at least once a day. Then the # IB-Ruby-Connection has to be reestablished, too. # # check_connection reconnects if necessary and returns false if the connection is lost. # # It delays the process by 6 ms (150 MBit Cable connection) # # a = Time.now; G.check_connection; b= Time.now ;b-a # => 0.00066005 # def check_connection q = Queue.new count = 0 result = nil z= tws.subscribe( :CurrentTime ) { q.push true } loop do begin tws.send_message(:RequestCurrentTime) # 10 ms ## th = Thread.new{ sleep 1 ; q.push nil } result = q.pop count+=1 break if result || count > 10 rescue IOError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED # connection lost count +=1 retry rescue IB::Error # not connected reconnect count = 0 retry end end tws.unsubscribe z result # return value end private def random_id rand 99999 end end # class end # module