################################################################################## # RBCli -- A framework for developing command line applications in Ruby # # Copyright (C) 2018 Andrew Khoury # # # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # # (at your option) any later version. # # # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # # GNU General Public License for more details. # # # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # # along with this program. If not, see . # # # # For questions regarding licensing, please contact andrew@blacknex.us # ################################################################################## module RBCliTool class Project def initialize path, template_vars = {} @skelpath = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../skeletons/project" @minipath = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../skeletons/mini/executable" @micropath = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../skeletons/micro/executable" @dest = path @template_vars = template_vars end def create force = false return false if project_exists? and not force src = @skelpath # Create Top Level Folder (TLF) FileUtils.mkdir_p @dest # Create project structure %w( application/commands application/commands/scripts config userconf exe hooks spec lib ).each do |folder| FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{@dest}/#{folder}" FileUtils.touch "#{@dest}/#{folder}/.keep" end # Create executable RBCliTool.cp_file "#{src}/exe/executable", "#{@dest}/exe/#{@template_vars[:cmdname]}", @template_vars FileUtils.chmod 0755, "#{@dest}/exe/#{@template_vars[:cmdname]}" # Create files for Gem package Dir.entries(src).each do |file| next if File.directory? "#{src}/#{file}" if file == "untitled.gemspec" RBCliTool.cp_file "#{src}/#{file}", "#{@dest}/#{@template_vars[:cmdname]}.gemspec", @template_vars else RBCliTool.cp_file "#{src}/#{file}", "#{@dest}/", @template_vars end end # Create default config Dir.glob "#{src}/config/*.rb" do |file| RBCliTool.cp_file file, "#{@dest}/config/", @template_vars end # Create application options RBCliTool.cp_file "#{src}/application/options.rb", "#{@dest}/application/options.rb", @template_vars true end def create_mini force = false return false if project_exists? and not force RBCliTool.cp_file @minipath, @dest, @template_vars end def create_micro force = false return false if project_exists? and not force RBCliTool.cp_file @micropath, @dest, @template_vars end def exists? project_exists? end def self.find_root path # We look for the .rbcli file in the current tree and return the root path searchpath = path while !searchpath.empty? return searchpath if File.directory? searchpath and File.exists? "#{searchpath}/.rbcli" spath = searchpath.split('/') searchpath = (spath.length == 2) ? '/' : spath[0..-2].join('/') end false end private def project_exists? # If the specified file already exists... return true if File.exists? @dest # Or if the .rbcli file exists anywhere in the tree, we know that we are in a subdirectory of a project Project::find_root(@dest) end end end