require 'spec_helper' describe ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Interpreter do let(:instance) { index, block } let(:model) { double('model') } let(:index) {, :fields).new([], []) } let(:block) { { } } describe '.translate!' do let(:instance) { double('interpreter', :translate! => true) } it "creates a new interpreter instance with the given block and index" do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Interpreter.should_receive(:new). with(index, block).and_return(instance) ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Interpreter.translate! index, block end it "calls translate! on the instance" do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Interpreter.stub!(:new => instance) instance.should_receive(:translate!) ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Interpreter.translate! index, block end end describe '#has' do let(:column) { double('column') } let(:attribute) { double('attribute') } before :each do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Attribute.stub! :new => attribute end it "creates a new attribute with the provided column" do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Attribute.should_receive(:new). with(column, {}).and_return(attribute) instance.has column end it "passes through options to the attribute" do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Attribute.should_receive(:new). with(column, :as => :other_name).and_return(attribute) instance.has column, :as => :other_name end it "adds an attribute to the index" do instance.has column index.attributes.should include(attribute) end it "adds multiple attributes when passed multiple columns" do instance.has column, column { |saved_attribute| saved_attribute == attribute }.length.should == 2 end end describe '#indexes' do let(:column) { double('column') } let(:field) { double('field') } before :each do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Field.stub! :new => field end it "creates a new field with the provided column" do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Field.should_receive(:new). with(column, {}).and_return(field) instance.indexes column end it "passes through options to the field" do ThinkingSphinx::RealTime::Field.should_receive(:new). with(column, :as => :other_name).and_return(field) instance.indexes column, :as => :other_name end it "adds a field to the index" do instance.indexes column index.fields.should include(field) end it "adds multiple fields when passed multiple columns" do instance.indexes column, column { |saved_field| saved_field == field }.length.should == 2 end end describe '#method_missing' do let(:column) { double('column') } before :each do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Column.stub!(:new => column) end it "returns a new column for the given method" do == column end it "should initialise the column with the method name and arguments" do ThinkingSphinx::ActiveRecord::Column.should_receive(:new). with(:users, :posts, :subject).and_return(column) instance.users(:posts, :subject) end end describe '#scope' do it "passes the scope block through to the index" do index.should_receive(:scope=).with(instance_of(Proc)) instance.scope { :foo } end end describe '#set_property' do before :each do index.class.stub :settings => [:morphology] end context 'index settings' do it "sets the provided setting" do index.should_receive(:morphology=).with('stem_en') instance.set_property :morphology => 'stem_en' end end end describe '#translate!' do it "returns the block evaluated within the context of the interpreter" do block = { __id__ } interpreter = index, block interpreter.translate!. should == interpreter.__id__ end end end