# This whole file is about backward compatibility. # Define some helpers to deprecate code. module Gosu DEPRECATION_STACKTRACE_LINES = 1 # Adapted from RubyGems, but without the date part. def self.deprecate(klass, name, repl) klass.class_eval { old = "_deprecated_#{name}" alias_method old, name define_method name do |*args, &block| Gosu.deprecation_message(self, name, repl) send old, *args, &block end } end def self.deprecate_const(name, repl) send(:remove_const, name) if const_defined?(name) @@_deprecated_constants ||= {} @@_deprecated_constants[name] = repl end # Constant deprecation works by undefining the original constant and then re-adding it in # const_missing, so that each deprecation warning is only printed once. def self.const_missing(const_name) if @@_deprecated_constants && repl = @@_deprecated_constants[const_name] Gosu.deprecation_message(self, const_name, repl) const_get(repl) else super end end def self.deprecation_message(klass_or_full_message, name=nil, repl=nil) @@_deprecations_shown ||= {} msg = if klass_or_full_message.is_a?(String) and name.nil? and repl.nil? [ "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{klass_or_full_message}, \n#Called from #{caller[1, DEPRECATION_STACKTRACE_LINES]}" ] else # Class method deprecation warnings result in something like this: # #::button_id_to_char is deprecated # Remove the instance-inspect stuff to make it look a bit better: if klass_or_full_message.kind_of?(Module) target = "#{klass_or_full_message.to_s.gsub(/#/, '\1')}::" else "#{klass_or_full_message.class}#" end [ "DEPRECATION WARNING: #{target}#{name} is deprecated", repl == :none ? " with no replacement." : "; use #{repl} instead.", "\n#{target}#{name} called from #{Gosu.deprecation_caller.join("\n")}", ] end return if @@_deprecations_shown.has_key?(msg[0]) @@_deprecations_shown[msg[0]] = true warn "#{msg.join}." end # This method removes the deprecation methods themselves from the stacktrace. def self.deprecation_caller caller.delete_if { |trace_line| trace_line =~ /(deprecat|const_missing)/ } .first(DEPRECATION_STACKTRACE_LINES) end end # No need to pass a Window to Image. class Gosu::Image alias initialize_without_window initialize def initialize(*args) if args[0].is_a? Gosu::Window Gosu.deprecation_message("Passing a Window to Image#initialize has been deprecated in Gosu 0.9 and this method now uses an options hash, see https://www.libgosu.org/rdoc/Gosu/Image.html.") if args.size == 7 initialize_without_window args[1], :tileable => args[2], :rect => args[3..-1] else initialize_without_window args[1], :tileable => args[2] end else initialize_without_window(*args) end end class << self alias from_text_without_window from_text end def self.from_text(*args) if args.size == 4 Gosu.deprecation_message("Passing a Window to Image.from_text has been deprecated in Gosu 0.9 and this method now uses an options hash, see https://www.libgosu.org/rdoc/Gosu/Image.html.") from_text_without_window(args[1], args[3], :font => args[2]) elsif args.size == 7 Gosu.deprecation_message("Passing a Window to Image.from_text has been deprecated in Gosu 0.9 and this method now uses an options hash, see https://www.libgosu.org/rdoc/Gosu/Image.html.") from_text_without_window(args[1], args[3], :font => args[2], :spacing => args[4], :width => args[5], :align => args[6]) else from_text_without_window(*args) end end end # No need to pass a Window to Sample. class Gosu::Sample alias initialize_without_window initialize def initialize(*args) if args.first.is_a? Gosu::Window args.shift Gosu.deprecation_message("Passing a Window to Sample#initialize has been deprecated in Gosu 0.7.17.") end initialize_without_window(*args) end end # No need to pass a Window to Song. class Gosu::Song alias initialize_without_window initialize def initialize(*args) if args.first.is_a? Gosu::Window args.shift Gosu.deprecation_message("Passing a Window to Song#initialize has been deprecated in Gosu 0.7.17.") end initialize_without_window(*args) end end class Gosu::Font alias_method :draw, :draw_markup Gosu.deprecate Gosu::Font, :draw, "Font#draw_text or Font#draw_markup" alias_method :draw_rel, :draw_markup_rel Gosu.deprecate Gosu::Font, :draw_rel, "Font#draw_text_rel or Font#draw_markup_rel" def draw_rot(markup, x, y, z, angle, scale_x = 1, scale_y = 1, c = 0xff_ffffff, mode = :default) Gosu.rotate(angle, x, y) { draw_markup(markup, x, y, z, scale_x, scale_y, c, mode) } end Gosu.deprecate Gosu::Font, :draw_rot, "Font#draw with Gosu.rotate" end # Moved some Window methods to the Gosu module. class Gosu::Window # Class methods that have been turned into module methods. class << self def button_id_to_char(id) Gosu.button_id_to_char(id) end def char_to_button_id(ch) Gosu.char_to_button_id(ch) end end # Instance methods that have been turned into module methods. %w(draw_line draw_triangle draw_quad draw_rect flush gl clip_to record transform translate rotate scale button_id_to_char char_to_button_id button_down?).each do |method| define_method method.to_sym do |*args, &block| Gosu.send method, *args, &block end end Gosu.deprecate Gosu::Window, :set_mouse_position, "Window#mouse_x= and Window#mouse_y=" end # Constants module Gosu # This was renamed because it's not actually a "copyright notice". # (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_notice) deprecate_const :GOSU_COPYRIGHT_NOTICE, :LICENSES module Button; end # Channel was called SampleInstance before Gosu 0.13.0. SampleInstance = Channel deprecate_const :SampleInstance, :Channel # Support for KbLeft instead of KB_LEFT and Gp3Button2 instead of GP_3_BUTTON_2. Gosu.constants.grep(/^KB_|MS_|GP_/).each do |new_name| old_name = case new_name when :KB_ISO then "KbISO" when :KB_NUMPAD_PLUS then "KbNumpadAdd" when :KB_NUMPAD_MINUS then "KbNumpadSubtract" when :KB_EQUALS then "KbEqual" when :KB_LEFT_BRACKET then "KbBracketLeft" when :KB_RIGHT_BRACKET then "KbBracketRight" else new_name.to_s.capitalize.gsub(/_(.)/) { $1.upcase } end Gosu.const_set old_name, Gosu.const_get(new_name) # Also import old-style constants into Gosu::Button. Gosu::Button.const_set old_name, Gosu.const_get(new_name) end end