require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe "Chatterbot::DSL" do describe "client routines" do before(:each) do @bot = double(Chatterbot::Bot, :config => {}) @bot.send :require, 'chatterbot/dsl' allow(Chatterbot::DSL).to receive(:bot).and_return(@bot) end describe "client" do it "returns the bot object" do expect(client).to eql(@bot.client) end end describe "blacklist" do it "#blacklist passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:blacklist=).with(["foo"]) blacklist ["foo"] end it "#blacklist turns single-string arg into an array" do expect(@bot).to receive(:blacklist=).with(["foo"]) blacklist "foo" end it "#blacklist turns comma-delimited string arg into an array" do expect(@bot).to receive(:blacklist=).with(["foo", "bar"]) blacklist "foo, bar" end end describe "whitelist" do it "#whitelist passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:whitelist=).with(["foo"]) whitelist ["foo"] end it "#whitelist turns single-string arg into an array" do expect(@bot).to receive(:whitelist=).with(["foo"]) whitelist "foo" end it "#whitelist turns comma-delimited string arg into an array" do expect(@bot).to receive(:whitelist=).with(["foo", "bar"]) whitelist "foo, bar" end end describe "only_interact_with_followers" do it "sets whitelist to be the bot's followers" do f = fake_follower allow(@bot).to receive(:followers).and_return([f]) expect(@bot).to receive(:whitelist=).with([f]) only_interact_with_followers end end [:no_update, :debug_mode, :verbose].each do |method| describe method.to_s do it "#{method.to_s} with nil passes along true to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive("#{method.to_s}=").with(true) send method end it "#debug_mode with false is passed" do expect(@bot).to receive("#{method.to_s}=").with(false) send method, false end it "#debug_mode with true is passed" do expect(@bot).to receive("#{method.to_s}=").with(true) send method, true end end end it "#badwords returns an array" do expect(bad_words).to be_a(Array) end describe "exclude" do it "#exclude passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:exclude=).with(["foo"]) exclude ["foo"] end it "#exclude turns single-string arg into an array" do expect(@bot).to receive(:exclude=).with(["foo"]) exclude "foo" end it "#exclude turns comma-delimited string arg into an array" do expect(@bot).to receive(:exclude=).with(["foo", "bar"]) exclude "foo, bar" end end describe "search" do it "passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:search).with("foo", { }) search("foo") end it "passes multiple queries along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:search).with(["foo","bar"], { }) search(["foo","bar"]) end end describe "streaming" do it "passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:do_streaming) streaming {} end end it "#retweet passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:retweet).with(1234) retweet(1234) end it "#favorite passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:favorite).with(1234) favorite(1234) end it "#replies passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:replies) replies end it "#home_timeline passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:home_timeline) home_timeline end it "#streaming_tweets passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:streaming_tweets) streaming_tweets end it "#followers passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:followers) followers end it "#follow passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:follow).with(1234) follow(1234) end it "#tweet passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:tweet).with("hello sailor!", {:foo => "bar" }, nil) tweet "hello sailor!", {:foo => "bar"} end it "#reply passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:reply).with("hello sailor!", { :source => "source "}) reply "hello sailor!", { :source => "source "} end it "#profile_text setter passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:profile_text).with("hello sailor!") profile_text "hello sailor!" end it "#profile_text getter passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:profile_text) profile_text end it "#profile_website passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:profile_website).with("") profile_website "" end it "#profile_website getter passes along to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:profile_website) profile_website end context "setters" do [:consumer_secret, :consumer_key, :token, :secret].each do |k| it "should be able to set #{k}" do send(k, "foo") expect(@bot.config[k]).to eq("foo") end end end describe "update_config" do it "should pass to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:update_config) update_config end end describe "since_id" do it "should pass to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:config).and_return({:since_id => 1234}) expect(since_id).to eq(1234) end it "can be set" do since_id(1234) expect(@bot.config[:since_id]).to eq(1234) end end describe "since_id_reply" do it "should pass to bot object" do expect(@bot).to receive(:config).and_return({:since_id_reply => 1234}) expect(since_id_reply).to eq(1234) end end describe "db" do it "should pass to bot object" do bot_db = double(Object) expect(@bot).to receive(:db).and_return(bot_db) expect(db).to eql(bot_db) end end end end