require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe 'Rodauth verify_account_grace_period feature' do it "should support grace periods when verifying accounts" do rodauth do enable :login, :logout, :change_password, :create_account, :verify_account_grace_period change_password_requires_password? false end roda do |r| r.rodauth r.root{view :content=>rodauth.logged_in? ? "Logged In#{rodauth.verified_account?}" : "Not Logged"} end visit '/create-account' fill_in 'Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Confirm Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Password', :with=>'0123456789' fill_in 'Confirm Password', :with=>'0123456789' click_button 'Create Account' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "An email has been sent to you with a link to verify your account" link = email_link(/(\/verify-account\?key=.+)$/, '') page.body.must_include('Logged Infalse') page.current_path.must_equal '/' logout login(:login=>'') page.body.must_include('Logged Infalse') visit '/change-password' fill_in 'New Password', :with=>'012345678' fill_in 'Confirm Password', :with=>'012345678' click_button 'Change Password' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "Your password has been changed" DB[:account_verification_keys].update(:requested_at=> - 100000) logout login(:login=>'', :pass=>'012345678') page.find('#error_flash').text.must_equal 'The account you tried to login with is currently awaiting verification' visit '/' page.body.must_include('Not Logged') visit link click_button 'Verify Account' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "Your account has been verified" page.body.must_include('Logged Intrue') end it "should not allow changing logins for unverified accounts" do rodauth do enable :login, :logout, :change_login, :verify_account_grace_period change_login_requires_password? false end roda do |r| r.rodauth r.root{view :content=>rodauth.logged_in? ? "Logged In#{rodauth.verified_account?}" : "Not Logged"} end visit '/create-account' fill_in 'Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Confirm Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Password', :with=>'0123456789' fill_in 'Confirm Password', :with=>'0123456789' click_button 'Create Account' link = email_link(/(\/verify-account\?key=.+)$/, '') visit '/change-login' page.find('#error_flash').text.must_equal "Cannot change login for unverified account. Please verify this account before changing the login." page.current_path.must_equal '/' visit link click_button 'Verify Account' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "Your account has been verified" page.body.must_include('Logged Intrue') visit '/change-login' fill_in 'Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Confirm Login', :with=>'' click_button 'Change Login' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "Your login has been changed" page.current_path.must_equal '/' end it "should allow verifying accounts while logged in during grace period" do rodauth do enable :login, :verify_account_grace_period already_logged_in{request.redirect '/'} end roda do |r| r.rodauth r.root{view :content=>rodauth.logged_in? ? "Logged In#{rodauth.verified_account?}" : "Not Logged"} end visit '/create-account' fill_in 'Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Confirm Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Password', :with=>'0123456789' fill_in 'Confirm Password', :with=>'0123456789' click_button 'Create Account' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "An email has been sent to you with a link to verify your account" link = email_link(/(\/verify-account\?key=.+)$/, '') page.body.must_include('Logged Infalse') page.current_path.must_equal '/' visit link click_button 'Verify Account' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "Your account has been verified" page.body.must_include('Logged Intrue') end it "should remove verify keys if closing unverified accounts" do rodauth do enable :login, :close_account, :verify_account_grace_period already_logged_in{request.redirect '/'} close_account_requires_password? false end roda do |r| r.rodauth r.root{view :content=>rodauth.logged_in? ? "Logged In#{rodauth.verified_account?}" : "Not Logged"} end visit '/create-account' fill_in 'Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Confirm Login', :with=>'' fill_in 'Password', :with=>'0123456789' fill_in 'Confirm Password', :with=>'0123456789' click_button 'Create Account' email_link(/(\/verify-account\?key=.+)$/, '') visit '/close-account' click_button 'Close Account' page.find('#notice_flash').text.must_equal "Your account has been closed" DB[:account_verification_keys].must_be :empty? end end