@announce @git_quick Feature: Git cloning In order to manage application and configuration code using Git As an Administrator I want to clone Git Repositories Background: Given a default Git repository in "ckbk/scratch/myapp" Scenario: Clone from a Git repository Given Explanation: Next we step up two levels to escape Aruba's working folder And the Git repository "./../../features/data/repositories/cookbooks/hosts/.git" When I clone the remote Git repository branch "master" to "ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/hosts" Then the local Git repository exists Scenario: Clone a single Repository from a Git URI Given the Git URI "git://github.com/cookbooks/" When I clone the Repository "hosts" branch "master" to "ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/hosts2" Then the local Git repository exists Scenario: Clone multiple Repositories from a Git URI Given the Git URI "git://github.com/cookbooks/" When I clone the Repositories: | repo | branch | tag | ref | destination | | hosts | | 37s.0.1.0 | | ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/hosts3 | | users | 37s | | | ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/users | | xml | master | | b7a11ea4eb | ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/xml | And these local Repositories exist: | repo | | ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/hosts3 | | ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/users | | ckbk/scratch/myapp/cookbooks/xml |