require 'rails/generators' require 'rails/generators/migration' class Kuppayam::ResourceGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base include Rails::Generators::Migration def self.next_migration_number(path) @migration_number ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S").to_i.to_s end source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) desc "Generates a migration, model and it specs" argument :resource_name, :type=>:string argument :fields, :type=>:hash, :banner =>"Resource Fields." class_option :debug, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => "This will print the arguments for debugging" def debug_args print_args if options.debug? end def generate_migrations migration_dir = "db/migrate" migration_file_name = "create_#{instances_name}.rb" destination = self.class.migration_exists?(migration_dir, migration_file_name) if destination say_status("skipped", "Migration #{migration_file_name}.rb already exists") else migration_template "db/migrate/create_resources.rb", "db/migrate/create_#{instances_name}.rb" end end def generate_model template "models/resource.rb", "app/models/#{model_path}.rb" end def generate_factory template "spec/factories/resource.rb", "spec/factories/#{model_path}.rb" end def generate_model_spec template "spec/models/resource_spec.rb", "spec/models/#{model_path}_spec.rb" end def generate_controllers template "controllers/resource_controller.rb", "app/controllers/#{controller_path}_controller.rb" end def generate_controller_spec template "spec/controllers/resource_controller_spec.rb", "spec/controllers/#{controller_path}_controller_spec.rb" end def generate_views template "views/_form.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_form.html.erb" template "views/_index.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_index.html.erb" template "views/_row.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_row.html.erb" template "views/_show.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/_show.html.erb" template "views/index.html.erb", "app/views/#{controller_path}/index.html.erb" end private def print_args puts ":fields: #{fields}" puts ":form_link_param: #{form_link_param}" puts "name_phrases: #{name_phrases}" puts "controller_path: #{controller_path}" puts "controller_class: #{controller_class}" puts "model_path: #{model_path}" puts "model_class: #{model_class}" puts "instance_name: #{instance_name}" puts "instances_name: #{instances_name}" puts "table_name: #{table_name}" puts "index path: #{resource_link}" puts "show path: #{resource_link('show')}" puts "new path: #{resource_link('new')}" puts "edit path: #{resource_link('edit')}" puts "create path: #{resource_link('create')}" puts "update path: #{resource_link('update')}" puts "destroy path: #{resource_link('destroy')}" puts "index url: #{resource_link('index','url')}" puts "show url: #{resource_link('show','url')}" puts "new url: #{resource_link('new','url')}" puts "edit url: #{resource_link('edit','url')}" puts "create url: #{resource_link('create','url')}" puts "update url: #{resource_link('update','url')}" puts "destroy url: #{resource_link('destroy','url')}" end def name_phrases if resource_name.include?('::') resource_name.split("::") elsif resource_name.include?('/') resource_name.split("/") else [resource_name] end end def controller_path words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if words.any? words.collect(&:downcase).join("/") + "/#{resource.pluralize}" else "#{resource.pluralize}" end end def controller_class words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if words.any? words.collect(&:camelize).join("::") + "::#{resource.camelize.pluralize}Controller" else "#{resource.camelize.pluralize}Controller" end end def model_path name_phrases.last.downcase end def model_class name_phrases.last.camelize end def instance_name name_phrases.last.underscore end def instances_name instance_name.pluralize end def instance_title instance_name.titleize end def instances_title instances_name.titleize end def table_name instances_name end def resource_link(actn='index', ltype='path') map = { 'index' => '', 'show' => '', 'edit' => 'edit_', 'new' => 'new_', 'update' => '', 'create' => '', 'destroy' => '', } words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if actn == "index" map[actn] + (words.any? ? words.join("_") + "_" : "") + resource.pluralize + "_" + ltype else map[actn] + (words.any? ? words.join("_") + "_" : "") + resource + "_" + ltype end end def form_for_object if name_phrases.size > 1 words = name_phrases.dup resource = words.pop "[" +{|x| ":#{x}"}.join(", ") + ", @#{resource}]" else "@#{instance_name}" end end def form_link_param words = name_phrases resource = words.pop if words.any? # to print like this [:admin, :user, :location, @chakka] # in form.html.erb "[" + ({|x| ":" + x.downcase} << "@" + resource.downcase).join(", ") + "]" else "@#{resource.downcase}" end end ## List of all the string fields def string_fields main_field = main_string_field{|name, type| name if name != main_field && type == "string" }.uniq.compact end ## List of all the string fields including main field def string_fields_including_main_field main_field = main_string_field{|name, type| name if type == "string" }.uniq.compact end ## The main string field like 'name' def main_string_field{|name, type| name if name.include?("name") && type == "string"}.uniq.compact || fields.keys.any? ? fields.keys.first : "id" end def guess_input_type(name, type) case type when "string" if name.include?("url") return "url" elsif name.include?("email") return "email" elsif name.include?("phone") || name.include?("mobile") || name.include?("landline") || name.include?("contact number") return "tel" elsif name.include?("time") return "time" elsif name.include?("date") return "date" elsif name.include?("password") return "password" else "text" end when "text" "textarea" when "integer" "number" when "references" "type" when "date" "date" when "datetime" "datetime-local" when "timestamp", "time" "time" when "boolean" "checkbox" else "text" end end ## Text Fields like description or summary def text_fields{|name, type| name if type == "text"}.uniq.compact end end